X-Git-Url: https://git.lizzy.rs/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=sys%2Fgames%2Flib%2Ffortunes;h=7933c5ee95dc381e4cc0b387274172e70bdb87bc;hb=3b4243aa4de8140b25bef02a2a5cb6ad146eeb18;hp=40faf2385e7f2fa52bfccb0311781330ca365372;hpb=ecfff7728ec8b56d2162b999699e5410631bebe3;p=plan9front.git diff --git a/sys/games/lib/fortunes b/sys/games/lib/fortunes index 40faf2385..7933c5ee9 100644 --- a/sys/games/lib/fortunes +++ b/sys/games/lib/fortunes @@ -4670,3 +4670,209 @@ I have a program that is approximately 2330 lines of c code. The code is in rou programs are mostly bugs wrapped in some user interface -- cinap_lenrek The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer. -- Henry Kissinger In fact, Wagner found that once you get past 70 tabs Chrome really starts to struggle. +Stallman saw a problem in too much customization and de-facto forking and set certain conditions for usage. -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMACS +A security flaw in GNU Emacs' email subsystem was exploited by Markus Hess in his 1986 hacking spree to gain superuser access to Unix computers. +After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. -- William S. Burroughs +And, as captainhaggy pointed out, Bell Labs is a commercial successor to the original developers of Linux. +During a meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Seoul, the president urged Russia to give him additional time regarding missile defense in Europe saying, "This is my last election, and after my election, I'll have more flexibility." +For me, the most dramatic example of the progress of hardware in the intervening years is Emacs. +Sometimes I think that Mosaic may be the VisiCalc of the '90s. +To Andreessen, who says he majored in computer science because electrical engineering was too much work, the lack of an easy-to-use graphical interface for the Web was a glaring omission. +"In the beginning was the act" -- Goethe, FAUST +Paoli helped create XML, cementing his reputation among developers +I am willing to speak this way because after two years of discussion with plan9 people, it has become clear to me that this compiler will never be free enough for us to use. If that changes as a result of this mail, good. If not, fine -- I have given up hope. -- Theo de Raadt +A grizzled NASA veteran once told me that the Apollo moon landings were communism’s greatest achievement. +Now that the code is released, I'm going to change things up a bit. +The first portion of the project was writing a parser to dynamically convert code written in the Processing language, to JavaScript. +COMMENT = portable C compiler ONLY_FOR_ARCHS = i386 amd64 +m0n0wall is probably the first UNIX system that has its boot-time configuration done with PHP, rather than the usual shell scripts, and that has the entire system configuration stored in XML format +It looks like the kernel files are missing. +[SuperTweet.net] Access API using Excel +Some of the scenarios in this training contain real pictures that may or may not have been digitally manipulated. +This is not Linux. -- rsc +I will buy laptop pre-installed with plan9, can my dream come true? +The first attempt at implementation began in 1960, but it was not until 1998 that an implementation was released, and this was incomplete. +I'm still confusing. +The malware, which is 20 megabytes when all of its modules are installed, contains multiple libraries, SQLite3 databases, various levels of encryption — some strong, some weak — and 20 plug-ins that can be swapped in and out to provide various functionality for the attackers. It even contains some code that is written in the LUA programming language — an uncommon choice for malware. +Are Green Spaces an Indicator of Social and Economic Inequality? +using ipad keyboard. excuse any typos. -- nemo +Netvibes Mobile requires JavaScript to be enabled on your Browser. +AVPlayerLayer *playerLayer = [AVPlayerLayer playerLayerWithPlayer:player]; +The most sophisticated and powerful cyberweapon uncovered to date was written in the LUA computer language, cyber security experts tell Fox News the same one used to make the incredibly popular Angry Birds game. +Damn Hackers... -- Pusha T + really this wouldn't have happened if the lawnmower was nuclear powered +It has been a long time coming for me to switch out of PHP for my main programming language. -- Dumping PHP For Go +C - I mostly used it in school and haven't had the need to use it since. +Bursting With So Much Language Support It Hurts! +Unsubscribe +I have recently got ahold of a program called irc (Internet Relay Chat) +Do you pine for the nice days of minix-1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers? -- Linuz Benedict Torvalds, 05/10/1991 +Yesterday I gofixed some third-party packages without even reading their code and without waiting for the authors to update them. +Tom Duff of Lucasfilm, Ltd. has been porting UNIX to the PERQ. +HTML5 Splits Into Two Standards +This is our last warning that we detected irregular activity on your Internet Banking Account. +Why is there no comp.lang.go on usenet? +Scrum/Agile Now Used To Manage Non-Tech Projects +We've been acquired! +(#cat-v) khm → ask pinterest these questions +(#cat-v) martian67 → systemd really dosent seem _that_ horrible +so far nothing's gone right today! +Firefox is pretty stable, and it does everything I think I need. +If that isn't progress, I don't know what is. +I'm in prison, so it doesn't matter if it's not C. +Can Designers And Developers Save Health Care? +Add-on Memory Leak Fix +b.root-servers.net should be 'Seal Target Geronimo.epub' +Dan Cross is a professional guitarist and private instructor living in New York City. +happiness is a warm thinkpad +And good user interface is an another thing Plan 9 basically cannot into. +(#cat-v) aiju → luckily i don't watch tv +Git is reasonably self-sufficient, but does depend on a few external programs and libraries. Git can be used without most of them by adding the approriate "NO_=YesPlease" to the make command line or config.mak file. +5 Simple Tools That Make Email Suck Less +Please don't text while driving. Nothing is ever that important. -- Pharrell Williams +When I hear about Schrödinger's cat, I reach for my gun. -- Stephen Hawking + filtering the internet is like trying to vacuum the desert +XML types and type derivation are syntactic shorthands for what amounts to regular expressions embedded in a recursive punctuation tree. -- Anonymous Coward +Of course tablets mean freedom. Sent from a vt100 terminal. -- 20h +everyone knows copycatting is wrong. this is why you teach a child to speak by hitting them with a stick. -- sl +anytime a new dbus conf is installed you need to restart dbus daemon but this way running applications using dbus crash immediately proper way is to reload dbus configuration instead of restarting it -- Post in the Tiny Core Linux forum +there is no feature so bad that some people won't love it. -- aiju +Soon Unix had the mass of Andre the Giant, the body of the Elephant Man, and the mind of a forgotten Jack Nicholson character. +The worst strain was on Unix's mind. Unable to assimilate all the conflicting patchworks of features it had ingested, its personality began to fragment into millions of distinct, incompatible operating systems. People would cautiously say "good morning Unix. And who are we today?" and it would reply "Beastie" (BSD), or "Domain", or "I'm System III, but I'll be System V tomorrow." Psychiatrists labored for years to weld together the two major poles of Unix's personality, "Beasty Boy", an inner-city youth from Berkeley, and "Belle", a southern transvestite who wanted a to be a woman. With each attempt, the two poles would mutate, like psychotic retroviruses, leaving their union a worthless blob of protoplasm requiring constant life support to remain compatible with its parent personalities. +Finally, unbalanced by its own cancerous growth, Unix fell into a vat of toxic radioactive wombat urine, from which it emerged, skin white and hair green. It smelled like somebody's dead grandmother. + my DH key exchange is so secure, not even the other client knows the secret +“aestheticles: n. The little-known source of aesthetic reactions. If your whole body feels like going into a fetal position or otherwise double over from the pain of experiencing something exceptionally ugly and inelegant, such as C++, it’s because your aestheticles got creamed.” -- Erik Naggum +I'll often drop down to node.js if I really need to be close to the metal +Running on 10 million lines of code that control over 100 computerized components, the Chevrolet Volt is the epitome of how cars are built on a smarter planet. -- Promotional text for IBM's (i)Rational platform. +"ioctl is a closet full of skeletons" -- doug +it's a bit counterintiutive that javascript was supposed to make the web more responsive, but ended up making it slower -- DMorsing +I’ve not seen much evidence that people love other people for sensible reasons. -- Stanley Lieber +hell is other people's unix. -- sartre +hell is other people's code. -- aiju +The Plan 9 operating system was built over the past several years by members of the Computing Science Research Center at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, N.J., the same group that developed UNIX, C language and C++. +Do Tech Entrepreneurs Need To Know How To Code? +"Nooooooooooooo" -- Albert Einstein +What command you tried to execute? +Powered by werc +The word "voluntary," as used in Flora and in IRS publications, refers to our system of allowing taxpayers to determine the correct amount of tax and complete the appropriate returns, rather than have the government determine tax for them. +Who else is using Ruby/Rails for their frontend? Oh, just Twitter, LivingSocial, Groupon, Heroku, EngingeYard, Github, Square, Zendesk, Shopify, Yammer, Braintree, Boundary, Stripe, Parse, Simple, and of course let's not forget 37signals. +m( +THERE IS A MISSION-CRITICAL NEED FOR CYBER-WARRIORS +Berkeley sockets. By integrating sockets with the Unix operating system's file descriptors, it became almost as easy to read and write data across a network as it was to access a disk. +The aim of a joke is not to degrade the human being but to remind him that he is already degraded. -- George Orwell +Python, music, sports, gaming and philosophy. +-rwxr-xr-x 1 1000 1000 0 Aug 6 1983 true +The UNIX shell gave up the Multics idea of a search path and looked for program names that weren't file names in just one place, /bin. +I should mention that I only have experience with Flash, Interface Builder for iOS apps, and general web stuff. +(#plan9) «chris2» ⇒ holy shit. i've been looking for a curses-based 9term for years +there are ways to build these things that are performant. +In 1993, Robert Nation, during his work analyzing acoustic signatures for the United States Department of Defense, began hacking twm with the intent of simultaneously reducing memory usage and adding support for virtual desktops. +KENNY THOMPSON, TOMMY DUFF, MOUSE CHORDING, WHAT'S GENBUF / LUCENT SPINOFF, DENNIS RITCHIE, SOURCES OFF THE NET / CAPSO'S MISSING, READ THE WIKI, HGET FORMPOST, KEYBOARD'S STICKY / NIX IS FORKING, NO IT ISN'T, YOU READ THE WIKI YET? +MACBOOKPROS, H-BOMB, HJDICKS, CAPTURE US A TRACE / TMOVE, JS LIBS AND GOLANG IS A HIT / STANLEY LIEBER, AIJU, CINAP'S GONNA YELL AT YOU / DELETE MEINKAMPF, WHERE IS ETHAN, ANGRY AT THIS MEGA-SHIT +WE DIDN'T CRASH THE SOURCES / IT WAS ALWAYS ROARING / PATCHES GEOFF'S IGNORING / WE DIDN'T CRASH THE SOURCES / NO WE DIDN'T BORK IT / BUT WE TRIED TO FORK IT +Tablets are pretty awesome pieces of technology. They still sort of make me feel like I'm in the future -- just another step closer to Minority Report. +my inodes explode in delight -- cinap_lenrek +/usr/local/plan9/bin/:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:/Users/npe/src/mambo/bin:/Users/npe/src/depot_tools/:/Users/npe/nix/sys/src/osprey/MacOSX/386/bin:/Users/npe/src/hare/usr/brasil/MacOSX/386/bin:/Users/npe/src/hare/usr/inferno/appl/cmd/scripts/anl/linux/deploy/:/Users/npe/bin:/opt/local/bin:/Users/npe/.cabal/bin:/Users/npe/bin:/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/:/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/bin/:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/Users/npe/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/devkitpro/devkitARM/bin:/usr/local/plan9/bin/:/Users/npe/nix/usr/inferno/:/Applications/PLT Scheme v370/bin:usr/local/bin:/usr/local/plan9/bin/:/Users/npe/Inferno/MacOSX/386/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/devkitpro/devkitARM/bin:/Users/npe/acme/dock:/usr/local/git/bin/:/Users/npe/.ec2/bin:/Users/npe/go/bin:/opt/local/devkitPro/devkitARM/bin +(#plan9) anth_r → well, it's weird, but i don't care enough about irc to look into it more. +(#plan9) uriel → the war is over +I've got news for ya sunshine, there's this thing called Linux where it's easy. Applications install with one command and all of the dependencies come on board automatically. It's just as easy as Windows and Mac. -- IGnatius T Foobar +Go is the first language that truly excites me since Python. +The plan is to create a common format, based on the Election Markup Language (EML) already recommended for use in Europe. +Feeling safe when searching the web is important. +// Factory Pattern +(#cat-v) eekee → finally, a use for ubuntu: downloading 9front iso +(#go-nuts) pietro10 → it looks like firefox browser history is in a SQLite database. what is the best go package for that? +All the jobs I find are for C++, my father gets on my case for not using it, and now with a family I'm scared if I'll be able to support them. +Languages ought to be viewed independently from editors. -- Alpheus +(#cat-v) VonGuard → god damn, everything is taking so long to render in my browser today +This letter may end up being a bit long, and will be contrary to the popular wisdom on 9fans. So be it. +selected: javascript:showUnixContent(); +Once upon a time, Thinkpad in the minds of the majority of fans simply like the existence of God, in order to calm the appearance of maintaining the status quo; feel does not belong to a desktop keyboard; Then there is the crowning touch of the little red dot I'm obsessed with, then have The psychological thrill a Thinkpad users as much as the Apple Macbook series. +This discussion is exactly why we need Boyd. +12 (c) Act stupid. +Vim Training Class 4 - Customizing and Extending Vim + _exits("damn"); +My curtain automation is very loud. -- jwz +(#plan9) puddingpimp → computer terminals sit on desktops, desktops don't sit on computer terminals +/* WHY THE FUCK DOESN'T THIS WORK??????? */ +I don't want Javascript promises +--- you can reply above this line --- +MIT OpenCourseware >> Electrical Engineering and Computer Science >> Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I >> Python Tutorial +(#plan9) semka → May be I should ask at #cat-v :) +Monument To Steve Jobs Goes Up In St. Petersburg +But without moving the directory specifics out of user space code like it was V7 and earlier, it would have been hard to create something as clean as VFS. +(#cat-v) aiju → what's weird is that uriel loved gay colours +rcirc on GNU Emacs 24.2.1 +Decade Old KDE Bug Fixed +Fix the value of TWO +Fedora 18 Installer: Counterintuitive and Confusing? +when all you understand is trivial bullshit, trivial bullshit is what's important +hjfs: ending +If it’s done right this is not wrong. -- 20h +Just today I found out that the Chrome JS editor can ‘hot-swap’ your code. +A programming language, even with its libraries, is not enough, nor is it always the right place to solve all the problems of the network. +what am I doing wrong? +Hacker News was down all last night. The problem was not due to the new server. In fact the cause was embarrassingly stupid. +< sl> when something is illegal in the u.s. that just means it is more expensive +Subject: [TUHS] opensolaris.org will be close soon +Animals writing JavaScript +He wasn't asking about plan9port. +LUCENT WINS CUSTOMER FOR INFERNO +< khm> I always wondered why uriel worked on web software when he disliked the web so much < aiju> khm: he lived in fucking stockholm < aiju> they named stockholm syndrome after him +Mars Curiosity: Where is Linux? +Is Software Security a Waste of Money? +i've been googling this for the last 3 hours and haven't found anything... +Now reboot twice[1]. +(#cat-v) eekee → oh btw cinap_lenrek, on my x61 sound works out of the box with 9front but not slackware. :D +To maintain backward compatibility, the relationships between the many options are quite complex. - ls(1) OS X Manual Page +Are Lenovo's ThinkPads Getting Worse? +--accessibility=[yn] allow accessibility to visually impaired +New issue 130: 9pfuse: support for nonblocking i/o +The Internet was done so well that most people think of it as a natural resource like the Pacific Ocean, rather than something that was man-made. When was the last time a technology with a scale like that was so error-free? The Web, in comparison, is a joke. The Web was done by amateurs. -- Alan Kay +IE11 to appear as Firefox to avoid legacy IE CSS +As JCPenney CEO Ron Johnson has discovered, trying to force a brand into an Apple-shaped mold doesn't ensure success. +As the F-35 is a software defined aircraft, the maintenance personnel have found that many deficiencies identified can be fixed by simply rebooting the software through an aircraft restart. +With Python I find I can express what I'm trying to do without too much thought. +it's basically only the fortunes file that keeps me subscribed at this point -- sl about 9fans +Why isn't it as simple as my xinitrc? +Congratulations! Your first AT&T U-verse Bill is Now Available on Video +[dev] [st] windows port? +Browser Choice May Affect Your Job Prospects +Top Programmers Are Getting Agents--Should You? +BurnZeZ → I'm constantly dealing with scrolling text +The development effort for 5ESS required 5000 employees, producing 100 million lines of code, with 100 million lines of header and makefiles. +Don't forget the colon when referring to keyboards or printers. +A Font For Supporters Of Marriage Equality +< mveety> im on facebook on my vax right now +(#cat-v) aiju → fiddling with russian machines is so not worth it +Subject: [9fans] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn +Subject: [9fans] [gsoc] Dart9P +The problem is that there aren't any decent languages where you can just sit down and write code, because you have to know so much about the language itself. +China's cyber forces are said to be around 400,000 including militia, and the US has 20,000. +readfile(): nonblocking read blocked +(#cat-v) lf94 → this is linux +no. -- Erik Quanstrom +But if you'll insert it carefull, and will take it out not often, it really will campatible +They look ugly and the fanbase is terrible. +Rio, the Plan 9 windowing system, looks and feels like a step back to the old Amiga and Atari ST days, as the façade is nearly the same. +But really, you need a CRT to be lagless. +is there any real reason for hating modern thinkpads besides the keyboard and screen resolution? +No. -- 20h +Subject: Goddam Berkeley +Stop relying on Google for everything. Stop building things on Google. No company should have such a big impact on your life and society as a whole. Several months ago I moved everything to the Microsoft ecosystem. +exit +And, why does ARPA use two characters when one is sufficient? +(#cat-v) BurnZeZ → Either way, at this point the only reason to not use Plan 9 over anotherOS is the web, hardware support, and graphics performance +(#cat-v) citanul → tl;dr best plan9 terminal is installing opera with linuxemu and using shellinabox et al +Apple Mobile Devices Cleared For Use On US Military Networks +The Economist explains: What is Tumblr? +Dart understands that sometimes you just don’t feel like appeasing a ceremonial type checker. +Anarchy is about creating communities and democratic decision making. +when installing stefanha/vim with contrib/install, i get odd error messages: +When Do Apps Become Rituals? +E-mail is very glamorous. Way too glamorous. -- William Gibson +PART (flamingnoms) #cat-v "compiling clang" +(#cat-v) aecsto → Bigfoot steps out of the forest to snap my picture. +While many are concerned about the reach of PRISM overseas, the Finnish Foreign Minister says he plans to continue using Outlook for email. +As The Web Improves, Apple's Platforms Look Increasingly Broken +(#go-nuts) cronos → damn, how many apis are there?