X-Git-Url: https://git.lizzy.rs/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=sys%2Fgames%2Flib%2Ffortunes;h=4e09f4537663ffafcfa4c8c6cd7f073c15e9d952;hb=7ec0ad09900f6c4d7a6e739aa7a9f33304f7ccf3;hp=83414453750d69e96ae900af82c4366ef4aff22e;hpb=0a1d7b23329cb09f0dbd0fc32647853f5a923beb;p=plan9front.git diff --git a/sys/games/lib/fortunes b/sys/games/lib/fortunes index 834144537..4e09f4537 100644 --- a/sys/games/lib/fortunes +++ b/sys/games/lib/fortunes @@ -1668,6 +1668,7 @@ What use is magic if it can't save a unicorn? -Peter S. Beagle What's in a name? That which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet. What's it all about? We're all tools. Life's just a crock. What's the point to combing your hair when it's grey and thinning? +What's wrong with plan9? (...) I see there is a problem almost in every piece of plan9 code. - 9fans When all else fails, read the instructions. When all is said and done, a lot more is said than done. When an Okie moves to California, he raises the IQ of both states. -Will Rogers @@ -4436,3 +4437,168 @@ Plan 9 software has more contradicting versions than the bible -- aiju troff is the assembly language of text setting, lots of newlines and what exactly is A :) the last time someone tried to unify europe he killed himself after his dog died + well that depends on your definition of earliest i guess +Solaris is always different from everything else, almost by definition. Being stuck using Solaris makes being stuck using Linux look like a birthday party. -- Russ Cox + throw a cat on a keyboard... and you will see characters you'v never seen! cinap_lenrek: with a cat on the keyboard you will see colored blinking text on a rio terminal +< anth_x> when i did trade shows, i had a copy of the X11 manual, volume 0, and a copy of the various draw man pages. it was a good illustration. photoshop a hypothetical book containing all X11 source code, and compare it to the earth-moon distanec +BDD is a second-generation, outside-in, pull-based, multiple-stakeholder, multiple-scale, high-automation, agile methodology. It describes a cycle of interactions with well-defined outputs, resulting in the delivery of working, tested software that matters. +There's nothing wrong with shooting, just as long as the right people get shot. -- Harry Callahan + so 9fans is like war poetry from the trenches of world war 1 +thank christ they don't 'design' knives -- Boyd +Ekke, Ekke, Ekke, Ekke, Ptang, Zoo boing! +Imagine a giant cock flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you're like "Oh man, I'm gonna have to suck this thing", and you brace yourself to suck this giant cock. But then, at the last moment, it changes trajectory and hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "Well, at least I got that out of the way", but then the giant cock rears back and stabs your eye again, and again, and again. Eventually, this giant cock is penetrating your gray matter, and you begin to lose control of your motor skills. That's when the giant cock slaps you across the cheek, causing you to fall out of your chair. Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant cock finally lodges itself in your anus, where it rests uncomfortably for 4 maybe 5 hours. That's what using a Mac OS X is like. -- anonymous + well that depends on your definition of earliest i guess +An error report was not generated. +gawk (GNU awk) is another free software implementation and the only implementation that made serious attempts at implementing Internationalization and localization and TCP/IP networking. +I wonder, though, if we could operate acme as a window manager like, say, wmii. -- Mauricio CA +OMG! They're still using TABLES! Only the brightest and the best. -- BoingBoing comment, re: cia.gov +Doug McIlroy doesn't have an Erdos number; Erdos has a McIlroy number. +Doug McIlroy doesn't make system calls. System calls call Doug McIlroy. +Doug McIlroy can create 3-ended pipes. +Doug McIlroy doesn't debug. He stares at tty0 until it fixes the problem. +Doug McIlroy's programs don't need a garbage collector; they pick up their OWN garbage. +Once, Doug McIlroy got mad at his terminal and smacked the keyboard. The result is called "Unix." +Alan Turing always wanted to win a McIlroy Award, but didn't qualify. No one has. +In 1984, the Department of Justice broke up AT&T because they had a monopoly. On Doug McIlroy. + god i'm dead +Starve before doing business with the damned Navy. -- Ben Rich +Saw comment // NEW BOOST CODE, and had a moment of panic before realizing it was vehicle boost, not C++ boost -- John Carmack +While attempting its first overseas deployment to the Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, on 11 February 2007, a group of six Raptors flying from Hickam AFB, Hawaii experienced multiple computer crashes coincident with their crossing of the 180th meridian of longitude (the International Date Line). +also, plan9front claims to include a working go compiler. what did they do? -- Russ Cox + plan 9 has a thriving and friendly community +on the internet, no one knows you're ken thompson -- sl +VEGETARYAN -- Seen on a Hipster Hitler t-shirt. +os.Open opens the in-kernel databases, called files -- Aiju on Go's stdlib lack of database access libraries. + i like how 2011 cell phones emulate 1970 modems + glenda is 19 years old, she wants to go out and have some fun, not to be locked in attic and get molested by her uncle + is he building the GNU ark? two of each feature .. +If someone was too disgusted with the 9front people, he could fork 9front too... -- John Floren +I'm about to make lunch. Should I build a community around it or merge it back into the main tree to prevent it from being worthless? -- aiju +Go conceived while waiting for 45 min gcc compilation + jerking off +22 commits, that's not bad for a girl -- ment +People who think that userspace filesystems are realistic for anything but toys are just misguided. -- Linus Torvalds + google+ just suggested lennart poettering as a friend. +Q: The configure script is stuck in an infinite loop. A: It's not. The Courier mail server is made up of over thirty modular pieces, and each one has its own configure script. All configure scripts are recursively executed. configure scripts are generated off a template, and share a lot of common code, so when configure runs, it seems like the same script is being executed over and over again. +General Norton Schwartz has said that the software is the biggest factor that might delay the USAF's initial operational capability which is now scheduled for April, 2016. -- John Reed writing for dodbuzz.com, Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010 5:34 pm +But in 2011 it was revealed that only 50% of the eight million lines of code had actually been written and that it would take another six years and 110 additional software engineers in order to complete the software for this new schedule. +Unlike previous aircraft, such as the F-22, all software for the F-35 is written in C++ for faster code development. -- Eric Branyan, vice president and deputy program manager for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program at Lockheed Martin + java applications give me lots of time to catch up on my reading. +Ruby. Take nicely formatted Python and vomit all over it with random characters. -- The Angry Developer +cat-v.org? What was that website that attacked gentoo? It was named after a compiler flag. -- some /g/tard + c++ programmers wouldn't know an integer if it was wedged inside them +(#go-nuts) ACTION wishes LaTeX were more like Go +The world's a hell. What does it matter what happens in it? -- Uncle Charlie +The cities are full of women, middle-aged widows, husbands, dead, husbands who've spent their lives making fortunes, working and working. And then they die and leave their money to their wives, their silly wives. And what do the wives do, these useless women? You see them in the hotels, the best hotels, every day by the thousands, drinking the money, eating the money, losing the money at bridge, playing all day and all night, smelling of money, proud of their jewelry but of nothing else, horrible, faded, fat, greedy women... Are they human or are they fat, wheezing animals, hmm? And what happens to animals when they get too fat and too old? -- Uncle Charlie +I never make up anything. I get everything from my books. They're all true. ­- Ann Newton +I'm trying to keep my mind free of things that don't matter. ­- Ann Newton +To change your password, please insure that your browser has pop-up windows enabled. +The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. + 9front will have resource spoons + my worst problem holistic: I'm forced into using PHP to build XML to post items from MySQL to eBay's. The sum of the parts is sqrt(-1) + googling "OOP in ANSI C" is the best recipe for a sleep full of horrible nightmares + aiju, why use sed when I can make it a thousand times more complicated in Python + [XMPP] should use YAML inside their xml tags, make it easier to read + So, I've read about how horrible html and its descendants are anschelsc: computers are horrible, do you have a solution for that? + writing the documentation in aramaic and printing it on the backs of live wolverines is better than docbook + ah, philosophy has a use i'm using the thick nietzsche book from preventing the window to fall shut, i should have bought the kant one, would be better + XML at least enforces some structure, YAML is just bashing your head to the keyboard and let the YAML parser figure out the rest + stop bullshitting +(#plan9) Hi, is this a good place to ask newbie questions about p9p and acme? +(#plan9) hooray! plan9.bell-labs.com is back up! +It can make you doubt yourself, or even worse, force you to adopt a behavior you don't want to. +Your world can turn into a crazy, competitive, self-questioning altworld if you're not careful [...] +Twitter and Github are the best things to happen to open source since IRC. But as soon as someone says a software project is "retarded", unfollow them. +Don't let anyone cramp your style. +This brings an important point, sometimes you can't avoid collaborating on a project with some hotshot asshole who also happens to be a good programmer. +However, please call me out if I ever slip. +Stuff like this needs to be said over and over again. +I've been thinking for a while (and sporadically talking about) that maybe it's time Mozilla put together some sort of simple-but-real social contract that would form a baseline for acceptable & expected behaviour in our various communities. +There are other open source projects that have implemented something similar, and it seems to be pretty effective. +...and this is why many of us choose to write Ruby. +This is awesome. I feel the same way and have for years. +what is going to happen to everybodys computers? +rockets are like bootloaders, they have multiple stages and explode half of the time -- aiju +The gun is good. The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds, and makes new life to poison the Earth with a plague of men, as once it was, but the gun shoots death, and purifies the Earth of the filth of brutals. Go forth ... and kill! +ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed. +The probe, which criticized the US Army for turning a blind eye to Blackwater abuses, found that in one incident a US officer signed over hundreds of AK-47s intended for Afghan forces to an individual from Blackwater's Counter Narcotics Training Unit who signed for them as "Eric Cartman." +Finding your own problem is where everything interesting starts. -- Momus +Stanford CS101 Adopts JavaScript +Anonymous claims to have erased four gigabytes worth of source code [...] -- DefenseNews, Hacker Group Claims Hit on U.S. Defense Contractor, Published: 12 Jul 2011 12:54 +(#cat-v) plan9 has a driver for this +In his speech, Lynn reiterated that the U.S. may well respond to cyberattacks with physical force. +[...] +Efforts on the part of Motorola and IBM to popularize PReP/CHRP failed when Apple, IBM, and Taligent all failed to provide an operating system that could run on it and when Apple and IBM couldn't reach agreement on whether the reference design must or must not have a parallel port. + my harddrives make strange noises +We have no performance margins left; so this project, instead of being 10 times as hard as anything we have done, is 12 times as hard. This matches the design number, and is obviously right. -- Kelly Johnson +The cast spent three weeks learning how to type, rollerblade and got to know each other. -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackers_(film) +I knew nothing about the PowerPC and had no idea how to modify my software to run on it. One August night, after dinner, two guys showed up to announce that they would camp out in my office until the modification was done. The three of us spent the next six hours editing fifty thousand lines of code. +The secret to programming is having smart friends. -- Former Apple engineer + at least he's not sexist. +(#cat-v) it's hard not to get trolled in #go-nuts +Dickerson explained the change today on Etsy's blog, saying that his focus as the new CEO will be to impel Etsy to move faster "and more purposefully", and re-prioritize risk-taking and "learning by doing" and "iterating." +(#cat-v) aiju: i had the correct code in my head +Connection to Microsoft Exchange has been restored. +/* ok for now. */ +(#cat-v) the Chan will panic if you do anything with it + green is the 2011 way of saying "expensive" + headline: 9FRONT REJECTS SOCIAL CONTRACT + my definition of race condition: if user.skin == black { +"the socialists discovered that their plan creates poverty, so they changed their name to environmentalists and made poverty their goal" +linux just trumps osx so hard it's hard to believe they descend from the same code base +anyone who uses the terminal in linux is pretty stupid considering that most of its commands have solid stable gui equivalents these days + respect my certficate authoritah! + if PCRE doesn't support a feature, the PCRE guys just haven't heard of it + if the general populace realized computers relied upon mathematics they would stop using the internet immediately + did someone put a mount in your mount so you can walk while you walk? + how does "" work there? +(#go-nuts) i thought it was quite clear, but maybe i'm just more on rob's wavelength... + 9front has always been at war with 9atom. + "The object of writing a filesystem is always to be in a better position in which to write another filesystem." + If you want a picture of the fossil, imagine a boot stamping on a hard drive -- forever. + All filesystems in all ages have tried to impose a false view of the data upon their users. + It said what he would have said, if it had been possible for him to set his scattered files in order. It was the product of a mind similar to his own, but enormously more powerful, more systematic, less fear-ridden. The best filesystems, he perceived, are those that tell you what you know already. + You have to get used to computing without results and without hope. + you guys are surely cynical, but neither of you worked for the United States Government as long as I did + the government is best suited to manage nuclear weapons because they could not possibly successfully conduct a nuclear war. +(#plan9) aiju: why does everyone hate 9front? +No. -- Theo de Raadt +No. -- Rob Pike +No. -- aiju +Bite my shiny metal ass. -- Rob Pike +I hear that C++0x is a substantially upgraded language. -- Rob Pike +I prefer deskside computers over laptops because they're much harder to throw in frustration when dealing with incompetent web sites. -- Rob Pike +iOS4.3 lets you decide whether the side switch is mute or rotate lock. Operating system innovations never cease. -- Rob Pike +Nobody wants to say how this works. Maybe nobody knows ... -- - xorg.conf(5) manual page + if your command needs an info page, it has a more urgent need to be buried and forgoten + staring at catclock -> being artist 24h a day! +craftd keeps modern UNIX daemon philosophy in mind. This includes best practice like async polling I/O, multi-threading, and use of high quality libraries whenever possible. + i only use high quality organic libraries from local farmers + this discussion causes autism. + autism rates increase in tandem with tax rates. + if your kids aren't narcissists then there is probably somthing wrong with them. + RoR lacks support for self-signing-oriented NoSQL-based XML over YAML shader-based metadata-oriented solution + programming is serious business, no place for hippie lovefests +The telephone, like the telegraph, post office and the railroad, is only upon extraordinary occasions used or needed by the poor. It is demanded, and daily +depended upon, and should be liberally paid for by the capitalist, mercantile, and manufacturing classes. -- Charles Fay commenting on Bell's telephone charges in 1887 + I approve of 9front's method of handling bug reports: bug is filed -> attempting to view bug crashes google server -> SUCCESS + Masturbation has many applications, e.g. aerodynamics or quantum theory. +<__20h__> The only reason for me to learn French was to be able to order beer in the western provinces. +<__20h__> [when we invade France] we will first teach all of you German and the German mindset. The first concept we will introduce is called >>work<<. + My general theory is that anything directly involved with the gnu project is run by crazy politicians who only do software as a sideline to their religious advocacy work. +Compound interest is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. -- Albert Einstein +From his instructor he inherited the position of soke (headmaster) of nine ryu (schools of martial arts).[citation needed] +Watching shit scroll by for hours makes me a Linux expert overnight! +When I started doing this stuff with Unix, I wasn't a very good programmer. -- Bill Joy +You should also run /usr/sbin/userdel _dbus +Afraid to commit to booting native Plan-9 until I'm sure I can get openbox, firefox, and chromium-browser working on it. +what's the opinion of the catholic church according to condoms on dildos? -- 20h +apple developers are like abused wives -- martian67 +As much as I like the design of Plan 9, I also like surfing the web. +It would be nice to boot Plan 9 natively on AMD-64, type startx, and open a browser. +Unfortunately, I'm not at a level where I can really contribute to getting Plan 9 to that point. +The goal should be a Plan 9 "distro" that runs natively on AMD-64, and can open a web-browser. +I was using "startx" in the figurative sense. +Google Search provides at least 22 special features beyond the original word-search capability. +Are you sure you're on the right website? +(#go-nuts) The mailing list feels more hostile than the IRC :-/