VERSION = "0.1.0" PLUGIN_NAME = "zigfmt" local micro = import("micro") local config = import("micro/config") local shell = import("micro/shell") local COMMAND_NAME = "zigfmt" local LINTER_NAME = "zigfmt" local function fullOptionName(name) return PLUGIN_NAME .. "." .. name end local ONSAVE_OPTION_NAME = "fmt" local ONSAVE_OPTION = fullOptionName(ONSAVE_OPTION_NAME) local LINTER_OPTION_NAME = "lint" local LINTER_OPTION = fullOptionName(LINTER_OPTION_NAME) -- /path/to/test.zig:1:51: error: expected ';', found '}' local ERROR_PATTERN = "%f:%l:%c: %m" config.RegisterCommonOption(PLUGIN_NAME, ONSAVE_OPTION_NAME, true) config.RegisterCommonOption(PLUGIN_NAME, LINTER_OPTION_NAME, true) function init() config.MakeCommand(COMMAND_NAME, zigfmt, config.NoComplete) config.AddRuntimeFile(PLUGIN_NAME, config.RTHelp, "help/") linter.makeLinter(LINTER_NAME, "zig", "zig", {"fmt", "--check", "%f"}, ERROR_PATTERN, {}, false, false, 0, 0, function(buf) return buf.Settings[LINTER_OPTION] end) end function onSave(bp) local shouldFmt = bp.Buf:FileType() == "zig" and bp.Buf.Settings[ONSAVE_OPTION] if shouldFmt then zigfmt(bp) end return true end function zigfmt(bp) bp:Save() local output, err = shell.ExecCommand("zig", "fmt", bp.Buf.Path) -- any failure here is a parse error, the linter will handle that if err then return end -- no files were changed (zig fmt prints the name of changed files) if output == "" then return end -- the file was changed by zig fmt, so reload it bp.Buf:ReOpen() micro.InfoBar():Message("Formatted " .. bp.Buf.Path) end