local http, env, storage local C = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence furrybot.alphabeth = { vowels = {}, consonants = {}, } function furrybot.get_waifu_name() local state = math.random() < 0.5 local r = math.random(3, 8) local str = "" for i = 1, r do local tbl = state and furrybot.alphabeth.vowels or furrybot.alphabeth.consonants str = str .. tbl[math.random(#tbl)] state = not state end return furrybot.uppercase(str) end function furrybot.random_distribution(tbl) local accum = 0 local edges = {} for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do accum = accum + v[2] edges[i] = accum end local r = math.random(accum) for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do if r <= edges[i] then return v[1] end end end function furrybot.get_waifu_species() return furrybot.random_distribution({ {nil, 100}, -- Human {"Catgirl", 15}, {"Foxgirl", 15}, {"Wolfgirl", 15}, {"Orc", 5}, {"Elb", 5}, {"Dwarf", 5}, {"Femboy", 3}, {"Apache Helicopter", 1}, {"C++ Programmer", 1}, }) end function furrybot.get_waifu_gender() return furrybot.random_distribution({ {"Male", 50}, {"Female", 50}, {"nil", 1}, }) end function furrybot.get_waifu_hair() return furrybot.random_distribution({ {{"Brown", "#DDAE92"}, 25}, {{"Black", "#433F3A"}, 25}, {{"Blonde", "#ECC87E"}, 20}, {{"Red", "#E2887F"}, 10}, }) end function furrybot.get_waifu_eyes() return furrybot.random_distribution({ {{"Brown", "#463230"}, 15}, {{"Blue", "#97C6FE"}, 10}, {{"Green", "#36CC4E"}, 5}, }) end function furrybot.get_waifu_age() local agetab = furrybot.random_distribution({ {{200, 600}, 25}, -- deamon {{1000, 2000}, 5}, -- next level deamon {{12, 16}, 50}, -- teen loli {{18, 19}, 5}, -- legal loli {{5, 9}, 5}, -- true loli {nil, 1}, -- unknown }) return agetab and math.random(agetab[1], agetab[2]) end function furrybot.get_waifu(id) id = id or math.random(0, 32767) math.randomseed(id) local waifu = { id = id, name = furrybot.get_waifu_name(), species = furrybot.get_waifu_species(), gender = furrybot.get_waifu_gender(), hair = furrybot.get_waifu_hair(), eyes = furrybot.get_waifu_eyes(), age = furrybot.get_waifu_age(), } math.randomseed(os.time() + os.clock() + math.random()) return waifu end furrybot.commands.waifu = { func = function(name, id) local waifu = furrybot.get_waifu(tonumber(id or "")) furrybot.send(waifu.name .. furrybot.colors.system .. (waifu.species and " | Species: " .. furrybot.colors.random .. waifu.species or "") .. furrybot.colors.system .. " | Age: " .. furrybot.colors.random .. (waifu.age or "Unknown") .. furrybot.colors.system .. " | Gender: " .. furrybot.colors.random .. waifu.gender .. furrybot.colors.system .. " | " .. C(waifu.hair[2]) .. waifu.hair[1] .. furrybot.colors.system .. " Hair" .. furrybot.colors.system .. " | " .. C(waifu.eyes[2]) .. waifu.eyes[1] .. furrybot.colors.system .. " Eyes" .. furrybot.colors.system .. " | " .. "#" .. waifu.id .. "" , furrybot.colors.random) end, } return function(_http, _env, _storage) http, env, storage = _http, _env, _storage local is_vowel = { a = true, e = true, i = true, o = true, u = true, } local bounds = "az" local f = env.io.open("clientmods/furrybot/LICENSE", "r") local src = f:read("*a") for i = 1, #src do local c = src:sub(i, i):lower() if c:byte(1) >= bounds:byte(1) and c:byte(1) <= bounds:byte(2) then table.insert(is_vowel[c] and furrybot.alphabeth.vowels or furrybot.alphabeth.consonants, c) end end end