#!/usr/bin/env python # Generate the wiki Home.md page from the contained doc comments # requires the checked out wiki in ../rust-clippy.wiki/ # with -c option, print a warning and set exit status 1 if the file would be changed. import os, re, sys def parse_path(p="src"): d = {} for f in os.listdir(p): if f.endswith(".rs"): parse_file(d, os.path.join(p, f)) return d START = 0 LINT = 1 def parse_file(d, f): last_comment = [] comment = True lint = None with open(f) as rs: for line in rs: if comment: if line.startswith("///"): if line.startswith("/// "): last_comment.append(line[4:]) else: last_comment.append(line[3:]) elif line.startswith("declare_lint!"): comment = False else: last_comment = [] if not comment: l = line.strip() m = re.search(r"pub\s+([A-Z_]+)", l) if m: print "found %s in %s" % (m.group(1).lower(), f) d[m.group(1).lower()] = last_comment last_comment = [] comment = True if "}" in l: print "Warning: Missing Lint-Name in", f comment = True PREFIX = """Welcome to the rust-clippy wiki! Here we aim to collect further explanations on the lints clippy provides. So without further ado: """ WARNING = """ # A word of warning Clippy works as a *plugin* to the compiler, which means using an unstable internal API. We have gotten quite good at keeping pace with the API evolution, but the consequence is that clippy absolutely needs to be compiled with the version of `rustc` it will run on, otherwise you will get strange errors of missing symbols.""" def write_wiki_page(d, f): keys = d.keys() keys.sort() with open(f, "w") as w: w.write(PREFIX) for k in keys: w.write("[`%s`](#%s)\n" % (k, k)) w.write(WARNING) for k in keys: w.write("\n# `%s`\n\n%s" % (k, "".join(d[k]))) def check_wiki_page(d, f): errors = [] with open(f) as w: for line in w: m = re.match("# `([a-z_]+)`", line) if m: v = d.pop(m.group(1), "()") if v == "()": errors.append("Missing wiki entry: " + m.group(1)) keys = d.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: errors.append("Spurious wiki entry: " + k) if errors: print "\n".join(errors) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": d = parse_path() if "-c" in sys.argv: check_wiki_page(d, "../rust-clippy.wiki/Home.md") else: write_wiki_page(d, "../rust-clippy.wiki/Home.md")