#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, subprocess, locale, urllib2, gobject, time import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk class TorBrowserLauncher: def __init__(self, current_tbb_version): # initialize the app self.current_tbb_version = current_tbb_version self.discover_arch_lang(); self.build_paths(); self.mkdirs(); launch_gui = True # is TBB already installed? if os.path.isfile(self.paths['file']['start']) and os.access(self.paths['file']['start'], os.X_OK): # does the version file exist? if os.path.isfile(self.paths['file']['version']): installed_tbb_version = open(self.paths['file']['version']).read().strip() if installed_tbb_version == current_tbb_version: # current version is tbb is installed, launch it self.run(False) launch_gui = False elif installed_tbb_version < self.current_tbb_version: # there is a tbb upgrade available self.set_gui('task', "Your Tor Browser is out of date. Click Start to download the latest version from https://www.torproject.org.", ['download_tarball', 'download_tarball_sig', 'verify', 'extract', 'run']) else: # for some reason the installed tbb is newer than the current version? self.set_gui('error', "Something is wrong. The version of Tor Browser Bundle you have installed is newer than the current version?", []) else: # if tbb is installed but the version file doesn't exist, something is wrong self.set_gui('error', "Something is wrong. You have the Tor Browser Bundle installed, but the version file is missing.", []) # not installed else: # save the current version to the file open(self.paths['file']['version'], 'w').write(self.current_tbb_version) # are the tarball and sig already downloaded? if os.path.isfile(self.paths['file']['tarball']) and os.path.isfile(self.paths['file']['tarball_sig']): # start the gui with verify self.set_gui('task', "You already have Tor Browser Bundle downloaded, but it isn't installed yet.", ['verify', 'extract', 'run']) # first run else: self.set_gui('task', "The first time you run the Tor Browser Launcher you need to download the Tor Browser Bundle. Click Start to download it now from https://www.torproject.org/.", ['download_tarball', 'download_tarball_sig', 'verify', 'extract', 'run']) if launch_gui: self.build_ui() gtk.main() # discover the architecture and language def discover_arch_lang(self): # figure out the architecture self.architecture = subprocess.check_output(['arch']).strip('\n') # figure out the language available_languages = ['en-US', 'ar', 'de', 'es-ES', 'fa', 'fr', 'it', 'ko', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt-PT', 'ru', 'vi', 'zh-CN'] self.language = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].replace('_', '-') if self.language not in available_languages: self.language = self.language.split('-')[0] if self.language not in available_languages: for l in available_languages: if l[0:2] == self.language: self.language = l # if language isn't available, default to english if self.language not in available_languages: self.language = 'en-US' # build all relevant paths def build_paths(self): tbb_data = os.getenv('HOME')+'/.torbrowser' tarball_filename = 'tor-browser-gnu-linux-'+self.architecture+'-'+self.current_tbb_version+'-dev-'+self.language+'.tar.gz' self.paths = { 'dir': { 'data': tbb_data, 'download': tbb_data+'/download', 'tbb': tbb_data+'/tbb/'+self.architecture, 'gpg': tbb_data+'/gpgtmp' }, 'file': { 'version': tbb_data+'/version', 'start': tbb_data+'/tbb/'+self.architecture+'/tor-browser_'+self.language+'/start-tor-browser', 'tarball': tbb_data+'/download/'+tarball_filename, 'tarball_sig': tbb_data+'/download/'+tarball_filename+'.asc', 'verify': '/usr/share/torbrowser-launcher/verify.sh' }, 'url': { 'tarball': 'https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/linux/'+tarball_filename, 'tarball_sig': 'https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/linux/'+tarball_filename+'.asc' }, 'filename': { 'tarball': tarball_filename, 'tarball_sig': tarball_filename+'.asc' } } # create directories that don't exist def mkdirs(self): if os.path.exists(self.paths['dir']['download']) == False: os.makedirs(self.paths['dir']['download']) if os.path.exists(self.paths['dir']['tbb']) == False: os.makedirs(self.paths['dir']['tbb']) # there are different GUIs that might appear, this sets which one we want def set_gui(self, gui, message, tasks): self.gui = gui self.gui_message = message self.gui_tasks = tasks # build the application's UI def build_ui(self): self.timer = False # allow buttons to have icons settings = gtk.settings_get_default() settings.props.gtk_button_images = True # set up the window self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.set_title("Tor Browser Launcher") self.window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) self.window.set_border_width(10) self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event) self.window.connect("destroy", self.destroy) self.box = gtk.VBox(False, 20) self.window.add(self.box) if self.gui == 'error': # labels self.label1 = gtk.Label( self.gui_message ); self.label1.set_line_wrap(True) self.box.pack_start(self.label1, True, True, 0) self.label1.show() self.label2 = gtk.Label("You can fix the problem by deleting:\n"+self.paths['dir']['data']+"\n\nHowever, you will lose all your bookmarks and other Tor Browser preferences."); self.label2.set_line_wrap(True) self.box.pack_start(self.label2, True, True, 0) self.label2.show() # exit button exit_image = gtk.Image() exit_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) self.exit_button = gtk.Button("Exit") self.exit_button.set_image(exit_image) self.exit_button.connect("clicked", self.destroy, None) self.box.add(self.exit_button) self.exit_button.show() elif self.gui == 'task': # label self.label = gtk.Label( self.gui_message ); self.label.set_line_wrap(True) self.box.pack_start(self.label, True, True, 0) self.label.show() # progress bar self.progressbar = gtk.ProgressBar(adjustment=None) self.progressbar.set_orientation(gtk.PROGRESS_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) self.progressbar.set_pulse_step(0.01) self.box.pack_start(self.progressbar, True, True, 0) # button box self.button_box = gtk.HButtonBox() self.button_box.set_layout(gtk.BUTTONBOX_SPREAD) self.box.pack_start(self.button_box, True, True, 0) self.button_box.show() # start button start_image = gtk.Image() start_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_APPLY, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) self.start_button = gtk.Button("Start") self.start_button.set_image(start_image) self.start_button.connect("clicked", self.start, None) self.button_box.add(self.start_button) self.start_button.show() # exit button exit_image = gtk.Image() exit_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) self.exit_button = gtk.Button("Exit") self.exit_button.set_image(exit_image) self.exit_button.connect("clicked", self.destroy, None) self.button_box.add(self.exit_button) self.exit_button.show() self.box.show() self.window.show(); # start button clicked, begin tasks def start(self, widget, data=None): # disable the start button self.start_button.set_sensitive(False) # start running tasks self.gui_task_i = 0 self.run_task() # run the next task in the task list def run_task(self): if self.gui_task_i >= len(self.gui_tasks): self.destroy(False) return task = self.gui_tasks[self.gui_task_i] # get ready for the next task self.gui_task_i += 1 if task == 'download_tarball': print 'Downloading '+self.paths['url']['tarball'] self.download('tarball', self.paths['url']['tarball'], self.paths['file']['tarball']) elif task == 'download_tarball_sig': print 'Downloading '+self.paths['url']['tarball_sig'] self.download('signature', self.paths['url']['tarball_sig'], self.paths['file']['tarball_sig']) elif task == 'verify': print 'Verifying signature' self.verify() elif task == 'extract': print 'Extracting '+self.paths['filename']['tarball'] self.extract() elif task == 'run': print 'Running '+self.paths['file']['start'] self.run() elif task == 'start_over': print 'Starting download over again' self.start_over() def download(self, name, url, path): # initialize the progress bar self.progressbar.set_fraction(0) self.progressbar.set_text('Downloading '+name) self.progressbar.show() # start the download self.dl_response = urllib2.urlopen(url); self.dl_total_size = self.dl_response.info().getheader('Content-Length').strip() self.dl_total_size = int(self.dl_total_size) self.dl_bytes_so_far = 0 # set a timer to download more chunks self.timer = gobject.timeout_add(1, self.download_chunk, name) # open a file to write to self.file_download = open(path, 'w') def download_chunk(self, name): # download 10kb a time chunk = self.dl_response.read(10240) self.dl_bytes_so_far += len(chunk) self.file_download.write(chunk) if not chunk: self.file_download.close() # next task! self.run_task() return False percent = float(self.dl_bytes_so_far) / self.dl_total_size self.progressbar.set_fraction(percent) percent = round(percent*100, 2) self.progressbar.set_text("Downloaded %d%% of %s" % (percent, name)) sys.stdout.write("Downloaded %d of %d bytes (%0.2f%%)\r" % (self.dl_bytes_so_far, self.dl_total_size, percent)) if self.dl_bytes_so_far >= self.dl_total_size: sys.stdout.write('\n') return True def verify(self): # initialize the progress bar self.progressbar.set_fraction(0) self.progressbar.set_text('Verifying Signature') self.progressbar.show() p = subprocess.Popen([self.paths['file']['verify'], self.paths['dir']['gpg'], self.paths['file']['tarball_sig']], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self.pulse_until_process_exits(p) output = p.stdout.read() if 'Good signature' in output: self.run_task(); else: self.progressbar.hide() self.label.set_text("SIGNATURE VERIFICATION FAILED!\n\nYou might be under attack, or there might just be a networking problem. Click Start try the download again.") self.gui_tasks = ['start_over'] self.gui_task_i = 0 self.start_button.set_sensitive(True) def extract(self): # initialize the progress bar self.progressbar.set_fraction(0) self.progressbar.set_text('Installing') self.progressbar.show() p = subprocess.Popen(['tar', '-xf', self.paths['file']['tarball'], '-C', self.paths['dir']['tbb']], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self.pulse_until_process_exits(p) self.run_task(); def run(self, run_next_task = True): subprocess.Popen([self.paths['file']['start']]) if run_next_task: self.run_task(); # make the progress bar pulse until process p (a Popen object) finishes def pulse_until_process_exits(self, p): while p.poll() == None: time.sleep(0.01) self.progressbar.pulse() # redraw gtk while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration(False) # start over and download TBB again def start_over(self): self.label.set_text("Downloading Tor Browser Bundle over again.") self.gui_tasks = ['download_tarball', 'download_tarball_sig', 'verify', 'extract', 'run'] self.gui_task_i = 0 self.start(None) # exit def delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None): return False def destroy(self, widget, data=None): if self.timer: gobject.source_remove(self.timer) self.timer = False gtk.main_quit() if __name__ == "__main__": print 'Tor Browser Launcher' print 'https://github.com/micahflee/torbrowser-launcher' current_tbb_version = '2.3.25-2' app = TorBrowserLauncher(current_tbb_version)