#include /* This is the code generated by cbindgen 0.12.1 for the `enum TT` * type in nonclike.rs . */ enum TT_Tag { AA, BB, }; typedef uint8_t TT_Tag; typedef struct { uint64_t _0; uint64_t _1; } AA_Body; typedef struct { TT_Tag tag; union { AA_Body aa; }; } TT; /* This is the code generated by cbindgen 0.12.1 for the `enum T` type * in nonclike.rs . */ enum T_Tag { A, B, }; typedef uint8_t T_Tag; typedef struct { uint64_t _0; } A_Body; typedef struct { T_Tag tag; union { A_Body a; }; } T; TT tt_new(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { TT tt = { .tag = AA, .aa = { ._0 = a, ._1 = b, }, }; return tt; } T t_new(uint64_t a) { T t = { .tag = A, .a = { ._0 = a, }, }; return t; }