- // MIR for `inner` before ConstProp + // MIR for `inner` after ConstProp fn inner(_1: u32) -> i64 { debug fields => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+0:14: +0:20 let mut _0: i64; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+0:30: +0:33 let mut _2: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:5: +1:65 let mut _3: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:5: +1:58 let mut _4: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:5: +1:17 let mut _5: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:10: +1:16 let mut _6: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:31: +1:57 let mut _7: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:31: +1:52 let mut _8: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:32: +1:45 let mut _9: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:33: +1:39 let mut _10: (u32, bool); // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:32: +1:45 let mut _11: (u32, bool); // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:31: +1:57 scope 1 (inlined imm8) { // at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:14:5: 14:17 debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:5:13: 5:14 let mut _12: u32; // in scope 1 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:12: 7:27 let mut _13: u32; // in scope 1 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:12: 7:20 let mut _14: (u32, bool); // in scope 1 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:12: 7:20 scope 2 { debug out => _4; // in scope 2 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:6:9: 6:16 } } scope 3 (inlined core::num::::rotate_right) { // at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:14:18: 14:58 debug self => _4; // in scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/num/uint_macros.rs:LL:COL debug n => _6; // in scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/num/uint_macros.rs:LL:COL let mut _15: u32; // in scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/num/uint_macros.rs:LL:COL let mut _16: u32; // in scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/num/uint_macros.rs:LL:COL } bb0: { StorageLive(_2); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:5: +1:65 StorageLive(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:5: +1:58 StorageLive(_4); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:5: +1:17 StorageLive(_12); // scope 2 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:12: 7:27 StorageLive(_13); // scope 2 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:12: 7:20 _14 = CheckedShr(_1, const 0_i32); // scope 2 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:12: 7:20 assert(!move (_14.1: bool), "attempt to shift right by `{}`, which would overflow", const 0_i32) -> bb3; // scope 2 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:12: 7:20 } bb1: { _8 = move (_10.0: u32); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:32: +1:45 _7 = BitAnd(move _8, const 15_u32); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:31: +1:52 StorageDead(_8); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:51: +1:52 _11 = CheckedShl(_7, const 1_i32); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:31: +1:57 assert(!move (_11.1: bool), "attempt to shift left by `{}`, which would overflow", const 1_i32) -> bb2; // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:31: +1:57 } bb2: { _6 = move (_11.0: u32); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:31: +1:57 StorageDead(_7); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:56: +1:57 _3 = rotate_right::(_4, _6) -> bb4; // scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/num/uint_macros.rs:LL:COL // mir::Constant // + span: $SRC_DIR/core/src/num/uint_macros.rs:LL:COL // + literal: Const { ty: extern "rust-intrinsic" fn(u32, u32) -> u32 {rotate_right::}, val: Value() } } bb3: { _13 = move (_14.0: u32); // scope 2 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:12: 7:20 _12 = BitAnd(move _13, const 255_u32); // scope 2 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:12: 7:27 StorageDead(_13); // scope 2 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:26: 7:27 _4 = BitOr(const 0_u32, move _12); // scope 2 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:5: 7:27 StorageDead(_12); // scope 2 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:7:26: 7:27 StorageLive(_6); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:31: +1:57 StorageLive(_7); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:31: +1:52 StorageLive(_8); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:32: +1:45 _10 = CheckedShr(_1, const 8_i32); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:32: +1:45 assert(!move (_10.1: bool), "attempt to shift right by `{}`, which would overflow", const 8_i32) -> bb1; // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:32: +1:45 } bb4: { _2 = move _3 as i32 (IntToInt); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:5: +1:65 StorageDead(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:64: +1:65 _0 = move _2 as i64 (IntToInt); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:5: +1:72 StorageDead(_2); // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+1:71: +1:72 return; // scope 0 at $DIR/issue_101973.rs:+2:2: +2:2 } }