From Fri Dec 19 01:21:40 EST 2003 Received: from ([]) by plan9; Fri Dec 19 01:21:39 EST 2003 Received: from ([]) by plan9; Fri Dec 19 01:21:35 EST 2003 Message-ID: subject: rc on unix, part 1 From: Geoff Collyer Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 22:21:33 -0800 To:,, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I got /sys/src/cmd/rc to compile under APE (in preparation for moving it to Unixes) with the following changed files. I cadged some include files from rsc but had to edit lib9.h slightly. I'll send the include files separately. I can't tell if it works yet, but it does complain about /usr/lib/rcmain being absent when I start it. Oh, and I haven't yet simulated the effect of the OCEXEC bit. # To unbundle, run this file echo mkfile sed 's/^X//' >mkfile <<'!' X$test.out listing: X pr mkfile $HFILES $FILES $FILES9 $FILESUNIX $YFILES|lp -du ! echo simple.c sed 's/^X//' >simple.c <<'!' X/* X * Maybe `simple' is a misnomer. X */ X#include "rc.h" X#include "getflags.h" X#include "exec.h" X#include "io.h" X#include "fns.h" X/* X * Search through the following code to see if we're just going to exit. X */ exitnext(void){ X union code *c=&runq->code[runq->pc]; X while(c->f==Xpopredir) c++; X return c->f==Xexit; X} void XXsimple(void) X{ X word *a; X thread *p = runq; X var *v; X struct builtin *bp; X int pid; X globlist(); X a = runq->argv->words; X if(a==0){ X Xerror1("empty argument list"); X return; X } X if(flag['x']) X pfmt(err, "%v\n", p->argv->words); /* wrong, should do redirs */ X v = gvlook(a->word); X if(v->fn) X execfunc(v); X else{ X if(strcmp(a->word, "builtin")==0){ X if(count(a)==1){ X pfmt(err, "builtin: empty argument list\n"); X setstatus("empty arg list"); X poplist(); X return; X } X a = a->next; X popword(); X } X for(bp = Builtin;bp->name;bp++) X if(strcmp(a->word, bp->name)==0){ X (*bp->fnc)(); X return; X } X if(exitnext()){ X /* fork and wait is redundant */ X pushword("exec"); X execexec(); X Xexit(); X } X else{ X flush(err); X Updenv(); /* necessary so changes don't go out again */ X if((pid = execforkexec()) < 0){ X Xerror("try again"); X return; X } X /* interrupts don't get us out */ X poplist(); X while(Waitfor(pid, 1) < 0) X ; X } X } X} struct word nullpath = { "", 0}; void doredir(redir *rp) X{ X if(rp){ X doredir(rp->next); X switch(rp->type){ X case ROPEN: X if(rp->from!=rp->to){ X Dup(rp->from, rp->to); X close(rp->from); X } X break; X case RDUP: X Dup(rp->from, rp->to); X break; X case RCLOSE: X close(rp->from); X break; X } X } X} word* searchpath(char *w) X{ X word *path; X if(strncmp(w, "/", 1)==0 X || strncmp(w, "#", 1)==0 X || strncmp(w, "./", 2)==0 X || strncmp(w, "../", 3)==0 X || (path = vlook("path")->val)==0) X path=&nullpath; X return path; X} void execexec(void) X{ X popword(); /* "exec" */ X if(runq->argv->words==0){ X Xerror1("empty argument list"); X return; X } X doredir(runq->redir); X Execute(runq->argv->words, searchpath(runq->argv->words->word)); X poplist(); X} void execfunc(var *func) X{ X word *starval; X popword(); X starval = runq->argv->words; X runq->argv->words = 0; X poplist(); X start(func->fn, func->pc, (struct var *)0); X runq->local = newvar(strdup("*"), runq->local); X runq->local->val = starval; X runq->local->changed = 1; X} int dochdir(char *word) X{ X /* report to /dev/wdir if it exists and we're interactive */ X static int wdirfd = -2; X if(chdir(word)<0) return -1; X if(flag['i']!=0){ X if(wdirfd==-2) /* try only once */ X /* TODO: arrange close-on-exec on Unix */ X wdirfd = open("/dev/wdir", OWRITE|OCEXEC); X if(wdirfd>=0) X write(wdirfd, word, strlen(word)); X } X return 1; X} void execcd(void) X{ X word *a = runq->argv->words; X word *cdpath; X char dir[512]; X setstatus("can't cd"); X cdpath = vlook("cdpath")->val; X switch(count(a)){ X default: X pfmt(err, "Usage: cd [directory]\n"); X break; X case 2: X if(a->next->word[0]=='/' || cdpath==0) X cdpath=&nullpath; X for(;cdpath;cdpath = cdpath->next){ X strcpy(dir, cdpath->word); X if(dir[0]) X strcat(dir, "/"); X strcat(dir, a->next->word); X if(dochdir(dir)>=0){ X if(strlen(cdpath->word) X && strcmp(cdpath->word, ".")!=0) X pfmt(err, "%s\n", dir); X setstatus(""); X break; X } X } X if(cdpath==0) X pfmt(err, "Can't cd %s: %r\n", a->next->word); X break; X case 1: X a = vlook("home")->val; X if(count(a)>=1){ X if(dochdir(a->word)>=0) X setstatus(""); X else X pfmt(err, "Can't cd %s: %r\n", a->word); X } X else X pfmt(err, "Can't cd -- $home empty\n"); X break; X } X poplist(); X} void execexit(void) X{ X switch(count(runq->argv->words)){ X default: X pfmt(err, "Usage: exit [status]\nExiting anyway\n"); X case 2: X setstatus(runq->argv->words->next->word); X case 1: Xexit(); X } X} void execshift(void) X{ X int n; X word *a; X var *star; X switch(count(runq->argv->words)){ X default: X pfmt(err, "Usage: shift [n]\n"); X setstatus("shift usage"); X poplist(); X return; X case 2: X n = atoi(runq->argv->words->next->word); X break; X case 1: X n = 1; X break; X } X star = vlook("*"); X for(;n && star->val;--n){ X a = star->val->next; X efree(star->val->word); X efree((char *)star->val); X star->val = a; X star->changed = 1; X } X setstatus(""); X poplist(); X} int octal(char *s) X{ X int n = 0; X while(*s==' ' || *s=='\t' || *s=='\n') s++; X while('0'<=*s && *s<='7') n = n*8+*s++-'0'; X return n; X} int mapfd(int fd) X{ X redir *rp; X for(rp = runq->redir;rp;rp = rp->next){ X switch(rp->type){ X case RCLOSE: X if(rp->from==fd) X fd=-1; X break; X case RDUP: X case ROPEN: X if(rp->to==fd) X fd = rp->from; X break; X } X } X return fd; X} union code rdcmds[4]; void execcmds(io *f) X{ X static int first = 1; X if(first){ X rdcmds[0].i = 1; X rdcmds[1].f = Xrdcmds; X rdcmds[2].f = Xreturn; X first = 0; X } X start(rdcmds, 1, runq->local); X runq->cmdfd = f; X runq->iflast = 0; X} void execeval(void) X{ X char *cmdline, *s, *t; X int len = 0; X word *ap; X if(count(runq->argv->words)<=1){ X Xerror1("Usage: eval cmd ..."); X return; X } X eflagok = 1; X for(ap = runq->argv->words->next;ap;ap = ap->next) X len+=1+strlen(ap->word); X cmdline = emalloc(len); X s = cmdline; X for(ap = runq->argv->words->next;ap;ap = ap->next){ X for(t = ap->word;*t;) *s++=*t++; X *s++=' '; X } X s[-1]='\n'; X poplist(); X execcmds(opencore(cmdline, len)); X efree(cmdline); X} union code dotcmds[14]; void execdot(void) X{ X int iflag = 0; X int fd; X list *av; X thread *p = runq; X char *zero; X static int first = 1; X char file[512]; X word *path; X if(first){ X dotcmds[0].i = 1; X dotcmds[1].f = Xmark; X dotcmds[2].f = Xword; X dotcmds[3].s="0"; X dotcmds[4].f = Xlocal; X dotcmds[5].f = Xmark; X dotcmds[6].f = Xword; X dotcmds[7].s="*"; X dotcmds[8].f = Xlocal; X dotcmds[9].f = Xrdcmds; X dotcmds[10].f = Xunlocal; X dotcmds[11].f = Xunlocal; X dotcmds[12].f = Xreturn; X first = 0; X } X else X eflagok = 1; X popword(); X if(p->argv->words && strcmp(p->argv->words->word, "-i")==0){ X iflag = 1; X popword(); X } X /* get input file */ X if(p->argv->words==0){ X Xerror1("Usage: . [-i] file [arg ...]"); X return; X } X zero = strdup(p->argv->words->word); X popword(); X fd=-1; X for(path = searchpath(zero);path;path = path->next){ X strcpy(file, path->word); X if(file[0]) X strcat(file, "/"); X strcat(file, zero); X if((fd = open(file, 0))>=0) break; X if(strcmp(file, "/dev/stdin")==0){ /* for sun & ucb */ X fd = Dup1(0); X if(fd>=0) X break; X } X } X if(fd<0){ X pfmt(err, "%s: ", zero); X setstatus("can't open"); X Xerror(".: can't open"); X return; X } X /* set up for a new command loop */ X start(dotcmds, 1, (struct var *)0); X pushredir(RCLOSE, fd, 0); X runq->cmdfile = zero; X runq->cmdfd = openfd(fd); X runq->iflag = iflag; X runq->iflast = 0; X /* push $* value */ X pushlist(); X runq->argv->words = p->argv->words; X /* free caller's copy of $* */ X av = p->argv; X p->argv = av->next; X efree((char *)av); X /* push $0 value */ X pushlist(); X pushword(zero); X ndot++; X} void execflag(void) X{ X char *letter, *val; X switch(count(runq->argv->words)){ X case 2: X setstatus(flag[runq->argv->words->next->word[0]]?"":"flag not set"); X break; X case 3: X letter = runq->argv->words->next->word; X val = runq->argv->words->next->next->word; X if(strlen(letter)==1){ X if(strcmp(val, "+")==0){ X flag[letter[0]] = flagset; X break; X } X if(strcmp(val, "-")==0){ X flag[letter[0]] = 0; X break; X } X } X default: X Xerror1("Usage: flag [letter] [+-]"); X return; X } X poplist(); X} void execwhatis(void){ /* mildly wrong -- should fork before writing */ X word *a, *b, *path; X var *v; X struct builtin *bp; X char file[512]; X struct io out[1]; X int found, sep; X a = runq->argv->words->next; X if(a==0){ X Xerror1("Usage: whatis name ..."); X return; X } X setstatus(""); X out->fd = mapfd(1); X out->bufp = out->buf; X out->ebuf = &out->buf[NBUF]; X out->strp = 0; X for(;a;a = a->next){ X v = vlook(a->word); X if(v->val){ X pfmt(out, "%s=", a->word); X if(v->val->next==0) X pfmt(out, "%q\n", v->val->word); X else{ X sep='('; X for(b = v->val;b && b->word;b = b->next){ X pfmt(out, "%c%q", sep, b->word); X sep=' '; X } X pfmt(out, ")\n"); X } X found = 1; X } X else X found = 0; X v = gvlook(a->word); X if(v->fn) X pfmt(out, "fn %s %s\n", v->name, v->fn[v->pc-1].s); X else{ X for(bp = Builtin;bp->name;bp++) X if(strcmp(a->word, bp->name)==0){ X pfmt(out, "builtin %s\n", a->word); X break; X } X if(!bp->name){ X for(path = searchpath(a->word);path;path = path->next){ X strcpy(file, path->word); X if(file[0]) X strcat(file, "/"); X strcat(file, a->word); X if(Executable(file)){ X pfmt(out, "%s\n", file); X break; X } X } X if(!path && !found){ X pfmt(err, "%s: not found\n", a->word); X setstatus("not found"); X } X } X } X } X poplist(); X flush(err); X} void execwait(void) X{ X switch(count(runq->argv->words)){ X default: X Xerror1("Usage: wait [pid]"); X return; X case 2: X Waitfor(atoi(runq->argv->words->next->word), 0); X break; X case 1: X Waitfor(-1, 0); X break; X } X poplist(); X} ! echo havefork.c sed 's/^X//' >havefork.c <<'!' X#include "rc.h" X#include "getflags.h" X#include "exec.h" X#include "io.h" X#include "fns.h" int havefork = 1; void XXasync(void) X{ X int null = open("/dev/null", 0); X int pid; X char npid[10]; X if(null<0){ X Xerror("Can't open /dev/null\n"); X return; X } X#ifdef Unix X pid = fork(); X#else X pid = rfork(RFFDG|RFPROC|RFNOTEG); X#endif X switch(pid){ X case -1: X close(null); X Xerror("try again"); X break; X case 0: X pushredir(ROPEN, null, 0); X start(runq->code, runq->pc+1, runq->local); X runq->ret = 0; X break; X default: X close(null); X runq->pc = runq->code[runq->pc].i; X inttoascii(npid, pid); X setvar("apid", newword(npid, (word *)0)); X break; X } X} void XXpipe(void) X{ X struct thread *p = runq; X int pc = p->pc, forkid; X int lfd = p->code[pc++].i; X int rfd = p->code[pc++].i; X int pfd[2]; X if(pipe(pfd)<0){ X Xerror("can't get pipe"); X return; X } X switch(forkid = fork()){ X case -1: X Xerror("try again"); X break; X case 0: X start(p->code, pc+2, runq->local); X runq->ret = 0; X close(pfd[PRD]); X pushredir(ROPEN, pfd[PWR], lfd); X break; X default: X start(p->code, p->code[pc].i, runq->local); X close(pfd[PWR]); X pushredir(ROPEN, pfd[PRD], rfd); X p->pc = p->code[pc+1].i; X p->pid = forkid; X break; X } X} X/* X * Who should wait for the exit from the fork? X */ void XXbackq(void) X{ X char wd[8193]; X int c; X char *s, *ewd=&wd[8192], *stop; X struct io *f; X var *ifs = vlook("ifs"); X word *v, *nextv; X int pfd[2]; X int pid; X stop = ifs->val?ifs->val->word:""; X if(pipe(pfd)<0){ X Xerror("can't make pipe"); X return; X } X switch(pid = fork()){ X case -1: X Xerror("try again"); X close(pfd[PRD]); X close(pfd[PWR]); X return; X case 0: X close(pfd[PRD]); X start(runq->code, runq->pc+1, runq->local); X pushredir(ROPEN, pfd[PWR], 1); X return; X default: X close(pfd[PWR]); X f = openfd(pfd[PRD]); X s = wd; X v = 0; X while((c = rchr(f))!=EOF){ X if(strchr(stop, c) || s==ewd){ X if(s!=wd){ X *s='\0'; X v = newword(wd, v); X s = wd; X } X } X else *s++=c; X } X if(s!=wd){ X *s='\0'; X v = newword(wd, v); X } X closeio(f); X Waitfor(pid, 0); X /* v points to reversed arglist -- reverse it onto argv */ X while(v){ X nextv = v->next; X v->next = runq->argv->words; X runq->argv->words = v; X v = nextv; X } X runq->pc = runq->code[runq->pc].i; X return; X } X} void XXpipefd(void) X{ X struct thread *p = runq; X int pc = p->pc; X char name[40]; X int pfd[2]; X int sidefd, mainfd; X if(pipe(pfd)<0){ X Xerror("can't get pipe"); X return; X } X if(p->code[pc].i==READ){ X sidefd = pfd[PWR]; X mainfd = pfd[PRD]; X } X else{ X sidefd = pfd[PRD]; X mainfd = pfd[PWR]; X } X switch(fork()){ X case -1: X Xerror("try again"); X break; X case 0: X start(p->code, pc+2, runq->local); X close(mainfd); X pushredir(ROPEN, sidefd, p->code[pc].i==READ?1:0); X runq->ret = 0; X break; X default: X close(sidefd); X pushredir(ROPEN, mainfd, mainfd); /* isn't this a noop? */ X strcpy(name, Fdprefix); X inttoascii(name+strlen(name), mainfd); X pushword(name); X p->pc = p->code[pc+1].i; X break; X } X} void XXsubshell(void) X{ X int pid; X switch(pid = fork()){ X case -1: X Xerror("try again"); X break; X case 0: X start(runq->code, runq->pc+1, runq->local); X runq->ret = 0; X break; X default: X Waitfor(pid, 1); X runq->pc = runq->code[runq->pc].i; X break; X } X} int execforkexec(void) X{ X int pid; X int n; X char buf[ERRMAX]; X switch(pid = fork()){ X case -1: X return -1; X case 0: X pushword("exec"); X execexec(); X strcpy(buf, "can't exec: "); X n = strlen(buf); X errstr(buf+n, ERRMAX-n); X Exit(buf); X } X return pid; X} ! echo rc.h sed 's/^X//' >rc.h <<'!' X/* X * Plan9 is defined for plan 9 X * V9 is defined for 9th edition X * Sun is defined for sun-os X * Please don't litter the code with ifdefs. The three below should be enough. X */ X#define Unix X#ifdef Plan9 X#include X#include X#define NSIG 32 X#define SIGINT 2 X#define SIGQUIT 3 X#endif X#ifdef Unix X#define _POSIX_SOURCE X#define _BSD_EXTENSION X#include X#include X#include X#include X#include X#include X#include X#endif X#ifndef ERRMAX X#define ERRMAX 128 X#endif X#define YYMAXDEPTH 500 X#ifndef PAREN X#include "" X#endif typedef struct tree tree; typedef struct word word; typedef struct io io; typedef union code code; typedef struct var var; typedef struct list list; typedef struct redir redir; typedef struct thread thread; typedef struct builtin builtin; struct tree{ X int type; X int rtype, fd0, fd1; /* details of REDIR PIPE DUP tokens */ X char *str; X int quoted; X int iskw; X tree *child[3]; X tree *next; X}; tree *newtree(void); tree *token(char*, int), *klook(char*), *tree1(int, tree*); tree *tree2(int, tree*, tree*), *tree3(int, tree*, tree*, tree*); tree *mung1(tree*, tree*), *mung2(tree*, tree*, tree*); tree *mung3(tree*, tree*, tree*, tree*), *epimung(tree*, tree*); tree *simplemung(tree*), *heredoc(tree*); void freetree(tree*); tree *cmdtree; X/* X * The first word of any code vector is a reference count. X * Always create a new reference to a code vector by calling codecopy(.). X * Always call codefree(.) when deleting a reference. X */ union code{ X void (*f)(void); X int i; X char *s; X}; char *promptstr; int doprompt; X#define NTOK 8192 char tok[NTOK]; X#define APPEND 1 X#define WRITE 2 X#define READ 3 X#define HERE 4 X#define DUPFD 5 X#define CLOSE 6 struct var{ X char *name; /* ascii name */ X word *val; /* value */ X int changed; X code *fn; /* pointer to function's code vector */ X int fnchanged; X int pc; /* pc of start of function */ X var *next; /* next on hash or local list */ X}; var *vlook(char*), *gvlook(char*), *newvar(char*, var*); X#define NVAR 521 var *gvar[NVAR]; /* hash for globals */ X#define new(type) ((type *)emalloc(sizeof(type))) char *emalloc(long); void *Malloc(ulong); void efree(char*); X#define NOFILE 128 /* should come from */ struct here{ X tree *tag; X char *name; X struct here *next; X}; int mypid; X/* X * Glob character escape in strings: X * In a string, GLOB must be followed by *?[ or GLOB. X * GLOB* matches any string X * GLOB? matches any single character X * GLOB[...] matches anything in the brackets X * GLOBGLOB matches GLOB X */ X#define GLOB ((char)0x01) X/* X * onebyte(c), twobyte(c), threebyte(c) X * Is c the first character of a one- two- or three-byte utf sequence? X */ X#define onebyte(c) ((c&0x80)==0x00) X#define twobyte(c) ((c&0xe0)==0xc0) X#define threebyte(c) ((c&0xf0)==0xe0) char **argp; char **args; int nerror; /* number of errors encountered during compilation */ int doprompt; /* is it time for a prompt? */ X/* X * Which fds are the reading/writing end of a pipe? X * Unfortunately, this can vary from system to system. X * 9th edition Unix doesn't care, the following defines X * work on plan 9. X */ X#define PRD 0 X#define PWR 1 char Rcmain[], Fdprefix[]; X#define register X/* X * How many dot commands have we executed? X * Used to ensure that -v flag doesn't print rcmain. X */ int ndot; char *getstatus(void); int lastc; int lastword; ! echo unix.c sed 's/^X//' >unix.c <<'!' X/* X * Unix versions of system-specific functions X * By convention, exported routines herein have names beginning with an X * upper case letter. X */ X#include "rc.h" X#include "io.h" X#include "exec.h" X#include "getflags.h" X#include char Rcmain[]="/usr/lib/rcmain"; char Fdprefix[]="/dev/fd/"; void execfinit(void); struct builtin Builtin[] = { X "cd", execcd, X "whatis", execwhatis, X "eval", execeval, X "exec", execexec, /* but with popword first */ X "exit", execexit, X "shift", execshift, X "wait", execwait, X "umask", execumask, X ".", execdot, X "finit", execfinit, X "flag", execflag, X 0 X}; X#define SEP '\1' char **environp; struct word* enval(s) register char *s; X{ X char *t, c; X struct word *v; X for(t = s;*t && *t!=SEP;t++); X c=*t; X *t='\0'; X v = newword(s, c=='\0'?(struct word *)0:enval(t+1)); X *t = c; X return v; X} void Vinit(void) X{ X extern char **environ; X char *s; X char **env = environ; X environp = env; X for(;*env;env++){ X for(s=*env;*s && *s!='(' && *s!='=';s++); X switch(*s){ X case '\0': X pfmt(err, "environment %q?\n", *env); X break; X case '=': X *s='\0'; X setvar(*env, enval(s+1)); X *s='='; X break; X case '(': /* ignore functions for now */ X break; X } X } X} char **envp; void XXrdfn(void) X{ X char *s; X int len; X for(;*envp;envp++){ X for(s=*envp;*s && *s!='(' && *s!='=';s++); X switch(*s){ X case '\0': X pfmt(err, "environment %q?\n", *envp); X break; X case '=': /* ignore variables */ X break; X case '(': /* Bourne again */ X s=*envp+3; X envp++; X len = strlen(s); X s[len]='\n'; X execcmds(opencore(s, len+1)); X s[len]='\0'; X return; X } X } X Xreturn(); X} union code rdfns[4]; void execfinit(void) X{ X static int first = 1; X if(first){ X rdfns[0].i = 1; X rdfns[1].f = Xrdfn; X rdfns[2].f = Xjump; X rdfns[3].i = 1; X first = 0; X } X Xpopm(); X envp = environp; X start(rdfns, 1, runq->local); X} int cmpenv(const void *aa, const void *ab) X{ X char **a = aa, **b = ab; X return strcmp(*a, *b); X} char ** mkenv(void) X{ X char **env, **ep, *p, *q; X struct var **h, *v; X struct word *a; X int nvar = 0, nchr = 0, sep; X /* X * Slightly kludgy loops look at locals then globals. X * locals no longer exist - geoff X */ X for(h = gvar-1; h != &gvar[NVAR]; h++) X for(v = h >= gvar? *h: runq->local; v ;v = v->next){ X if((v==vlook(v->name)) && v->val){ X nvar++; X nchr+=strlen(v->name)+1; X for(a = v->val;a;a = a->next) X nchr+=strlen(a->word)+1; X } X if(v->fn){ X nvar++; X nchr+=strlen(v->name)+strlen(v->fn[v->pc-1].s)+8; X } X } X env = (char **)emalloc((nvar+1)*sizeof(char *)+nchr); X ep = env; X p = (char *)&env[nvar+1]; X for(h = gvar-1; h != &gvar[NVAR]; h++) X for(v = h >= gvar? *h: runq->local;v;v = v->next){ X if((v==vlook(v->name)) && v->val){ X *ep++=p; X q = v->name; X while(*q) *p++=*q++; X sep='='; X for(a = v->val;a;a = a->next){ X *p++=sep; X sep = SEP; X q = a->word; X while(*q) *p++=*q++; X } X *p++='\0'; X } X if(v->fn){ X *ep++=p; X *p++='#'; *p++='('; *p++=')'; /* to fool Bourne */ X *p++='f'; *p++='n'; *p++=' '; X q = v->name; X while(*q) *p++=*q++; X *p++=' '; X q = v->fn[v->pc-1].s; X while(*q) *p++=*q++; X *p++='\0'; X } X } X *ep = 0; X qsort((void *)env, nvar, sizeof ep[0], cmpenv); X return env; X} char *sigmsg[] = { X/* 0 normal */ 0, X/* 1 SIGHUP */ "Hangup", X/* 2 SIGINT */ 0, X/* 3 SIGQUIT */ "Quit", X/* 4 SIGILL */ "Illegal instruction", X/* 5 SIGTRAP */ "Trace/BPT trap", X/* 6 SIGIOT */ "abort", X/* 7 SIGEMT */ "EMT trap", X/* 8 SIGFPE */ "Floating exception", X/* 9 SIGKILL */ "Killed", X/* 10 SIGBUS */ "Bus error", X/* 11 SIGSEGV */ "Memory fault", X/* 12 SIGSYS */ "Bad system call", X/* 13 SIGPIPE */ 0, X/* 14 SIGALRM */ "Alarm call", X/* 15 SIGTERM */ "Terminated", X/* 16 unused */ "signal 16", X/* 17 SIGSTOP */ "Process stopped", X/* 18 unused */ "signal 18", X/* 19 SIGCONT */ "Process continued", X/* 20 SIGCHLD */ "Child death", X}; void Waitfor(int pid, int persist) X{ X int wpid, sig; X struct thread *p; X int wstat; X char wstatstr[12]; X for(;;){ X errno = 0; X wpid = wait(&wstat); X if(errno==EINTR && persist) X continue; X if(wpid==-1) X break; X sig = wstat&0177; X if(sig==0177){ X pfmt(err, "trace: "); X sig = (wstat>>8)&0177; X } X if(sig>(sizeof sigmsg/sizeof sigmsg[0]) || sigmsg[sig]){ X if(pid!=wpid) X pfmt(err, "%d: ", wpid); X if(sig<=(sizeof sigmsg/sizeof sigmsg[0])) X pfmt(err, "%s", sigmsg[sig]); X else if(sig==0177) pfmt(err, "stopped by ptrace"); X else pfmt(err, "signal %d", sig); X if(wstat&0200)pfmt(err, " -- core dumped"); X pfmt(err, "\n"); X } X wstat = sig?sig+1000:(wstat>>8)&0xFF; X if(wpid==pid){ X inttoascii(wstatstr, wstat); X setstatus(wstatstr); X break; X } X else{ X for(p = runq->ret;p;p = p->ret) X if(p->pid==wpid){ X p->pid=-1; X inttoascii(p->status, wstat); X break; X } X } X } X} char ** mkargv(a) register struct word *a; X{ X char **argv = (char **)emalloc((count(a)+2)*sizeof(char *)); X char **argp = argv+1; /* leave one at front for runcoms */ X for(;a;a = a->next) X *argp++=a->word; X *argp = 0; X return argv; X} void Updenv(void) X{ X} void Execute(struct word *args, struct word *path) X{ X char *msg="not found"; X#ifdef ETXTBSY X int txtbusy = 0; X#endif X char **env = mkenv(); X char **argv = mkargv(args); X char file[512]; X for(;path;path = path->next){ X strcpy(file, path->word); X if(file[0]) X strcat(file, "/"); X strcat(file, argv[1]); X#ifdef ETXTBSY ReExec: X#endif X execve(file, argv+1, env); X switch(errno){ X case ENOEXEC: X pfmt(err, "%s: Bourne again\n", argv[1]); X argv[0]="sh"; X argv[1] = strdup(file); X execve("/bin/sh", argv, env); X goto Bad; X#ifdef ETXTBSY X case ETXTBSY: X if(++txtbusy!=5){ X sleep(txtbusy); X goto ReExec; X } X msg="text busy"; goto Bad; X#endif X case EACCES: X msg="no access"; X break; X case ENOMEM: X msg="not enough memory"; goto Bad; X case E2BIG: X msg="too big"; goto Bad; X } X } Bad: X pfmt(err, "%s: %s\n", argv[1], msg); X efree((char *)env); X efree((char *)argv); X} X#define NDIR 14 /* should get this from param.h */ Globsize(p) register char *p; X{ X int isglob = 0, globlen = NDIR+1; X for(;*p;p++){ X if(*p==GLOB){ X p++; X if(*p!=GLOB) X isglob++; X globlen+=*p=='*'?NDIR:1; X } X else X globlen++; X } X return isglob?globlen:0; X} X#include X#include X#define NDIRLIST 50 DIR *dirlist[NDIRLIST]; Opendir(name) char *name; X{ X DIR **dp; X for(dp = dirlist;dp!=&dirlist[NDIRLIST];dp++) X if(*dp==0){ X *dp = opendir(name); X return *dp?dp-dirlist:-1; X } X return -1; X} int Readdir(int f, char *p, int /* onlydirs */ ) X{ X struct dirent *dp = readdir(dirlist[f]); X if(dp==0) X return 0; X strcpy(p, dp->d_name); X return 1; X} void Closedir(int f) X{ X closedir(dirlist[f]); X dirlist[f] = 0; X} char *Signame[] = { X "sigexit", "sighup", "sigint", "sigquit", X "sigill", "sigtrap", "sigiot", "sigemt", X "sigfpe", "sigkill", "sigbus", "sigsegv", X "sigsys", "sigpipe", "sigalrm", "sigterm", X "sig16", "sigstop", "sigtstp", "sigcont", X "sigchld", "sigttin", "sigttou", "sigtint", X "sigxcpu", "sigxfsz", "sig26", "sig27", X "sig28", "sig29", "sig30", "sig31", X 0, X}; void gettrap(int sig) X{ X signal(sig, gettrap); X trap[sig]++; X ntrap++; X if(ntrap>=NSIG){ X pfmt(err, "rc: Too many traps (trap %d), dumping core\n", sig); X signal(SIGABRT, (void (*)())0); X kill(getpid(), SIGABRT); X } X} void Trapinit(void) X{ X int i; X void (*sig)(); X if(1 || flag['d']){ /* wrong!!! */ X sig = signal(SIGINT, gettrap); X if(sig==SIG_IGN) X signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); X } X else{ X for(i = 1;i<=NSIG;i++) if(i!=SIGCHLD){ X sig = signal(i, gettrap); X if(sig==SIG_IGN) X signal(i, SIG_IGN); X } X } X} Unlink(name) char *name; X{ X return unlink(name); X} Write(fd, buf, cnt) char *buf; X{ X return write(fd, buf, cnt); X} Read(fd, buf, cnt) char *buf; X{ X return read(fd, buf, cnt); X} Seek(fd, cnt, whence) long cnt; X{ X return lseek(fd, cnt, whence); X} Executable(file) char *file; X{ X return(access(file, 01)==0); X} Creat(file) char *file; X{ X return creat(file, 0666); X} Dup(a, b){ X return dup2(a, b); X} Dup1(a){ X return dup(a); X} X/* X * Wrong: should go through components of a|b|c and return the maximum. X */ void Exit(char *stat) X{ X int n = 0; X while(*stat){ X if(*stat!='|'){ X if(*stat<'0' || '9'<*stat) X exit(1); X else n = n*10+*stat-'0'; X } X stat++; X } X exit(n); X} Eintr(){ X return errno==EINTR; X} void Noerror() X{ X errno = 0; X} Isatty(fd){ X return isatty(fd); X} void Abort() X{ X abort(); X} void execumask(void) /* wrong -- should fork before writing */ X{ X int m; X struct io out[1]; X switch(count(runq->argv->words)){ X default: X pfmt(err, "Usage: umask [umask]\n"); X setstatus("umask usage"); X poplist(); X return; X case 2: X umask(octal(runq->argv->words->next->word)); X break; X case 1: X umask(m = umask(0)); X out->fd = mapfd(1); X out->bufp = out->buf; X out->ebuf=&out->buf[NBUF]; X out->strp = 0; X pfmt(out, "%o\n", m); X break; X } X setstatus(""); X poplist(); X} void Memcpy(a, b, n) char *a, *b; X{ X memmove(a, b, n); X} void* Malloc(unsigned long n) X{ X return (void *)malloc(n); X} void errstr(char *buf, int len) X{ X strncpy(buf, strerror(errno), len); X} ! From Fri Dec 19 01:23:26 EST 2003 Received: from ([]) by plan9; Fri Dec 19 01:23:25 EST 2003 Received: from ([]) by plan9; Fri Dec 19 01:23:22 EST 2003 Message-ID: <> subject: rc on unix, part 2 From: Geoff Collyer Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 22:23:21 -0800 To:,, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit These are the include files I used to emulate plan 9's include files on Unix (APE). # To unbundle, run this file mkdir include echo include/bio.h sed 's/^X//' >include/bio.h <<'!' X#ifndef _BIOH_ X#define _BIOH_ 1 X#include /* for off_t */ X#include /* for O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY */ typedef struct Biobuf Biobuf; enum X{ X Bsize = 8*1024, X Bungetsize = 4, /* space for ungetc */ X Bmagic = 0x314159, X Beof = -1, X Bbad = -2, X Binactive = 0, /* states */ X Bractive, X Bwactive, X Bracteof, X Bend X}; struct Biobuf X{ X int icount; /* neg num of bytes at eob */ X int ocount; /* num of bytes at bob */ X int rdline; /* num of bytes after rdline */ X int runesize; /* num of bytes of last getrune */ X int state; /* r/w/inactive */ X int fid; /* open file */ X int flag; /* magic if malloc'ed */ X off_t offset; /* offset of buffer in file */ X int bsize; /* size of buffer */ X unsigned char* bbuf; /* pointer to beginning of buffer */ X unsigned char* ebuf; /* pointer to end of buffer */ X unsigned char* gbuf; /* pointer to good data in buf */ X unsigned char b[Bungetsize+Bsize]; X}; X#define BGETC(bp)\ X ((bp)->icount?(bp)->bbuf[(bp)->bsize+(bp)->icount++]:Bgetc((bp))) X#define BPUTC(bp,c)\ X ((bp)->ocount?(bp)->bbuf[(bp)->bsize+(bp)->ocount++]=(c),0:Bputc((bp),(c))) X#define BOFFSET(bp)\ X (((bp)->state==Bractive)?\ X (bp)->offset + (bp)->icount:\ X (((bp)->state==Bwactive)?\ X (bp)->offset + ((bp)->bsize + (bp)->ocount):\ X -1)) X#define BLINELEN(bp)\ X (bp)->rdline X#define BFILDES(bp)\ X (bp)->fid int Bbuffered(Biobuf*); int Bfildes(Biobuf*); int Bflush(Biobuf*); int Bgetc(Biobuf*); int Bgetd(Biobuf*, double*); int Binit(Biobuf*, int, int); int Binits(Biobuf*, int, int, unsigned char*, int); int Blinelen(Biobuf*); off_t Boffset(Biobuf*); Biobuf* Bopen(char*, int); int Bprint(Biobuf*, char*, ...); int Bputc(Biobuf*, int); void* Brdline(Biobuf*, int); long Bread(Biobuf*, void*, long); off_t Bseek(Biobuf*, off_t, int); int Bterm(Biobuf*); int Bungetc(Biobuf*); long Bwrite(Biobuf*, void*, long); long Bgetrune(Biobuf*); int Bputrune(Biobuf*, long); int Bungetrune(Biobuf*); X#endif ! echo include/fmt.h sed 's/^X//' >include/fmt.h <<'!' X/* X * The authors of this software are Rob Pike and Ken Thompson. X * Copyright (c) 2002 by Lucent Technologies. X * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any X * purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice X * is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy X * or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting X * documentation for such software. X * THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED X * WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, NEITHER THE AUTHORS NOR LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES MAKE ANY X * REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITY X * OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. X */ X#ifndef _FMTH_ X#define _FMTH_ 1 X#include X#ifndef _UTFH_ X#include X#endif typedef struct Fmt Fmt; struct Fmt{ X unsigned char runes; /* output buffer is runes or chars? */ X void *start; /* of buffer */ X void *to; /* current place in the buffer */ X void *stop; /* end of the buffer; overwritten if flush fails */ X int (*flush)(Fmt *); /* called when to == stop */ X void *farg; /* to make flush a closure */ X int nfmt; /* num chars formatted so far */ X va_list args; /* args passed to dofmt */ X int r; /* % format Rune */ X int width; X int prec; X unsigned long flags; X}; enum{ X FmtWidth = 1, X FmtLeft = FmtWidth << 1, X FmtPrec = FmtLeft << 1, X FmtSharp = FmtPrec << 1, X FmtSpace = FmtSharp << 1, X FmtSign = FmtSpace << 1, X FmtZero = FmtSign << 1, X FmtUnsigned = FmtZero << 1, X FmtShort = FmtUnsigned << 1, X FmtLong = FmtShort << 1, X FmtVLong = FmtLong << 1, X FmtComma = FmtVLong << 1, X FmtByte = FmtComma << 1, X FmtLDouble = FmtByte << 1, X FmtFlag = FmtLDouble << 1 X}; extern int print(char*, ...); extern char* seprint(char*, char*, char*, ...); extern char* vseprint(char*, char*, char*, va_list); extern int snprint(char*, int, char*, ...); extern int vsnprint(char*, int, char*, va_list); extern char* smprint(char*, ...); extern char* vsmprint(char*, va_list); extern int sprint(char*, char*, ...); extern int fprint(int, char*, ...); extern int vfprint(int, char*, va_list); extern int runesprint(Rune*, char*, ...); extern int runesnprint(Rune*, int, char*, ...); extern int runevsnprint(Rune*, int, char*, va_list); extern Rune* runeseprint(Rune*, Rune*, char*, ...); extern Rune* runevseprint(Rune*, Rune*, char*, va_list); extern Rune* runesmprint(char*, ...); extern Rune* runevsmprint(char*, va_list); extern int fmtfdinit(Fmt*, int, char*, int); extern int fmtfdflush(Fmt*); extern int fmtstrinit(Fmt*); extern char* fmtstrflush(Fmt*); extern int quotestrfmt(Fmt *f); extern void quotefmtinstall(void); extern int (*fmtdoquote)(int); extern int fmtinstall(int, int (*)(Fmt*)); extern int dofmt(Fmt*, char*); extern int fmtprint(Fmt*, char*, ...); extern int fmtvprint(Fmt*, char*, va_list); extern int fmtrune(Fmt*, int); extern int fmtstrcpy(Fmt*, char*); extern double fmtstrtod(const char *, char **); extern double fmtcharstod(int(*)(void*), void*); X#endif ! echo include/lib9.h sed 's/^X//' >include/lib9.h <<'!' X#include X#include "utf.h" X#define nil ((void*)0) X#define uchar _fmtuchar X#define ushort _fmtushort X#define uint _fmtuint X#define ulong _fmtulong X#define vlong _fmtvlong X#define uvlong _fmtuvlong typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned short ushort; typedef unsigned int uint; typedef unsigned long ulong; X#define OREAD O_RDONLY X#define OWRITE O_WRONLY X#define ORDWR O_RDWR X#define OCEXEC 0 ! echo include/regexp9.h sed 's/^X//' >include/regexp9.h <<'!' X#ifndef _REGEXP9H_ X#define _REGEXP9H_ 1 X#include typedef struct Resub Resub; typedef struct Reclass Reclass; typedef struct Reinst Reinst; typedef struct Reprog Reprog; X/* X * Sub expression matches X */ struct Resub{ X union X { X char *sp; X Rune *rsp; X }s; X union X { X char *ep; X Rune *rep; X }e; X}; X/* X * character class, each pair of rune's defines a range X */ struct Reclass{ X Rune *end; X Rune spans[64]; X}; X/* X * Machine instructions X */ struct Reinst{ X int type; X union { X Reclass *cp; /* class pointer */ X Rune r; /* character */ X int subid; /* sub-expression id for RBRA and LBRA */ X Reinst *right; /* right child of OR */ X }u1; X union { /* regexp relies on these two being in the same union */ X Reinst *left; /* left child of OR */ X Reinst *next; /* next instruction for CAT & LBRA */ X }u2; X}; X/* X * Reprogram definition X */ struct Reprog{ X Reinst *startinst; /* start pc */ X Reclass class[16]; /* .data */ X Reinst firstinst[5]; /* .text */ X}; extern Reprog *regcomp(char*); extern Reprog *regcomplit(char*); extern Reprog *regcompnl(char*); extern void regerror(char*); extern int regexec(Reprog*, char*, Resub*, int); extern void regsub(char*, char*, int, Resub*, int); extern int rregexec(Reprog*, Rune*, Resub*, int); extern void rregsub(Rune*, Rune*, Resub*, int); X#endif ! echo include/utf.h sed 's/^X//' >include/utf.h <<'!' X#ifndef _UTFH_ X#define _UTFH_ 1 typedef unsigned short Rune; /* 16 bits */ enum X{ X UTFmax = 3, /* maximum bytes per rune */ X Runesync = 0x80, /* cannot represent part of a UTF sequence (<) */ X Runeself = 0x80, /* rune and UTF sequences are the same (<) */ X Runeerror = 0x80, /* decoding error in UTF */ X}; X/* X * rune routines X */ extern int runetochar(char*, Rune*); extern int chartorune(Rune*, char*); extern int runelen(long); extern int runenlen(Rune*, int); extern int fullrune(char*, int); extern int utflen(char*); extern int utfnlen(char*, long); extern char* utfrune(char*, long); extern char* utfrrune(char*, long); extern char* utfutf(char*, char*); extern char* utfecpy(char*, char*, char*); extern Rune* runestrcat(Rune*, Rune*); extern Rune* runestrchr(Rune*, Rune); extern int runestrcmp(Rune*, Rune*); extern Rune* runestrcpy(Rune*, Rune*); extern Rune* runestrncpy(Rune*, Rune*, long); extern Rune* runestrecpy(Rune*, Rune*, Rune*); extern Rune* runestrdup(Rune*); extern Rune* runestrncat(Rune*, Rune*, long); extern int runestrncmp(Rune*, Rune*, long); extern Rune* runestrrchr(Rune*, Rune); extern long runestrlen(Rune*); extern Rune* runestrstr(Rune*, Rune*); extern Rune tolowerrune(Rune); extern Rune totitlerune(Rune); extern Rune toupperrune(Rune); extern int isalpharune(Rune); extern int islowerrune(Rune); extern int isspacerune(Rune); extern int istitlerune(Rune); extern int isupperrune(Rune); X#endif !