%{ #include "a.h" %} %union { Sym *sym; long lval; double dval; char sval[8]; Gen gen; } %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' %left '<' '>' %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %token LTYPE1 LTYPE2 LTYPE3 LTYPE4 LTYPE5 %token LTYPE6 LTYPE7 LTYPE8 LTYPE9 LTYPEA %token LTYPEB LTYPEC LTYPED LTYPEE LTYPEF %token LTYPEG LTYPEH LTYPEI LTYPEJ LTYPEK %token LTYPEL LTYPEM LTYPEN LTYPEBX %token LCONST LSP LSB LFP LPC %token LTYPEX LR LREG LF LFREG LC LCREG LPSR LFCR %token LCOND LS LAT %token LFCONST %token LSCONST %token LNAME LLAB LVAR %type con expr oexpr pointer offset sreg spreg creg %type rcon cond reglist %type gen rel reg regreg freg shift fcon frcon %type imm ximm name oreg ireg nireg ioreg imsr %% prog: | prog line line: LLAB ':' { if($1->value != pc) yyerror("redeclaration of %s", $1->name); $1->value = pc; } line | LNAME ':' { $1->type = LLAB; $1->value = pc; } line | LNAME '=' expr ';' { $1->type = LVAR; $1->value = $3; } | LVAR '=' expr ';' { if($1->value != $3) yyerror("redeclaration of %s", $1->name); $1->value = $3; } | ';' | inst ';' | error ';' inst: /* * ADD */ LTYPE1 cond imsr ',' spreg ',' reg { outcode($1, $2, &$3, $5, &$7); } | LTYPE1 cond imsr ',' spreg ',' { outcode($1, $2, &$3, $5, &nullgen); } | LTYPE1 cond imsr ',' reg { outcode($1, $2, &$3, NREG, &$5); } /* * MVN */ | LTYPE2 cond imsr ',' reg { outcode($1, $2, &$3, NREG, &$5); } /* * MOVW */ | LTYPE3 cond gen ',' gen { outcode($1, $2, &$3, NREG, &$5); } /* * B/BL */ | LTYPE4 cond comma rel { outcode($1, $2, &nullgen, NREG, &$4); } | LTYPE4 cond comma nireg { outcode($1, $2, &nullgen, NREG, &$4); } /* * BX */ | LTYPEBX comma ireg { outcode($1, Always, &nullgen, NREG, &$3); } /* * BEQ */ | LTYPE5 comma rel { outcode($1, Always, &nullgen, NREG, &$3); } /* * SWI */ | LTYPE6 cond comma gen { outcode($1, $2, &nullgen, NREG, &$4); } /* * CMP */ | LTYPE7 cond imsr ',' spreg comma { outcode($1, $2, &$3, $5, &nullgen); } /* * MOVM */ | LTYPE8 cond ioreg ',' '[' reglist ']' { Gen g; g = nullgen; g.type = D_CONST; g.offset = $6; outcode($1, $2, &$3, NREG, &g); } | LTYPE8 cond '[' reglist ']' ',' ioreg { Gen g; g = nullgen; g.type = D_CONST; g.offset = $4; outcode($1, $2, &g, NREG, &$7); } /* * SWAP */ | LTYPE9 cond reg ',' ireg ',' reg { outcode($1, $2, &$5, $3.reg, &$7); } | LTYPE9 cond reg ',' ireg comma { outcode($1, $2, &$5, $3.reg, &$3); } | LTYPE9 cond comma ireg ',' reg { outcode($1, $2, &$4, $6.reg, &$6); } /* * RET */ | LTYPEA cond comma { outcode($1, $2, &nullgen, NREG, &nullgen); } /* * TEXT/GLOBL */ | LTYPEB name ',' imm { outcode($1, Always, &$2, NREG, &$4); } | LTYPEB name ',' con ',' imm { outcode($1, Always, &$2, $4, &$6); } /* * DATA */ | LTYPEC name '/' con ',' ximm { outcode($1, Always, &$2, $4, &$6); } /* * CASE */ | LTYPED cond reg comma { outcode($1, $2, &$3, NREG, &nullgen); } /* * word */ | LTYPEH comma ximm { outcode($1, Always, &nullgen, NREG, &$3); } /* * floating-point coprocessor */ | LTYPEI cond freg ',' freg { outcode($1, $2, &$3, NREG, &$5); } | LTYPEK cond frcon ',' freg { outcode($1, $2, &$3, NREG, &$5); } | LTYPEK cond frcon ',' LFREG ',' freg { outcode($1, $2, &$3, $5, &$7); } | LTYPEL cond freg ',' freg comma { outcode($1, $2, &$3, $5.reg, &nullgen); } /* * MCR MRC */ | LTYPEJ cond con ',' expr ',' spreg ',' creg ',' creg oexpr { Gen g; g = nullgen; g.type = D_CONST; g.offset = (0xe << 24) | /* opcode */ ($1 << 20) | /* MCR/MRC */ ($2 << 28) | /* scond */ (($3 & 15) << 8) | /* coprocessor number */ (($5 & 7) << 21) | /* coprocessor operation */ (($7 & 15) << 12) | /* arm register */ (($9 & 15) << 16) | /* Crn */ (($11 & 15) << 0) | /* Crm */ (($12 & 7) << 5) | /* coprocessor information */ (1<<4); /* must be set */ outcode(AWORD, Always, &nullgen, NREG, &g); } /* * MULL hi,lo,r1,r2 */ | LTYPEM cond reg ',' reg ',' regreg { outcode($1, $2, &$3, $5.reg, &$7); } /* * MULA hi,lo,r1,r2 */ | LTYPEN cond reg ',' reg ',' reg ',' spreg { $7.type = D_REGREG; $7.offset = $9; outcode($1, $2, &$3, $5.reg, &$7); } /* * END */ | LTYPEE comma { outcode($1, Always, &nullgen, NREG, &nullgen); } cond: { $$ = Always; } | cond LCOND { $$ = ($1 & ~C_SCOND) | $2; } | cond LS { $$ = $1 | $2; } comma: | ',' comma rel: con '(' LPC ')' { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_BRANCH; $$.offset = $1 + pc; } | LNAME offset { $$ = nullgen; if(pass == 2) yyerror("undefined label: %s", $1->name); $$.type = D_BRANCH; $$.sym = $1; $$.offset = $2; } | LLAB offset { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_BRANCH; $$.sym = $1; $$.offset = $1->value + $2; } ximm: '$' con { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_CONST; $$.offset = $2; } | '$' oreg { $$ = $2; $$.type = D_CONST; } | '$' '*' '$' oreg { $$ = $4; $$.type = D_OCONST; } | '$' LSCONST { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_SCONST; memcpy($$.sval, $2, sizeof($$.sval)); } | fcon fcon: '$' LFCONST { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_FCONST; $$.dval = $2; } | '$' '-' LFCONST { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_FCONST; $$.dval = -$3; } reglist: spreg { $$ = 1 << $1; } | spreg '-' spreg { int i; $$=0; for(i=$1; i<=$3; i++) $$ |= 1<' '>' rcon { if($4 == 0) goto nullshift; $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_SHIFT; $$.offset = $1 | ($4 & ~(32<<7)) | (1 << 5); } | spreg '-' '>' rcon { if($4 == 0) goto nullshift; $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_SHIFT; $$.offset = $1 | ($4 & ~(32<<7)) | (2 << 5); } | spreg LAT '>' rcon { if($4 == 0) goto nullshift; $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_SHIFT; $$.offset = $1 | ($4 & ~(32<<7)) | (3 << 5); } rcon: spreg { if($$ < 0 || $$ >= 16) print("register value out of range\n"); $$ = ($1 << 8) | (1 << 4); } | con { if($$ < 0 || $$ > 32) print("shift value out of range\n"); $$ = ($1 << 7); } sreg: LREG | LPC { $$ = REGPC; } | LR '(' expr ')' { if($3 < 0 || $3 >= NREG) print("register value out of range\n"); $$ = $3; } spreg: sreg | LSP { $$ = REGSP; } creg: LCREG | LC '(' expr ')' { if($3 < 0 || $3 >= NREG) print("register value out of range\n"); $$ = $3; } frcon: freg | fcon freg: LFREG { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_FREG; $$.reg = $1; } | LF '(' con ')' { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_FREG; $$.reg = $3; } name: con '(' pointer ')' { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_OREG; $$.name = $3; $$.sym = S; $$.offset = $1; } | LNAME offset '(' pointer ')' { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_OREG; $$.name = $4; $$.sym = $1; $$.offset = $2; } | LNAME '<' '>' offset '(' LSB ')' { $$ = nullgen; $$.type = D_OREG; $$.name = D_STATIC; $$.sym = $1; $$.offset = $4; } offset: { $$ = 0; } | '+' con { $$ = $2; } | '-' con { $$ = -$2; } pointer: LSB | LSP | LFP con: LCONST | LVAR { $$ = $1->value; } | '-' con { $$ = -$2; } | '+' con { $$ = $2; } | '~' con { $$ = ~$2; } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } oexpr: { $$ = 0; } | ',' expr { $$ = $2; } expr: con | expr '+' expr { $$ = $1 + $3; } | expr '-' expr { $$ = $1 - $3; } | expr '*' expr { $$ = $1 * $3; } | expr '/' expr { $$ = $1 / $3; } | expr '%' expr { $$ = $1 % $3; } | expr '<' '<' expr { $$ = $1 << $4; } | expr '>' '>' expr { $$ = $1 >> $4; } | expr '&' expr { $$ = $1 & $3; } | expr '^' expr { $$ = $1 ^ $3; } | expr '|' expr { $$ = $1 | $3; }