.TH KBD 3 .SH NAME kbd \- pc keyboard driver .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B bind -a #b /dev .B /dev/scancode .B /dev/leds .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .PP The .I kbd device serves a one-level directory containing the files .BR scancode and .BR leds . .PP Reading the .BR scancode file returns the raw scancode stream as it is emited by the keyboard device without any translation. It is usualy .IR kbdfs (8) task to interpret the scancodes and provide device independent keyboard input to programs. The .BR scancode file can be only opend once by the hostowner. .PP Writing a number to the write-only .BR leds file changes the status leds on the keyboard. the value of the number is the addition of 1, 2 and 4 representing activated Scroll, Num and Caps leds. .SH EXAMPLE Set the Scroll and Caps leds: .EX echo 5 >/dev/leds .EE .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR kbdfs (8) .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/9/pc/devkbd.c