.TH WEATHER 1 .SH NAME weather \- print weather report .SH SYNOPSIS .B weather [ .I air ] [ .I st ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Weather prints the local conditions and seven-day forecast most recently reported at the .SM US airport with the three-letter location identifier .IR air . Given a two-letter .SM US state abbreviation .I st instead, .I weather prints a table of .I air location identifiers known for .IR st . .PP The arguments are mutually exclusive and case-insensitive. If neither is given, .I air defaults to the value of the environment variable .BR $weather , or if it is unset, to the location identifier .BR ewr , designating the Newark, NJ, airport near Bell Labs, Murray Hill. .SH SOURCE .B /rc/bin/weather .SH BUGS Weather is hopelessly provincial.