.TH NINTENDO 1 .SH NAME gb, nes \- emulators .SH SYNOPSIS .B games/gb [ .B -23a ] .I romfile .br .B games/nes [ .B -23aso ] .I romfile .SH DESCRIPTION .I Gb and .I nes are emulators for the Nintendo Game Boy and Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). They execute the romfile given as an argument. The \fBz\fR, \fBx\fR, return and shift keys correspond to B, A, Start and Select, respectively. Other keys: .TP F5 Save the current state in \fBgb.save\fR / \fBnes.save\fR. .TP F6 Load the current state from \fBgb.save\fR / \fBnes.save\fR. .TP Esc Pause the emulator. .TP Del Exit the emulator. .PP Command line options: .TP .B -2 -3 Scale the screen by the given factor. .TP .B -a Enable audio output. .TP .B -s (\fInes\fR only) Save contents of battery backed SRAM (used by some games for savegames) as a file (\fIgb\fR automatically detects if this is needed) .TP .B -o (\fInes\fR only) Hide the top and bottom eight pixels (overscan area), like a real television would. .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/games/gb .br .B /sys/src/games/nes .SH BUGS You bet! .SH HISTORY .I Gb first appeared in 9front (April, 2012). .br .I Nes first appeared in 9front (February, 2014).