#include "system/stacktrace.h" #include "ebisp/gc.h" #include "ebisp/interpreter.h" #include "ebisp/parser.h" #include "ebisp/scope.h" #include "ebisp/std.h" #include "game/level.h" #include "game/level/player/rigid_rect.h" #include "sdl/renderer.h" #include "system/log.h" #include "system/log_script.h" #include "system/lt.h" #include "system/nth_alloc.h" #include "ui/console.h" #include "ui/console_log.h" #include "ui/edit_field.h" #include "ui/history.h" #include "broadcast.h" #define FONT_WIDTH_SCALE 3.0f #define FONT_HEIGHT_SCALE 3.0f #define CONSOLE_LOG_CAPACITY 10 #define HISTORY_CAPACITY 20 #define PROMPT_HEIGHT (FONT_HEIGHT_SCALE * FONT_CHAR_HEIGHT) #define CONSOLE_LOG_HEIGHT (FONT_HEIGHT_SCALE * FONT_CHAR_HEIGHT * CONSOLE_LOG_CAPACITY) #define CONSOLE_HEIGHT (CONSOLE_LOG_HEIGHT + PROMPT_HEIGHT) #define SLIDE_DOWN_TIME 0.4f #define CONSOLE_ALPHA (0.80f) #define CONSOLE_BACKGROUND (rgba(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, CONSOLE_ALPHA)) #define CONSOLE_FOREGROUND (rgba(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, CONSOLE_ALPHA)) #define CONSOLE_ERROR (rgba(0.80f, 0.50f, 0.50f, CONSOLE_ALPHA)) #define CONSOLE_EVAL_RESULT_SIZE 256 struct Console { Lt *lt; Gc *gc; struct Scope scope; Edit_field *edit_field; Console_Log *console_log; History *history; float a; char *eval_result; }; /* TODO(#355): Console does not support Emacs keybindings */ /* TODO(#356): Console does not support autocompletion */ /* TODO(#357): Console does not show the state of the GC of the script */ /* TODO(#358): Console does not support copy, cut, paste operations */ Console *create_console(Broadcast *broadcast, const Sprite_font *font) { Lt *lt = create_lt(); if (lt == NULL) { return NULL; } Console *console = PUSH_LT(lt, nth_alloc(sizeof(Console)), free); if (console == NULL) { RETURN_LT(lt, NULL); } console->lt = lt; console->gc = PUSH_LT(lt, create_gc(), destroy_gc); if (console->gc == NULL) { RETURN_LT(lt, NULL); } console->scope.expr = CONS(console->gc, NIL(console->gc), NIL(console->gc)); load_std_library(console->gc, &console->scope); load_log_library(console->gc, &console->scope); /* TODO(#669): how to report EvalResult error from create_console? */ broadcast_load_library(broadcast, console->gc, &console->scope); console->edit_field = PUSH_LT( lt, create_edit_field( font, vec(FONT_WIDTH_SCALE, FONT_HEIGHT_SCALE), CONSOLE_FOREGROUND), destroy_edit_field); if (console->edit_field == NULL) { RETURN_LT(lt, NULL); } console->console_log = PUSH_LT( lt, create_console_log( font, vec(FONT_WIDTH_SCALE, FONT_HEIGHT_SCALE), CONSOLE_LOG_CAPACITY), destroy_console_log); console->a = 0; console->eval_result = PUSH_LT( lt, nth_alloc(sizeof(char) * CONSOLE_EVAL_RESULT_SIZE), free); if (console->eval_result == NULL) { RETURN_LT(lt, NULL); } memset(console->eval_result, 0, sizeof(char) * CONSOLE_EVAL_RESULT_SIZE); console->history = PUSH_LT( lt, create_history(HISTORY_CAPACITY), destroy_history); if (console->history == NULL) { RETURN_LT(lt, NULL); } return console; } void destroy_console(Console *console) { trace_assert(console); RETURN_LT0(console->lt); } static int console_eval_input(Console *console) { const char *source_code = edit_field_as_text(console->edit_field); /* TODO(#387): console pushes empty strings to the history */ if (history_push(console->history, source_code) < 0) { return -1; } if (console_log_push_line(console->console_log, source_code, CONSOLE_FOREGROUND) < 0) { return -1; } while (*source_code != 0) { struct ParseResult parse_result = read_expr_from_string(console->gc, source_code); if (parse_result.is_error) { if (console_log_push_line(console->console_log, parse_result.error_message, CONSOLE_ERROR)) { return -1; } edit_field_clean(console->edit_field); return 0; } struct EvalResult eval_result = eval( console->gc, &console->scope, parse_result.expr); if (expr_as_sexpr( eval_result.expr, console->eval_result, CONSOLE_EVAL_RESULT_SIZE) < 0) { return -1; } if (console_log_push_line(console->console_log, console->eval_result, eval_result.is_error ? CONSOLE_ERROR : CONSOLE_FOREGROUND)) { return -1; } source_code = next_token(parse_result.end).begin; } gc_collect(console->gc, console->scope.expr); edit_field_clean(console->edit_field); return 0; } int console_handle_event(Console *console, const SDL_Event *event) { switch(event->type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch(event->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_RETURN: return console_eval_input(console); case SDLK_UP: edit_field_replace( console->edit_field, history_current(console->history)); history_prev(console->history); return 0; case SDLK_DOWN: edit_field_replace( console->edit_field, history_current(console->history)); history_next(console->history); return 0; } break; } return edit_field_handle_event(console->edit_field, event); } int console_render(const Console *console, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { /* TODO(#364): console doesn't have any padding around the edit fields */ SDL_Rect view_port; SDL_RenderGetViewport(renderer, &view_port); const float e = console->a * (2 - console->a); const float y = -(1.0f - e) * CONSOLE_HEIGHT; if (fill_rect(renderer, rect(0.0f, y, (float) view_port.w, CONSOLE_HEIGHT), CONSOLE_BACKGROUND) < 0) { return -1; } if (console_log_render(console->console_log, renderer, vec(0.0f, y)) < 0) { return -1; } if (edit_field_render(console->edit_field, renderer, vec(0.0f, y + CONSOLE_LOG_HEIGHT)) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int console_update(Console *console, float delta_time) { trace_assert(console); if (console->a < 1.0f) { console->a += 1.0f / SLIDE_DOWN_TIME * delta_time; if (console->a > 1.0f) { console->a = 1.0f; } } return 0; } void console_slide_down(Console *console) { trace_assert(console); console->a = 0.0f; }