/* Copyright (c) 2012, Bastien Dejean * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef BSPWM_TYPES_H #define BSPWM_TYPES_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "helpers.h" #define MISSING_VALUE "N/A" #define MAX_WM_STATES 4 typedef enum { TYPE_HORIZONTAL, TYPE_VERTICAL } split_type_t; typedef enum { MODE_AUTOMATIC, MODE_MANUAL } split_mode_t; typedef enum { SCHEME_LONGEST_SIDE, SCHEME_ALTERNATE, SCHEME_SPIRAL } automatic_scheme_t; typedef enum { STATE_TILED, STATE_PSEUDO_TILED, STATE_FLOATING, STATE_FULLSCREEN } client_state_t; typedef enum { WM_FLAG_MODAL = 1 << 0, WM_FLAG_STICKY = 1 << 1, WM_FLAG_MAXIMIZED_VERT = 1 << 2, WM_FLAG_MAXIMIZED_HORZ = 1 << 3, WM_FLAG_SHADED = 1 << 4, WM_FLAG_SKIP_TASKBAR = 1 << 5, WM_FLAG_SKIP_PAGER = 1 << 6, WM_FLAG_HIDDEN = 1 << 7, WM_FLAG_FULLSCREEN = 1 << 8, WM_FLAG_ABOVE = 1 << 9, WM_FLAG_BELOW = 1 << 10, WM_FLAG_DEMANDS_ATTENTION = 1 << 11, } wm_flags_t; typedef enum { LAYER_BELOW, LAYER_NORMAL, LAYER_ABOVE } stack_layer_t; typedef enum { OPTION_NONE, OPTION_TRUE, OPTION_FALSE } option_bool_t; typedef enum { ALTER_TOGGLE, ALTER_SET } alter_state_t; typedef enum { CYCLE_NEXT, CYCLE_PREV } cycle_dir_t; typedef enum { CIRCULATE_FORWARD, CIRCULATE_BACKWARD } circulate_dir_t; typedef enum { HISTORY_OLDER, HISTORY_NEWER } history_dir_t; typedef enum { DIR_NORTH, DIR_WEST, DIR_SOUTH, DIR_EAST } direction_t; typedef enum { HANDLE_LEFT = 1 << 0, HANDLE_TOP = 1 << 1, HANDLE_RIGHT = 1 << 2, HANDLE_BOTTOM = 1 << 3, HANDLE_TOP_LEFT = HANDLE_TOP | HANDLE_LEFT, HANDLE_TOP_RIGHT = HANDLE_TOP | HANDLE_RIGHT, HANDLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT = HANDLE_BOTTOM | HANDLE_RIGHT, HANDLE_BOTTOM_LEFT = HANDLE_BOTTOM | HANDLE_LEFT } resize_handle_t; typedef enum { ACTION_NONE, ACTION_FOCUS, ACTION_MOVE, ACTION_RESIZE_SIDE, ACTION_RESIZE_CORNER } pointer_action_t; typedef enum { LAYOUT_TILED, LAYOUT_MONOCLE } layout_t; typedef enum { FLIP_HORIZONTAL, FLIP_VERTICAL } flip_t; typedef enum { FIRST_CHILD, SECOND_CHILD } child_polarity_t; typedef enum { TIGHTNESS_LOW, TIGHTNESS_HIGH, } tightness_t; typedef enum { AREA_BIGGEST, AREA_SMALLEST, } area_peak_t; typedef enum { STATE_TRANSITION_ENTER = 1 << 0, STATE_TRANSITION_EXIT = 1 << 1, } state_transition_t; typedef struct { option_bool_t automatic; option_bool_t focused; option_bool_t active; option_bool_t local; option_bool_t leaf; option_bool_t window; option_bool_t tiled; option_bool_t pseudo_tiled; option_bool_t floating; option_bool_t fullscreen; option_bool_t hidden; option_bool_t sticky; option_bool_t private; option_bool_t locked; option_bool_t marked; option_bool_t urgent; option_bool_t same_class; option_bool_t descendant_of; option_bool_t ancestor_of; option_bool_t below; option_bool_t normal; option_bool_t above; option_bool_t horizontal; option_bool_t vertical; } node_select_t; typedef struct { option_bool_t occupied; option_bool_t focused; option_bool_t active; option_bool_t urgent; option_bool_t local; option_bool_t tiled; option_bool_t monocle; option_bool_t user_tiled; option_bool_t user_monocle; } desktop_select_t; typedef struct { option_bool_t occupied; option_bool_t focused; } monitor_select_t; typedef struct icccm_props_t icccm_props_t; struct icccm_props_t { bool take_focus; bool input_hint; bool delete_window; }; typedef struct { char class_name[MAXLEN]; char instance_name[MAXLEN]; char name[MAXLEN]; unsigned int border_width; unsigned int border_radius; unsigned int drawn_border_radius; bool urgent; bool shown; bool sets_own_shape; client_state_t state; client_state_t last_state; stack_layer_t layer; stack_layer_t last_layer; xcb_rectangle_t floating_rectangle; xcb_rectangle_t tiled_rectangle; xcb_size_hints_t size_hints; icccm_props_t icccm_props; wm_flags_t wm_flags; } client_t; typedef struct presel_t presel_t; struct presel_t { double split_ratio; direction_t split_dir; xcb_window_t feedback; }; typedef struct constraints_t constraints_t; struct constraints_t { uint16_t min_width; uint16_t min_height; }; typedef struct node_t node_t; struct node_t { uint32_t id; split_type_t split_type; double split_ratio; presel_t *presel; xcb_rectangle_t rectangle; constraints_t constraints; bool vacant; bool hidden; bool sticky; bool private; bool locked; bool marked; node_t *first_child; node_t *second_child; node_t *parent; client_t *client; }; typedef struct padding_t padding_t; struct padding_t { int top; int right; int bottom; int left; }; typedef struct desktop_t desktop_t; struct desktop_t { char name[SMALEN]; uint32_t id; layout_t layout; layout_t user_layout; node_t *root; node_t *focus; desktop_t *prev; desktop_t *next; padding_t padding; int window_gap; unsigned int border_width; unsigned int border_radius; }; typedef struct monitor_t monitor_t; struct monitor_t { char name[SMALEN]; uint32_t id; xcb_randr_output_t randr_id; xcb_window_t root; bool wired; padding_t padding; unsigned int sticky_count; int window_gap; unsigned int border_width; unsigned int border_radius; xcb_rectangle_t rectangle; desktop_t *desk; desktop_t *desk_head; desktop_t *desk_tail; monitor_t *prev; monitor_t *next; }; typedef struct { monitor_t *monitor; desktop_t *desktop; node_t *node; } coordinates_t; typedef struct history_t history_t; struct history_t { coordinates_t loc; bool latest; history_t *prev; history_t *next; }; typedef struct stacking_list_t stacking_list_t; struct stacking_list_t { node_t *node; stacking_list_t *prev; stacking_list_t *next; }; typedef struct event_queue_t event_queue_t; struct event_queue_t { xcb_generic_event_t event; event_queue_t *prev; event_queue_t *next; }; typedef struct subscriber_list_t subscriber_list_t; struct subscriber_list_t { FILE *stream; char* fifo_path; int field; int count; subscriber_list_t *prev; subscriber_list_t *next; }; typedef struct rule_t rule_t; struct rule_t { char class_name[MAXLEN]; char instance_name[MAXLEN]; char name[MAXLEN]; char effect[MAXLEN]; bool one_shot; rule_t *prev; rule_t *next; }; typedef struct { char class_name[MAXLEN]; char instance_name[MAXLEN]; char name[MAXLEN]; char monitor_desc[MAXLEN]; char desktop_desc[MAXLEN]; char node_desc[MAXLEN]; direction_t *split_dir; double split_ratio; stack_layer_t *layer; client_state_t *state; bool hidden; bool sticky; bool private; bool locked; bool marked; bool center; bool follow; bool manage; bool focus; bool border; xcb_rectangle_t *rect; } rule_consequence_t; typedef struct pending_rule_t pending_rule_t; struct pending_rule_t { int fd; xcb_window_t win; rule_consequence_t *csq; event_queue_t *event_head; event_queue_t *event_tail; pending_rule_t *prev; pending_rule_t *next; }; #endif