#include #include #include "./pi.h" #include "./triangle.h" #include "./math/rand.h" triangle_t triangle(point_t p1, point_t p2, point_t p3) { const triangle_t result = { .p1 = p1, .p2 = p2, .p3 = p3 }; return result; } triangle_t equilateral_triangle(void) { const float d = PI_2 / 3.0f; const triangle_t result = { .p1 = vec(cosf(0.0f), sinf(0.0f)), .p2 = vec(cosf(d), sinf(d)), .p3 = vec(cosf(2.0f * d), sinf(2.0f * d)) }; return result; } /* TODO(#151): some of the random triangles are too thin */ triangle_t random_triangle(float radius) { return triangle( vec_from_polar(rand_float(2 * PI), rand_float(radius)), vec_from_polar(rand_float(2 * PI), rand_float(radius)), vec_from_polar(rand_float(2 * PI), rand_float(radius))); } static void swap_points(point_t *p1, point_t *p2) { point_t t = *p1; *p1 = *p2; *p2 = t; } triangle_t triangle_sorted_by_y(triangle_t t) { if (t.p1.y > t.p2.y) { swap_points(&t.p1, &t.p2); } if (t.p2.y > t.p3.y) { swap_points(&t.p2, &t.p3); } if (t.p1.y > t.p2.y) { swap_points(&t.p1, &t.p2); } return t; } void rect_as_triangles(rect_t rect, triangle_t triangles[2]) { triangle_t t1 = { .p1 = { .x = rect.x, .y = rect.y }, .p2 = { .x = rect.x + rect.w, .y = rect.y }, .p3 = { .x = rect.x, .y = rect.y + rect.h } }; triangle_t t2 = { .p1 = { .x = rect.x + rect.w, .y = rect.y }, .p2 = { .x = rect.x, .y = rect.y + rect.h }, .p3 = { .x = rect.x + rect.w, .y = rect.y + rect.h } }; triangles[0] = t1; triangles[1] = t2; } triangle_t triangle_mat3x3_product(triangle_t t, mat3x3 m) { triangle_t t1 = { .p1 = point_mat3x3_product(t.p1, m), .p2 = point_mat3x3_product(t.p2, m), .p3 = point_mat3x3_product(t.p3, m) }; return t1; }