### What it does Checks for `match` with identical arm bodies. ### Why is this bad? This is probably a copy & paste error. If arm bodies are the same on purpose, you can factor them [using `|`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/patterns.html#multiple-patterns). ### Known problems False positive possible with order dependent `match` (see issue [#860](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/860)). ### Example ``` match foo { Bar => bar(), Quz => quz(), Baz => bar(), // <= oops } ``` This should probably be ``` match foo { Bar => bar(), Quz => quz(), Baz => baz(), // <= fixed } ``` or if the original code was not a typo: ``` match foo { Bar | Baz => bar(), // <= shows the intent better Quz => quz(), } ```