// This test ensures that the where conditions are correctly displayed. goto: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/trait.Whitespace.html" show-text: true // First, we check in the trait definition if the where clause is "on its own" (not on the same // line than "pub trait Whitespace"). compare-elements-position-false: (".item-decl code", ".where.fmt-newline", ("y")) // And that the code following it isn't on the same line either. compare-elements-position-false: (".item-decl .fnname", ".where.fmt-newline", ("y")) goto: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/struct.WhereWhitespace.html" // We make the screen a bit wider to ensure that the trait impl is on one line. size: (915, 915) compare-elements-position-false: ("#method\.new .fnname", "#method\.new .where.fmt-newline", ("y")) // We ensure that both the trait name and the struct name are on the same line in // "impl Whitespace<&K> for WhereWhitespace". compare-elements-position: ( "#trait-implementations-list .impl h3 .trait", "#trait-implementations-list .impl h3 .struct", ("y"), ) // And we now check that the where condition isn't on the same line. compare-elements-position-false: ( "#trait-implementations-list .impl h3 .trait", "#trait-implementations-list .impl h3 .where.fmt-newline", ("y"), )