// This test ensures that the items declaration content overflow is handled inside the
goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/lib2/long_trait/trait.ALongNameBecauseItHelpsTestingTheCurrentProblem.html
// We set a fixed size so there is no chance of "random" resize.
size: (1100, 800)
// Logically, the  scroll width should be the width of the window.
assert-property: ("body", {"scrollWidth": "1100"})
// However, since there is overflow in the type declaration, its scroll width is bigger.
assert-property: (".item-decl pre", {"scrollWidth": "1324"})

// We now make the same check on type declaration...
goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/lib2/too_long/type.ReallyLongTypeNameLongLongLong.html
assert-property: ("body", {"scrollWidth": "1100"})
// We now check that the section width hasn't grown because of it.
assert-property: ("#main-content", {"scrollWidth": "825"})
// And now checking that it has scrollable content.
assert-property: (".item-decl pre", {"scrollWidth": "1103"})

// ... and constant.
// On a sidenote, it also checks that the (very) long title isn't changing the docblock width.
goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/lib2/too_long/constant.ReallyLongTypeNameLongLongLongConstBecauseWhyNotAConstRightGigaGigaSupraLong.html
assert-property: ("body", {"scrollWidth": "1100"})
// We now check that the section width hasn't grown because of it.
assert-property: ("#main-content", {"scrollWidth": "825"})
// And now checking that it has scrollable content.
assert-property: (".item-decl pre", {"scrollWidth": "950"})

// On mobile:
size: (600, 600)
goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/lib2/too_long/struct.SuperIncrediblyLongLongLongLongLongLongLongGigaGigaGigaMegaLongLongLongStructName.html
assert-property: (".mobile-topbar .location", {"scrollWidth": "504"})
assert-property: (".mobile-topbar .location", {"clientWidth": "504"})
assert-css: (".mobile-topbar .location", {"overflow-x": "hidden"})