// Checks that the documentation toggles have the correct position, style and work as expected. goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/test_docs/index.html assert-attribute: ("#main-content > details.top-doc", {"open": ""}) assert-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[−]") click: "#toggle-all-docs" wait-for: 50 // This is now collapsed so there shouldn't be the "open" attribute on details. assert-attribute-false: ("#main-content > details.top-doc", {"open": ""}) assert-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[+]") click: "#toggle-all-docs" wait-for: 50 // Not collapsed anymore so the "open" attribute should be back. assert-attribute: ("#main-content > details.top-doc", {"open": ""}) assert-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[−]") // Check that it works on non-module pages as well. goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/test_docs/struct.Foo.html // We first check that everything is visible. assert-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[−]") assert-attribute: ("#implementations-list details.rustdoc-toggle", {"open": ""}, ALL) assert-attribute: ("#trait-implementations-list details.rustdoc-toggle", {"open": ""}, ALL) assert-attribute-false: ( "#blanket-implementations-list > details.rustdoc-toggle", {"open": ""}, ALL, ) // We collapse them all. click: "#toggle-all-docs" wait-for: 50 assert-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[+]") // We check that all
are collapsed (except for the impl block ones). assert-attribute-false: ("details.rustdoc-toggle:not(.implementors-toggle)", {"open": ""}, ALL) assert-attribute: ("#implementations-list > details.implementors-toggle", {"open": ""}) // We now check that the other impl blocks are collapsed. assert-attribute-false: ( "#blanket-implementations-list > details.rustdoc-toggle.implementors-toggle", {"open": ""}, ALL, ) // We open them all again. click: "#toggle-all-docs" wait-for: 50 assert-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[−]") assert-attribute: ("details.rustdoc-toggle", {"open": ""}, ALL)