goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/test_docs/struct.Foo.html size: (433, 600) assert: (".top-doc", "open", "") click: (4, 280) // This is the position of the top doc comment toggle assert-false: (".top-doc", "open", "") click: (4, 280) assert: (".top-doc", "open", "") // To ensure that the toggle isn't over the text, we check that the toggle isn't clicked. click: (3, 280) assert: (".top-doc", "open", "") // Now we do the same but with a little bigger width size: (600, 600) assert: (".top-doc", "open", "") click: (4, 240) // New Y position since all search elements are back on one line. assert-false: (".top-doc", "open", "") click: (4, 240) assert: (".top-doc", "open", "") // To ensure that the toggle isn't over the text, we check that the toggle isn't clicked. click: (3, 240) assert: (".top-doc", "open", "")