// This test ensures that clicking on a method summary, but not on the "[-]", // doesn't toggle the
. goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/lib2/struct.Foo.html assert-attribute: (".impl-items .rustdoc-toggle", {"open": ""}) click: "h4.code-header" // This is the position of "pub" in "pub fn a_method" assert-attribute: (".impl-items .rustdoc-toggle", {"open": ""}) click: ".impl-items .rustdoc-toggle summary::before" // This is the position of "[-]" next to that pub fn. assert-attribute-false: (".impl-items .rustdoc-toggle", {"open": ""}) // Click the "Trait" part of "impl Trait" and verify it navigates. click: "#impl-Trait h3 a:first-of-type" assert-text: (".fqn .in-band", "Trait lib2::Trait")