goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/test_docs/index.html assert-text: (".sidebar > .location", "Crate test_docs") // In modules, we only have one "location" element. assert-count: (".sidebar .location", 1) assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > #all-types", "See all test_docs's items") // We check that we have the crates list and that the "current" on is "test_docs". assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .crate > ul > li > a.current", "test_docs") // And we're also supposed to have the list of items in the current module. assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(1)", "Modules") assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(2)", "Structs") assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(3)", "Enums") assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(4)", "Traits") assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(5)", "Functions") assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(6)", "Type Definitions") assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(7)", "Keywords") assert-text: ("#structs + table td > a", "Foo") click: "#structs + table td > a" // PAGE: struct.Foo.html assert-count: (".sidebar .location", 2) // We check that there is no crate listed outside of the top level. assert-false: ".sidebar-elems > .crate" // We now go back to the crate page to click on the "lib2" crate link. goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/test_docs/index.html click: ".sidebar-elems > .crate > ul > li:first-child > a" // PAGE: lib2/index.html goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/lib2/index.html assert-text: (".sidebar > .location", "Crate lib2") // We check that we have the crates list and that the "current" on is now "lib2". assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .crate > ul > li > a.current", "lib2") // We now go to the "foobar" function page. assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(1)", "Modules") assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(2)", "Structs") assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(3)", "Traits") assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(4)", "Functions") assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(5)", "Type Definitions") assert-text: ("#functions + table td > a", "foobar") click: "#functions + table td > a" // PAGE: fn.foobar.html // In items containing no items (like functions or constants) and in modules, we have one // "location" elements. assert-count: (".sidebar .location", 1) // There is a "
" tag between "in" and "lib2", but it doesn't count as a space. assert-text: (".sidebar .sidebar-elems .location", "Other items inlib2") // We check that we don't have the crate list. assert-false: ".sidebar-elems > .crate" goto: ./module/index.html assert-text: (".sidebar > .location", "Module module") // We check that we don't have the crate list. assert-false: ".sidebar-elems > .crate" goto: ./sub_module/sub_sub_module/index.html assert-text: (".sidebar > .location", "Module sub_sub_module") // We check that we don't have the crate list. assert-false: ".sidebar-elems > .crate" assert-text: (".sidebar-elems > .items > ul > li:nth-child(1)", "Functions") assert-text: ("#functions + table td > a", "foo")