// This test ensures that the settings menu display is working as expected. goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/test_docs/index.html // First, we check that the settings page doesn't exist. assert-false: "#settings" // We now click on the settings button. click: "#settings-menu" wait-for: "#settings" assert-css: ("#settings", {"display": "block"}) // Let's close it by clicking on the same button. click: "#settings-menu" wait-for-css: ("#settings", {"display": "none"}) // Let's check that pressing "ESCAPE" is closing it. click: "#settings-menu" wait-for-css: ("#settings", {"display": "block"}) press-key: "Escape" wait-for-css: ("#settings", {"display": "none"}) // Let's click on it when the search results are displayed. focus: ".search-input" write: "test" wait-for: "#alternative-display #search" click: "#settings-menu" wait-for-css: ("#settings", {"display": "block"}) // Ensure that the search is still displayed. wait-for: "#alternative-display #search" assert: "#main-content.hidden" // Now let's check the content of the settings menu. local-storage: {"rustdoc-theme": "dark", "rustdoc-use-system-theme": "false"} reload: click: "#settings-menu" wait-for: "#settings" // We check that the "Use system theme" is disabled. assert-property: ("#use-system-theme", {"checked": "false"}) assert: "//*[@class='setting-line']//span[text()='Use system theme']" // Meaning that only the "theme" menu is showing up. assert: ".setting-line:not(.hidden) #theme" assert: ".setting-line.hidden #preferred-dark-theme" assert: ".setting-line.hidden #preferred-light-theme" // We check that the correct theme is selected. assert-property: ("#theme .choices #theme-dark", {"checked": "true"}) // We now switch the display. click: "#use-system-theme" // Wait for the hidden element to show up. wait-for: ".setting-line:not(.hidden) #preferred-dark-theme" assert: ".setting-line:not(.hidden) #preferred-light-theme" // Check that the theme picking is hidden. assert: ".setting-line.hidden #theme" // We check their text as well. assert-text: ("#preferred-dark-theme .setting-name", "Preferred dark theme") assert-text: ("#preferred-light-theme .setting-name", "Preferred light theme") // We now check that clicking on the "sliders"' text is like clicking on the slider. // To test it, we use the "Disable keyboard shortcuts". local-storage: {"rustdoc-disable-shortcuts": "false"} click: ".setting-line:last-child .toggle .label" assert-local-storage: {"rustdoc-disable-shortcuts": "true"} // Now we go to the settings page to check that the CSS is loaded as expected. goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/settings.html wait-for: "#settings" assert-css: (".setting-line .toggle .slider", {"width": "45px", "margin-right": "20px"}) // We now check the display with JS disabled. assert-false: "noscript section" javascript: false reload: assert-css: ("noscript section", {"display": "block"})