-include ../tools.mk TARGETS = ifeq ($(filter arm,$(LLVM_COMPONENTS)),arm) # construct a fairly exhaustive list of platforms that we # support. These ones don't follow a pattern TARGETS += arm-linux-androideabi arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi endif ifeq ($(filter x86,$(LLVM_COMPONENTS)),x86) X86_ARCHS = i686 x86_64 else X86_ARCHS = endif # these ones do, each OS lists the architectures it supports LINUX=$(filter aarch64 mips,$(LLVM_COMPONENTS)) $(X86_ARCHS) ifeq ($(filter mips,$(LLVM_COMPONENTS)),mips) LINUX += mipsel endif WINDOWS=$(X86_ARCHS) # fails with: failed to get iphonesimulator SDK path: no such file or directory #IOS=i386 aarch64 armv7 DARWIN=$(X86_ARCHS) $(foreach arch,$(LINUX),$(eval TARGETS += $(arch)-unknown-linux-gnu)) $(foreach arch,$(WINDOWS),$(eval TARGETS += $(arch)-pc-windows-gnu)) #$(foreach arch,$(IOS),$(eval TARGETS += $(arch)-apple-ios)) $(foreach arch,$(DARWIN),$(eval TARGETS += $(arch)-apple-darwin)) all: $(TARGETS) define MK_TARGETS # compile the rust file to the given target, but only to asm and IR # form, to avoid having to have an appropriate linker. # # we need some features because the integer SIMD instructions are not # enabled by-default for i686 and ARM; these features will be invalid # on some platforms, but LLVM just prints a warning so that's fine for # now. $(1): simd.rs $$(RUSTC) --target=$(1) --emit=llvm-ir,asm simd.rs \ -C target-feature='+neon,+sse2' -C extra-filename=-$(1) endef $(foreach targetxxx,$(TARGETS),$(eval $(call MK_TARGETS,$(targetxxx))))