package com.irtimaled.bbor.client.config; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public class ConfigManager { private static final Set> settings = new HashSet<>(); private static File configDir; public static Setting fill; public static Setting drawVillages; public static Setting drawDesertTemples; public static Setting drawJungleTemples; public static Setting drawWitchHuts; public static Setting drawStrongholds; public static Setting drawMineShafts; public static Setting drawNetherFortresses; public static Setting drawOceanMonuments; public static Setting alwaysVisible; public static Setting drawSlimeChunks; public static Setting slimeChunkMaxY; public static Setting keepCacheBetweenSessions; public static Setting drawWorldSpawn; public static Setting worldSpawnMaxY; public static Setting drawLazySpawnChunks; public static Setting drawEndCities; public static Setting drawMansions; public static Setting drawShipwrecks; public static Setting drawOceanRuins; public static Setting drawBuriedTreasure; public static Setting drawIgloos; public static Setting drawMobSpawners; public static Setting renderMobSpawnerSpawnArea; public static Setting renderMobSpawnerActivationLines; public static Setting drawPillagerOutposts; public static Setting outerBoxesOnly; public static Setting drawAFKSpheres; public static Setting renderAFKSpawnableBlocks; public static Setting afkSpawnableBlocksRenderDistance; public static Setting drawBeacons; public static Setting drawBiomeBorders; public static Setting renderOnlyCurrentBiome; public static Setting biomeBordersRenderDistance; public static Setting biomeBordersMaxY; public static Setting drawNetherFossils; public static Setting drawBastionRemnants; public static Setting drawRuinedPortals; public static Setting drawConduits; public static Setting renderConduitMobHarmArea; public static Setting drawSpawnableBlocks; public static Setting spawnableBlocksRenderWidth; public static Setting spawnableBlocksRenderHeight; public static Setting invertBoxColorPlayerInside; public static Setting renderSphereAsDots; public static Setting drawFlowerForests; public static Setting flowerForestsRenderDistance; public static Setting drawBedrockCeilingBlocks; public static Setting colorWorldSpawn; public static Setting colorLazySpawnChunks; public static Setting colorMobSpawners; public static Setting colorMobSpawnersLineFarAway; public static Setting colorMobSpawnersLineNearby; public static Setting colorMobSpawnersLineActive; public static Setting colorSlimeChunks; public static Setting colorAFKSpheres; public static Setting colorAFKSpheresSafeArea; public static Setting colorBiomeBorders; public static Setting colorBeacons; public static Setting colorCustom; public static Setting colorConduits; public static Setting colorConduitMobHarmArea; public static Setting colorSpawnableBlocks; public static Setting colorJungleTemples; public static Setting colorDesertTemples; public static Setting colorWitchHuts; public static Setting colorOceanMonuments; public static Setting colorShipwrecks; public static Setting colorOceanRuins; public static Setting colorBuriedTreasure; public static Setting colorStrongholds; public static Setting colorMineShafts; public static Setting colorNetherFortresses; public static Setting colorEndCities; public static Setting colorMansions; public static Setting colorIgloos; public static Setting colorPillagerOutposts; public static Setting colorVillages; public static Setting colorNetherFossils; public static Setting colorBastionRemnants; public static Setting colorRuinedPortals; public static Setting colorFlowerForestDandelion; public static Setting colorFlowerForestPoppy; public static Setting colorFlowerForestAllium; public static Setting colorFlowerForestAzureBluet; public static Setting colorFlowerForestRedTulip; public static Setting colorFlowerForestOrangeTulip; public static Setting colorFlowerForestWhiteTulip; public static Setting colorFlowerForestPinkTulip; public static Setting colorFlowerForestOxeyeDaisy; public static Setting colorFlowerForestCornflower; public static Setting colorFlowerForestLilyOfTheValley; public static Setting colorBedrockCeilingBlocks; public static Setting buttonOnOverlay; public static void loadConfig() { configDir = new File(".", "config"); configDir.mkdirs(); Configuration config = loadConfiguration(); fill = setup(config, "general", "fill", true, "If set to true the bounding boxes are filled."); outerBoxesOnly = setup(config, "general", "outerBoxesOnly", false, "If set to true only the outer bounding boxes are rendered."); alwaysVisible = setup(config, "general", "alwaysVisible", false, "If set to true boxes will be visible even through other blocks."); keepCacheBetweenSessions = setup(config, "general", "keepCacheBetweenSessions", false, "If set to true bounding box caches will be kept between sessions."); invertBoxColorPlayerInside = setup(config, "general", "invertBoxColorPlayerInside", false, "If set to true the color of any bounding box the player is inside will be inverted."); renderSphereAsDots = setup(config, "general", "renderSphereAsDots", false, "If set to true spheres will be rendered as dots."); buttonOnOverlay = setup(config, "general", "buttonEnabledOverlay", HexColor.from("#3000ff00"), "The color and alpha of the button overlay when a button is on."); drawBeacons = setup(config, "beacons", "drawBeacons", true, "If set to true beacon bounding boxes will be drawn."); drawConduits = setup(config, "conduits", "drawConduits", true, "If set to true conduit bounding spheres will be drawn."); renderConduitMobHarmArea = setup(config, "conduits", "renderConduitMobHarmArea", true, "If set to true a box to show the area where hostile mobs are harmed will be drawn"); drawBiomeBorders = setup(config, "biomeBorders", "drawBiomeBorders", true, "If set to true biome borders will be drawn."); renderOnlyCurrentBiome = setup(config, "biomeBorders", "renderOnlyCurrentBiome", true, "If set to true only the biome border for the current biome will be drawn."); biomeBordersRenderDistance = setup(config, "biomeBorders", "biomeBordersRenderDistance", 3, "The distance from the player where biome borders will be drawn."); biomeBordersMaxY = setup(config, "biomeBorders", "biomeBordersMaxY", -1, "The maximum top of the biome borders. If set to -1 it will use the value when activated, if set to 0 it will always track the players feet."); drawFlowerForests = setup(config, "flowerForests", "drawFlowerForests", true, "If set to true flower forest flower overlays will be drawn."); flowerForestsRenderDistance = setup(config, "flowerForests", "flowerForestsRenderDistance", 3, "The distance from the player where flower forests will be drawn."); drawBedrockCeilingBlocks = setup(config, "bedrockCeiling", "drawBedrockCeilingBlocks", true, "If set to true position with only one layer of bedrock will be drawn."); drawVillages = setup(config, "structures", "drawVillages", false, "If set to true village bounding boxes will be drawn."); drawDesertTemples = setup(config, "structures", "drawDesertTemples", true, "If set to true desert temple bounding boxes are drawn."); drawJungleTemples = setup(config, "structures", "drawJungleTemples", true, "If set to true jungle temple bounding boxes are drawn."); drawWitchHuts = setup(config, "structures", "drawWitchHuts", true, "If set to true witch hut bounding boxes are drawn."); drawStrongholds = setup(config, "structures", "drawStrongholds", false, "If set to true stronghold bounding boxes are drawn."); drawMineShafts = setup(config, "structures", "drawMineShafts", false, "If set to true mineshaft bounding boxes are drawn."); drawNetherFortresses = setup(config, "structures", "drawNetherFortresses", true, "If set to true nether fortress bounding boxes are drawn."); drawOceanMonuments = setup(config, "structures", "drawOceanMonuments", true, "If set to true ocean monument bounding boxes are drawn."); drawEndCities = setup(config, "structures", "drawEndCities", true, "If set to true end city bounding boxes will be drawn."); drawMansions = setup(config, "structures", "drawMansions", true, "If set to true woodland mansions will be drawn."); drawIgloos = setup(config, "structures", "drawIgloos", true, "If set to true igloos will be drawn."); drawShipwrecks = setup(config, "structures", "drawShipwrecks", true, "If set to true shipwrecks will be drawn."); drawOceanRuins = setup(config, "structures", "drawOceanRuins", true, "If set to true ocean ruins will be drawn."); drawBuriedTreasure = setup(config, "structures", "drawBuriedTreasures", true, "If set to true buried treasure will be drawn."); drawPillagerOutposts = setup(config, "structures", "drawPillagerOutposts", true, "If set to true pillager outposts will be drawn."); drawNetherFossils = setup(config, "structures", "drawNetherFossils", true, "If set to true nether fossils will be drawn."); drawBastionRemnants = setup(config, "structures", "drawBastionRemnants", true, "If set to true bastion remnants will be drawn."); drawRuinedPortals = setup(config, "structures", "drawRuinedPortals", true, "If set to true ruined portals will be drawn."); drawSlimeChunks = setup(config, "slimeChunks", "drawSlimeChunks", true, "If set to true slime chunks bounding boxes are drawn."); slimeChunkMaxY = setup(config, "slimeChunks", "slimeChunkMaxY", -1, "The maximum top of the slime chunk bounding box. If set to -1 it will use the value when activated, if set to 0 it will always track the player's feet."); drawWorldSpawn = setup(config, "worldSpawn", "drawWorldSpawn", true, "If set to true world spawn and spawn chunks bounding boxes are drawn."); worldSpawnMaxY = setup(config, "worldSpawn", "worldSpawnMaxY", -1, "The maximum top of the world spawn bounding boxes. If set to -1 it will use the value when activated, if set to 0 it will always track the players feet."); drawLazySpawnChunks = setup(config, "worldSpawn", "drawLazySpawnChunks", false, "If set to true the lazy spawn chunks bounding boxes will be drawn."); drawMobSpawners = setup(config, "mobSpawners", "drawMobSpawners", true, "If set to true mob spawners will be drawn."); renderMobSpawnerSpawnArea = setup(config, "mobSpawners", "renderMobSpawnerSpawnArea", true, "If set to true a box to show the maximum possible spawn area (10x10x4) for a spawner will be drawn"); renderMobSpawnerActivationLines = setup(config, "mobSpawners", "renderMobSpawnerActivationLines", true, "If set to true a red/orange/green line will be drawn to show if the spawner is active"); drawAFKSpheres = setup(config, "afkSpot", "drawAFKSpheres", true, "If set to true afk spot spheres will be drawn."); renderAFKSpawnableBlocks = setup(config, "afkSpot", "renderAFKSpawnableBlocks", true, "If set to true boxes to show spawnable blocks within the AFK sphere will be drawn."); afkSpawnableBlocksRenderDistance = setup(config, "afkSpot", "afkSpawnableBlocksRenderDistance", 3, "The distance from the player where spawnable blocks within the AFK sphere will be drawn."); drawSpawnableBlocks = setup(config, "spawnableBlocks", "drawSpawnableBlocks", false, "If set to true boxes to show spawnable blocks will be drawn."); spawnableBlocksRenderWidth = setup(config, "spawnableBlocks", "spawnableBlocksRenderWidth", 2, "The distance from the player where spawnable blocks will be drawn in X and Z axis."); spawnableBlocksRenderHeight = setup(config, "spawnableBlocks", "spawnableBlocksRenderHeight", 1, "The distance from the player where spawnable blocks will be drawn in Y axis."); colorWorldSpawn = setup(config, "colors", "colorWorldSpawn", HexColor.from("#ff0000"), "Color of world spawn and spawn chunks bounding boxes."); colorLazySpawnChunks = setup(config, "colors", "colorLazySpawnChunks", HexColor.from("#ff0000"), "Color of lazy spawn chunks bounding boxes."); colorMobSpawners = setup(config, "colors", "colorMobSpawners", HexColor.from("#00ff00"), "Color of mob spawners."); colorMobSpawnersLineFarAway = setup(config, "colors", "colorMobSpawnersLineFarAway", HexColor.from("#ff0000"), "Color of mob spawner activation line if spawner far away."); colorMobSpawnersLineNearby = setup(config, "colors", "colorMobSpawnersLineNearby", HexColor.from("#ff7f00"), "Color of mob spawners activation line if spawner nearby."); colorMobSpawnersLineActive = setup(config, "colors", "colorMobSpawnersLineActive", HexColor.from("#00ff00"), "Color of mob spawners activation line if spawner active."); colorSlimeChunks = setup(config, "colors", "colorSlimeChunks", HexColor.from("#006000"), "Color of slime chunks bounding boxes."); colorAFKSpheres = setup(config, "colors", "colorAFKSpheres", HexColor.from("#ff0000"), "Color of afk spot spheres."); colorAFKSpheresSafeArea = setup(config, "colors", "colorAFKSpheresSafeArea", HexColor.from("#00ff00"), "Color of afk spot safe area spheres."); colorBiomeBorders = setup(config, "colors", "colorBiomeBorders", HexColor.from("#00ff00"), "Color of biome borders."); colorBeacons = setup(config, "colors", "colorBeacons", HexColor.from("#ffffff"), "Color of beacon bounding boxes."); colorCustom = setup(config, "colors", "colorCustom", HexColor.from("#ffffff"), "Color of all types of custom boxes."); colorConduits = setup(config, "colors", "colorConduits", HexColor.from("#00ffff"), "Color of conduit bounding spheres."); colorConduitMobHarmArea = setup(config, "colors", "colorConduitMobHarmArea", HexColor.from("#ff7f00"), "Color of conduit mob harm bounding boxes."); colorSpawnableBlocks = setup(config, "colors", "colorSpawnableBlocks", HexColor.from("#ff0000"), "Color of spawnable blocks."); colorJungleTemples = setup(config, "colors", "colorJungleTemples", HexColor.from("#006000"), "Color of jungle temple bounding boxes."); colorDesertTemples = setup(config, "colors", "colorDesertTemples", HexColor.from("#ffc800"), "Color of desert temple bounding boxes."); colorWitchHuts = setup(config, "colors", "colorWitchHuts", HexColor.from("#0000ff"), "Color of witch hut bounding boxes."); colorOceanMonuments = setup(config, "colors", "colorOceanMonuments", HexColor.from("#00ffff"), "Color of ocean monument bounding boxes."); colorShipwrecks = setup(config, "colors", "colorShipwrecks", HexColor.from("#00ffff"), "Color of ship wrecks."); colorOceanRuins = setup(config, "colors", "colorOceanRuins", HexColor.from("#00ffff"), "Color of ocean ruins."); colorBuriedTreasure = setup(config, "colors", "colorBuriedTreasure", HexColor.from("#00ffff"), "Color of buried treasure."); colorStrongholds = setup(config, "colors", "colorStrongholds", HexColor.from("#ffff00"), "Color of stronghold bounding boxes."); colorMineShafts = setup(config, "colors", "colorMineShafts", HexColor.from("#c0c0c0"), "Color of mineshaft bounding boxes."); colorNetherFortresses = setup(config, "colors", "colorNetherFortresses", HexColor.from("#ff0000"), "Color of nether fortress bounding boxes."); colorEndCities = setup(config, "colors", "colorEndCities", HexColor.from("#ff00ff"), "Color of end cities."); colorMansions = setup(config, "colors", "colorMansions", HexColor.from("#8b4513"), "Color of woodland mansions."); colorIgloos = setup(config, "colors", "colorIgloos", HexColor.from("#ffffff"), "Color of igloos."); colorPillagerOutposts = setup(config, "colors", "colorPillagerOutposts", HexColor.from("#404040"), "Color of pillager outposts."); colorVillages = setup(config, "colors", "colorVillages", HexColor.from("#800080"), "Color of village bounding boxes."); colorNetherFossils = setup(config, "colors", "colorNetherFossils", HexColor.from("#ffffff"), "Color of nether fossils."); colorBastionRemnants = setup(config, "colors", "colorBastionRemnants", HexColor.from("#c0c0c0"), "Color of bastion remnants."); colorRuinedPortals = setup(config, "colors", "colorRuinedPortals", HexColor.from("#c800ff"), "Color of ruined portals."); colorFlowerForestDandelion = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestDandelion", HexColor.from("#ffff00"), "Color of Flower Forest Dandelion"); colorFlowerForestPoppy = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestPoppy", HexColor.from("#ff0000"), "Color of Flower Forest Poppy"); colorFlowerForestAllium = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestAllium", HexColor.from("#ff00ff"), "Color of Flower Forest Allium"); colorFlowerForestAzureBluet = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestAzureBluet", HexColor.from("#d3d3d3"), "Color of Flower Forest Azure Bluet"); colorFlowerForestRedTulip = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestRedTulip", HexColor.from("#ff0000"), "Color of Flower Forest Red Tulip"); colorFlowerForestOrangeTulip = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestOrangeTulip", HexColor.from("#ff681f"), "Color of Flower Forest Orange Tulip"); colorFlowerForestWhiteTulip = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestWhiteTulip", HexColor.from("#d3d3d3"), "Color of Flower Forest White Tulip"); colorFlowerForestPinkTulip = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestPinkTulip", HexColor.from("#ff69b4"), "Color of Flower Forest Pink Tulip"); colorFlowerForestOxeyeDaisy = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestOxeyeDaisy", HexColor.from("#d3d3d3"), "Color of Flower Forest Oxeye Daisy"); colorFlowerForestCornflower = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestCornflower", HexColor.from("#0000ff"), "Color of Flower Forest Cornflower"); colorFlowerForestLilyOfTheValley = setup(config, "colors", "colorFlowerForestLilyOfTheValley", HexColor.from("#ffffff"), "Color of Flower Forest Lily Of The Valley"); colorBedrockCeilingBlocks = setup(config, "colors", "colorBedrockCeilingBlocks", HexColor.from("#00ff00"), "Color of Bedrock Ceiling Blocks");; } private static Configuration loadConfiguration() { Configuration config = new Configuration(new File(configDir, "BBOutlineReloaded.cfg")); config.load(); return config; } public static void saveConfig() { Configuration config = new Configuration(new File(configDir, "BBOutlineReloaded.cfg")); for (Setting setting : settings) { config.put(setting); }; } private static Setting setup(Configuration config, String category, String settingName, T defaultValue, String comment) { Setting setting = config.get(category, settingName, defaultValue); setting.category = category; = settingName; setting.defaultValue = defaultValue; if (setting.get() == null) setting.reset(); setting.comment = comment + " (default: " + defaultValue.toString() + ")"; settings.add(setting); return setting; } public static void Toggle(Setting setting) { setting.set(!setting.get()); } public static Set> getSettings() { return settings; } }