#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/err.h" #include "common/str.h" #include "common/file.h" #include "common/dl.h" #include "load.h" #include "parse.h" #define DEBUG 0 // helper functions static char *dirname_wrapper(const char *name) { char *copy = strdup(name); char *result = dirname(copy); char *result_copy = strdup(result); free(copy); return result_copy; } // type definitions typedef struct { char *name; UwUVMFunction *ref; } FunctionLink; typedef struct { char *path; // path without file extension char *filename; // path with file extension char *environment; // directory path UwUVMModuleType type; // native (.so) or plain (.uwu) FunctionLink *functions; // required functions size_t num_functions; // number of required functions size_t loaded_functions; // number of loaded functions (<= num_functions) union { AbstractSyntaxTree ast; // abstract syntax tree generated by parser (for plain modules) void *lib; // dlopen() shared object handle (for native modules) } handle; } Module; typedef struct { Module **modules; // loaded modules size_t num_modules; // count for modules char *std_path; // path to standard library Program program; // the result program } LoadState; // functions // returns mallocated string static inline char *get_filename(const char *module_path) { const char *try_names[3] = { "%s", "%s.uwu", "%s.so", }; char *filename; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { filename = asprintf_wrapper(try_names[i], module_path); if (file_exists(filename)) return filename; else free(filename); } return NULL; } // module_path is a mallocated string static Module *require_module(LoadState *state, char *module_path) { for (size_t i = 0; i < state->num_modules; i++) { Module *module = state->modules[i]; if (strcmp(module_path, module->path) == 0) { free(module_path); return module; } } char *filename = get_filename(module_path); if (! filename) error("module error: module %s not found\n", module_path); size_t filename_len = strlen(filename); UwUVMModuleType type = (filename_len >= 3 && strcmp(filename + filename_len - 3, ".so") == 0) ? MODULE_NATIVE : MODULE_PLAIN; state->modules = realloc(state->modules, sizeof *state->modules * ++state->num_modules); Module *module = state->modules[state->num_modules - 1] = malloc(sizeof *module); *module = (Module) { .path = module_path, .filename = filename, .environment = dirname_wrapper(module_path), .type = type, .functions = NULL, .num_functions = 0, .loaded_functions = 0, }; if (type == MODULE_PLAIN) { module->handle.ast = parse_file(filename); } else { state->program.libraries = realloc(state->program.libraries, sizeof(void *) * ++state->program.num_libraries); state->program.libraries[state->program.num_libraries - 1] = module->handle.lib = dlopen(filename, RTLD_LAZY); check_dlerror(); } return module; } static UwUVMFunction *require_function(LoadState *state, Module *module, const char *name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < module->num_functions; i++) { FunctionLink *link = &module->functions[i]; if (strcmp(link->name, name) == 0) return link->ref; } UwUVMFunction *ref = malloc(sizeof *ref); ref->type = module->type; state->program.functions = realloc(state->program.functions, sizeof *state->program.functions * ++state->program.num_functions); state->program.functions[state->program.num_functions - 1] = ref; module->functions = realloc(module->functions, sizeof *module->functions * ++module->num_functions); module->functions[module->num_functions - 1] = (FunctionLink) { .name = strdup(name), .ref = ref, }; return ref; } static UwUVMFunction *resolve_function(LoadState *state, Module *caller_module, const char *full_name) { size_t len = strlen(full_name); const char *fnname; for (fnname = &full_name[len - 1]; *fnname != ':' && fnname > full_name; fnname--) ; if (*fnname == ':') fnname++; if (*fnname == '\0') error("module error: empty function name referenced/called by module %s\n", caller_module->filename); Module *callee_module; if (fnname == full_name) { callee_module = caller_module; } else { const char *caller_path = caller_module->environment; const char *callee_name = full_name; if (*callee_name == ':') { caller_path = state->std_path; callee_name++; } size_t path_len = fnname - callee_name; char callee_path[path_len]; for (size_t i = 0; i < path_len; i++) callee_path[i] = (i == path_len - 1) ? '\0' : (callee_name[i] == ':') ? '/' : callee_name[i]; callee_module = require_module(state, asprintf_wrapper("%s/%s", caller_path, callee_path)); } return require_function(state, callee_module, fnname); } static void translate_expression(LoadState *state, Module *module, UwUVMExpression *vm_expr, ParseExpression *parse_expr) { UwUVMFunction *vm_function; if (parse_expr->type == EX_FNNAME || parse_expr->type == EX_FNCALL) { vm_function = resolve_function(state, module, parse_expr->value.str_value); free(parse_expr->value.str_value); } switch (vm_expr->type = parse_expr->type) { case EX_INTLIT: case EX_ARGNUM: vm_expr->value.int_value = parse_expr->value.int_value; break; case EX_STRLIT: vm_expr->value.str_value = parse_expr->value.str_value; break; case EX_FNNAME: vm_expr->value.ref_value = vm_function; break; case EX_FNCALL: vm_expr->value.cll_value.function = vm_function; vm_expr->value.cll_value.args = malloc(sizeof(UwUVMExpression) * parse_expr->num_children); vm_expr->value.cll_value.num_args = parse_expr->num_children; for (size_t i = 0; i < parse_expr->num_children; i++) translate_expression(state, module, &vm_expr->value.cll_value.args[i], parse_expr->children[i]); if (parse_expr->children) free(parse_expr->children); break; default: break; } free(parse_expr); } static void load_functions(LoadState *state, Module *module) { for (; module->loaded_functions < module->num_functions; module->loaded_functions++) { FunctionLink *link = &module->functions[module->loaded_functions]; if (module->type == MODULE_PLAIN) { ParseFunction **function = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < module->handle.ast.num_functions; i++) { ParseFunction **fn = &module->handle.ast.functions[i]; if (*fn && strcmp((*fn)->name, link->name) == 0) { function = fn; break; } } if (function) { translate_expression(state, module, link->ref->value.plain = malloc(sizeof(UwUVMExpression)), (*function)->expression); free((*function)->name); free(*function); *function = NULL; } else { error("module error: no function %s in module %s\n", link->name, module->filename); } } else { char *symbol = asprintf_wrapper("uwu_%s", link->name); link->ref->value.native = dlsym(module->handle.lib, symbol); check_dlerror(); free(symbol); } } } static void free_expression(ParseExpression *expr) { if (expr->type == EX_FNCALL) { for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->num_children; i++) free_expression(expr->children[i]); if (expr->children) free(expr->children); } if (expr->type != EX_INTLIT && expr->type != EX_ARGNUM) free(expr->value.str_value); free(expr); } Program load_program(const char *progname, const char *modname) { char *prog_dirname = dirname_wrapper(progname); char *api_path = asprintf_wrapper("%s/api/api.so", prog_dirname); LoadState state = { .modules = NULL, .num_modules = 0, .std_path = asprintf_wrapper("%s/std", prog_dirname), .program = { .api_library = dlopen(api_path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL), .main_function = NULL, .functions = NULL, .num_functions = 0, .libraries = NULL, .num_libraries = 0, }, }; free(prog_dirname); free(api_path); state.program.main_function = require_function(&state, require_module(&state, strdup(modname)), "main"); while (true) { bool fully_loaded = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < state.num_modules; i++) { Module *module = state.modules[i]; #if DEBUG printf("%s %lu/%lu\n", module->filename, module->loaded_functions, module->num_functions); #endif if (module->loaded_functions < module->num_functions) { fully_loaded = false; load_functions(&state, module); } } if (fully_loaded) break; } free(state.std_path); for (size_t i = 0; i < state.num_modules; i++) { Module *module = state.modules[i]; free(module->path); free(module->filename); free(module->environment); for (size_t f = 0; f < module->num_functions; f++) free(module->functions[f].name); free(module->functions); if (module->type == MODULE_PLAIN) { for (size_t f = 0; f < module->handle.ast.num_functions; f++) { ParseFunction *function = module->handle.ast.functions[f]; if (function) { free_expression(function->expression); free(function->name); free(function); } } if (module->handle.ast.functions) free(module->handle.ast.functions); } free(module); } free(state.modules); return state.program; }