[package] authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"] name = "rustc" version = "0.0.0" edition = "2018" [lib] name = "rustc" path = "lib.rs" doctest = false [dependencies] # Prevent cc from upgrading all the way to 1.0.46, # which fails the build (see e.g. #65445.) cc = "=1.0.37" arena = { path = "../libarena" } bitflags = "1.2.1" fmt_macros = { path = "../libfmt_macros" } graphviz = { path = "../libgraphviz" } jobserver = "0.1" num_cpus = "1.0" scoped-tls = "1.0" log = { version = "0.4", features = ["release_max_level_info", "std"] } rustc-rayon = "0.3.0" rustc-rayon-core = "0.3.0" polonius-engine = "0.10.0" rustc_apfloat = { path = "../librustc_apfloat" } rustc_target = { path = "../librustc_target" } rustc_macros = { path = "../librustc_macros" } rustc_data_structures = { path = "../librustc_data_structures" } rustc_index = { path = "../librustc_index" } errors = { path = "../librustc_errors", package = "rustc_errors" } rustc_serialize = { path = "../libserialize", package = "serialize" } syntax = { path = "../libsyntax" } syntax_pos = { path = "../libsyntax_pos" } backtrace = "0.3.40" parking_lot = "0.9" byteorder = { version = "1.3" } chalk-engine = { version = "0.9.0", default-features=false } rustc_fs_util = { path = "../librustc_fs_util" } smallvec = { version = "1.0", features = ["union", "may_dangle"] }