// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. #include #include #include #include extern int yylex(); extern int rsparse(); #define PUSHBACK_LEN 4 static char pushback[PUSHBACK_LEN]; static int verbose; void print(const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); if (verbose) { vprintf(format, args); } va_end(args); } // If there is a non-null char at the head of the pushback queue, // dequeue it and shift the rest of the queue forwards. Otherwise, // return the token from calling yylex. int rslex() { if (pushback[0] == '\0') { return yylex(); } else { char c = pushback[0]; memmove(pushback, pushback + 1, PUSHBACK_LEN - 1); pushback[PUSHBACK_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return c; } } // Note: this does nothing if the pushback queue is full. As long as // there aren't more than PUSHBACK_LEN consecutive calls to push_back // in an action, this shouldn't be a problem. void push_back(char c) { for (int i = 0; i < PUSHBACK_LEN; ++i) { if (pushback[i] == '\0') { pushback[i] = c; break; } } } extern int rsdebug; struct node { struct node *next; struct node *prev; int own_string; char const *name; int n_elems; struct node *elems[]; }; struct node *nodes = NULL; int n_nodes; struct node *mk_node(char const *name, int n, ...) { va_list ap; int i = 0; unsigned sz = sizeof(struct node) + (n * sizeof(struct node *)); struct node *nn, *nd = (struct node *)malloc(sz); print("# New %d-ary node: %s = %p\n", n, name, nd); nd->own_string = 0; nd->prev = NULL; nd->next = nodes; if (nodes) { nodes->prev = nd; } nodes = nd; nd->name = name; nd->n_elems = n; va_start(ap, n); while (i < n) { nn = va_arg(ap, struct node *); print("# arg[%d]: %p\n", i, nn); print("# (%s ...)\n", nn->name); nd->elems[i++] = nn; } va_end(ap); n_nodes++; return nd; } struct node *mk_atom(char *name) { struct node *nd = mk_node((char const *)strdup(name), 0); nd->own_string = 1; return nd; } struct node *mk_none() { return mk_atom(""); } struct node *ext_node(struct node *nd, int n, ...) { va_list ap; int i = 0, c = nd->n_elems + n; unsigned sz = sizeof(struct node) + (c * sizeof(struct node *)); struct node *nn; print("# Extending %d-ary node by %d nodes: %s = %p", nd->n_elems, c, nd->name, nd); if (nd->next) { nd->next->prev = nd->prev; } if (nd->prev) { nd->prev->next = nd->next; } nd = realloc(nd, sz); nd->prev = NULL; nd->next = nodes; nodes->prev = nd; nodes = nd; print(" ==> %p\n", nd); va_start(ap, n); while (i < n) { nn = va_arg(ap, struct node *); print("# arg[%d]: %p\n", i, nn); print("# (%s ...)\n", nn->name); nd->elems[nd->n_elems++] = nn; ++i; } va_end(ap); return nd; } int const indent_step = 4; void print_indent(int depth) { while (depth) { if (depth-- % indent_step == 0) { print("|"); } else { print(" "); } } } void print_node(struct node *n, int depth) { int i = 0; print_indent(depth); if (n->n_elems == 0) { print("%s\n", n->name); } else { print("(%s\n", n->name); for (i = 0; i < n->n_elems; ++i) { print_node(n->elems[i], depth + indent_step); } print_indent(depth); print(")\n"); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) { verbose = 1; } else { verbose = 0; } int ret = 0; struct node *tmp; memset(pushback, '\0', PUSHBACK_LEN); ret = rsparse(); print("--- PARSE COMPLETE: ret:%d, n_nodes:%d ---\n", ret, n_nodes); if (nodes) { print_node(nodes, 0); } while (nodes) { tmp = nodes; nodes = tmp->next; if (tmp->own_string) { free((void*)tmp->name); } free(tmp); } return ret; } void rserror(char const *s) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s); }