#include "level.h" #include #include #include "engine/logger.h" #include "engine/scene.h" #include "engine/tga.h" #include "player.h" BlockGrid levelGrid; static Block blockEmpty = { .type = BLOCKTYPE_SPACE, .solid = NULL }; static Block blockWall01 = { .type = BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_X | BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_Z, .solid = NULL }; static Transform playerSpawnTransform; static void buildLevelFromImage(const TgaImage* image); void initLevel() { playerSpawnTransform = identity(); translate(&playerSpawnTransform, (Vector) { -BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE, 0.0f, -BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE }); blockWall01.solid = importSolid("assets/wall01.3ds"); buildLevelFromImage(readTga("assets/level01.tga")); Scene* levelScene = newScene(); for (size_t z = 0; z < levelGrid.depth; ++z) { for (size_t x = 0; x < levelGrid.width; ++x) { Scene* blockScene = newScene(); translate(&blockScene->transform, (Vector) { (x * BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE) + (BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE * 0.5f), 0.0f, (z * BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE) + (BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE * 0.5f) }); blockScene->solid = getBlockFromGrid(levelGrid, x, z)->solid; insertChildScene(levelScene, blockScene); } } currentScene = levelScene; } void startLevel() { spawnPlayer(playerSpawnTransform); } static void buildLevelFromImage(const TgaImage* image) { if (image == NULL) { logError("Null image received, cannot build level"); return; } if (image->header.imageBpp != 32) { logError("Invalid level image format (%d bpp)", image->header.imageBpp); return; } BlockGrid newGrid = { .width = image->header.imageWidth, .depth = image->header.imageHeight, .blocks = malloc(image->header.imageWidth * image->header.imageHeight * sizeof(Block*)) }; for (size_t row = 0; row < newGrid.depth; ++row) { for (size_t x = 0; x < newGrid.width; ++x) { // Flip the image vertically due to (0, 0) being bottom left size_t z = newGrid.depth - row - 1; uint32_t pixelColorARGB = ((uint32_t*) image->bytes)[(row * newGrid.width) + x]; Block* block; switch (pixelColorARGB) { case 0xFFFF0000: block = &blockWall01; break; case 0xFF00FFFF: block = &blockEmpty; playerSpawnTransform = identity(); translate(&playerSpawnTransform, (Vector) { (x * BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE) + (BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE * 0.5f), 0.0f, (z * BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE) + (BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE * 0.5f) }); break; default: block = &blockEmpty; break; } setBlockInGrid(newGrid, x, z, block); } } levelGrid = newGrid; } static inline size_t nonNegative(long n) { return n < 0 ? 0u : (size_t) n; } GridLocation gridLocationFromPosition(Vector pos) { Vector scaledPos = scaleVector(pos, 1.0f / BLOCKGRID_CELL_SIZE); return (GridLocation) { .x = nonNegative(scaledPos.x), .z = nonNegative(scaledPos.z) }; } Obstacle getObstacles(GridLocation loc) { Obstacle result = OBSTACLE_NONE; if (loc.x == 0) { result |= OBSTACLE_XN | OBSTACLE_XN_ZP | OBSTACLE_XN_ZN; } if (loc.x >= levelGrid.width - 1) { result |= OBSTACLE_XP | OBSTACLE_XP_ZP | OBSTACLE_XP_ZN; } if (loc.z == 0) { result |= OBSTACLE_ZN | OBSTACLE_XP_ZN | OBSTACLE_XN_ZN; } if (loc.z >= levelGrid.depth - 1) { result |= OBSTACLE_ZP | OBSTACLE_XP_ZP | OBSTACLE_XN_ZP; } if (!(result & OBSTACLE_XP) && getBlockFromGrid(levelGrid, loc.x + 1, loc.z)->type & BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_X) { result |= OBSTACLE_XP; } if (!(result & OBSTACLE_XN) && getBlockFromGrid(levelGrid, loc.x - 1, loc.z)->type & BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_X) { result |= OBSTACLE_XN; } if (!(result & OBSTACLE_ZP) && getBlockFromGrid(levelGrid, loc.x, loc.z + 1)->type & BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_Z) { result |= OBSTACLE_ZP; } if (!(result & OBSTACLE_ZN) && getBlockFromGrid(levelGrid, loc.x, loc.z - 1)->type & BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_Z) { result |= OBSTACLE_ZN; } if (!(result & OBSTACLE_XP_ZP) && getBlockFromGrid(levelGrid, loc.x + 1, loc.z + 1)->type & (BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_X | BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_Z)) { result |= OBSTACLE_XP_ZP; } if (!(result & OBSTACLE_XP_ZN) && getBlockFromGrid(levelGrid, loc.x + 1, loc.z - 1)->type & (BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_X | BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_Z)) { result |= OBSTACLE_XP_ZN; } if (!(result & OBSTACLE_XN_ZP) && getBlockFromGrid(levelGrid, loc.x - 1, loc.z + 1)->type & (BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_X | BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_Z)) { result |= OBSTACLE_XN_ZP; } if (!(result & OBSTACLE_XN_ZN) && getBlockFromGrid(levelGrid, loc.x - 1, loc.z - 1)->type & (BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_X | BLOCKTYPE_OBSTACLE_Z)) { result |= OBSTACLE_XN_ZN; } return result; }