#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- r""" htmldocck.py is a custom checker script for Rustdoc HTML outputs. # How and why? The principle is simple: This script receives a path to generated HTML documentation and a "template" script, which has a series of check commands like `@has` or `@matches`. Each command is used to check if some pattern is present or not present in the particular file or in a particular node of the HTML tree. In many cases, the template script happens to be the source code given to rustdoc. While it indeed is possible to test in smaller portions, it has been hard to construct tests in this fashion and major rendering errors were discovered much later. This script is designed to make black-box and regression testing of Rustdoc easy. This does not preclude the needs for unit testing, but can be used to complement related tests by quickly showing the expected renderings. In order to avoid one-off dependencies for this task, this script uses a reasonably working HTML parser and the existing XPath implementation from Python's standard library. Hopefully, we won't render non-well-formed HTML. # Commands Commands start with an `@` followed by a command name (letters and hyphens), and zero or more arguments separated by one or more whitespace characters and optionally delimited with single or double quotes. The `@` mark cannot be preceded by a non-whitespace character. Other lines (including every text up to the first `@`) are ignored, but it is recommended to avoid the use of `@` in the template file. There are a number of supported commands: * `@has PATH` checks for the existence of the given file. `PATH` is relative to the output directory. It can be given as `-` which repeats the most recently used `PATH`. * `@has PATH PATTERN` and `@matches PATH PATTERN` checks for the occurrence of the given pattern `PATTERN` in the specified file. Only one occurrence of the pattern is enough. For `@has`, `PATTERN` is a whitespace-normalized (every consecutive whitespace being replaced by one single space character) string. The entire file is also whitespace-normalized including newlines. For `@matches`, `PATTERN` is a Python-supported regular expression. The file remains intact but the regexp is matched without the `MULTILINE` and `IGNORECASE` options. You can still use a prefix `(?m)` or `(?i)` to override them, and `\A` and `\Z` for definitely matching the beginning and end of the file. (The same distinction goes to other variants of these commands.) * `@has PATH XPATH PATTERN` and `@matches PATH XPATH PATTERN` checks for the presence of the given XPath `XPATH` in the specified HTML file, and also the occurrence of the given pattern `PATTERN` in the matching node or attribute. Only one occurrence of the pattern in the match is enough. `PATH` should be a valid and well-formed HTML file. It does *not* accept arbitrary HTML5; it should have matching open and close tags and correct entity references at least. `XPATH` is an XPath expression to match. The XPath is fairly limited: `tag`, `*`, `.`, `//`, `..`, `[@attr]`, `[@attr='value']`, `[tag]`, `[POS]` (element located in given `POS`), `[last()-POS]`, `text()` and `@attr` (both as the last segment) are supported. Some examples: - `//pre` or `.//pre` matches any element with a name `pre`. - `//a[@href]` matches any element with an `href` attribute. - `//*[@class="impl"]//code` matches any element with a name `code`, which is an ancestor of some element which `class` attr is `impl`. - `//h1[@class="fqn"]/span[1]/a[last()]/@class` matches a value of `class` attribute in the last `a` element (can be followed by more elements that are not `a`) inside the first `span` in the `h1` with a class of `fqn`. Note that there cannot be any additional elements between them due to the use of `/` instead of `//`. Do not try to use non-absolute paths, it won't work due to the flawed ElementTree implementation. The script rejects them. For the text matches (i.e. paths not ending with `@attr`), any subelements are flattened into one string; this is handy for ignoring highlights for example. If you want to simply check for the presence of a given node or attribute, use an empty string (`""`) as a `PATTERN`. * `@count PATH XPATH COUNT` checks for the occurrence of the given XPath in the specified file. The number of occurrences must match the given count. * `@snapshot NAME PATH XPATH` creates a snapshot test named NAME. A snapshot test captures a subtree of the DOM, at the location determined by the XPath, and compares it to a pre-recorded value in a file. The file's name is the test's name with the `.rs` extension replaced with `.NAME.html`, where NAME is the snapshot's name. htmldocck supports the `--bless` option to accept the current subtree as expected, saving it to the file determined by the snapshot's name. compiletest's `--bless` flag is forwarded to htmldocck. * `@has-dir PATH` checks for the existence of the given directory. All conditions can be negated with `!`. `@!has foo/type.NoSuch.html` checks if the given file does not exist, for example. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import codecs import io import sys import os.path import re import shlex from collections import namedtuple try: from html.parser import HTMLParser except ImportError: from HTMLParser import HTMLParser try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET except ImportError: from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET try: from html.entities import name2codepoint except ImportError: from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint # "void elements" (no closing tag) from the HTML Standard section 12.1.2 VOID_ELEMENTS = {'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr'} # Python 2 -> 3 compatibility try: unichr except NameError: unichr = chr channel = os.environ["DOC_RUST_LANG_ORG_CHANNEL"] # Initialized in main rust_test_path = None bless = None class CustomHTMLParser(HTMLParser): """simplified HTML parser. this is possible because we are dealing with very regular HTML from rustdoc; we only have to deal with i) void elements and ii) empty attributes.""" def __init__(self, target=None): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.__builder = target or ET.TreeBuilder() def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): attrs = {k: v or '' for k, v in attrs} self.__builder.start(tag, attrs) if tag in VOID_ELEMENTS: self.__builder.end(tag) def handle_endtag(self, tag): self.__builder.end(tag) def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs): attrs = {k: v or '' for k, v in attrs} self.__builder.start(tag, attrs) self.__builder.end(tag) def handle_data(self, data): self.__builder.data(data) def handle_entityref(self, name): self.__builder.data(unichr(name2codepoint[name])) def handle_charref(self, name): code = int(name[1:], 16) if name.startswith(('x', 'X')) else int(name, 10) self.__builder.data(unichr(code)) def close(self): HTMLParser.close(self) return self.__builder.close() Command = namedtuple('Command', 'negated cmd args lineno context') class FailedCheck(Exception): pass class InvalidCheck(Exception): pass def concat_multi_lines(f): """returns a generator out of the file object, which - removes `\\` then `\n` then a shared prefix with the previous line then optional whitespace; - keeps a line number (starting from 0) of the first line being concatenated.""" lastline = None # set to the last line when the last line has a backslash firstlineno = None catenated = '' for lineno, line in enumerate(f): line = line.rstrip('\r\n') # strip the common prefix from the current line if needed if lastline is not None: common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([line, lastline]) line = line[len(common_prefix):].lstrip() firstlineno = firstlineno or lineno if line.endswith('\\'): if lastline is None: lastline = line[:-1] catenated += line[:-1] else: yield firstlineno, catenated + line lastline = None firstlineno = None catenated = '' if lastline is not None: print_err(lineno, line, 'Trailing backslash at the end of the file') LINE_PATTERN = re.compile(r''' (?<=(?!?)@(?P!?) (?P[A-Za-z]+(?:-[A-Za-z]+)*) (?P.*)$ ''', re.X | re.UNICODE) def get_commands(template): with io.open(template, encoding='utf-8') as f: for lineno, line in concat_multi_lines(f): m = LINE_PATTERN.search(line) if not m: continue negated = (m.group('negated') == '!') cmd = m.group('cmd') if m.group('invalid') == '!': print_err( lineno, line, 'Invalid command: `!@{0}{1}`, (help: try with `@!{1}`)'.format( '!' if negated else '', cmd, ), ) continue args = m.group('args') if args and not args[:1].isspace(): print_err(lineno, line, 'Invalid template syntax') continue try: args = shlex.split(args) except UnicodeEncodeError: args = [arg.decode('utf-8') for arg in shlex.split(args.encode('utf-8'))] yield Command(negated=negated, cmd=cmd, args=args, lineno=lineno+1, context=line) def _flatten(node, acc): if node.text: acc.append(node.text) for e in node: _flatten(e, acc) if e.tail: acc.append(e.tail) def flatten(node): acc = [] _flatten(node, acc) return ''.join(acc) def make_xml(text): xml = ET.XML('%s' % text) return xml def normalize_xpath(path): path = path.replace("{{channel}}", channel) if path.startswith('//'): return '.' + path # avoid warnings elif path.startswith('.//'): return path else: raise InvalidCheck('Non-absolute XPath is not supported due to implementation issues') class CachedFiles(object): def __init__(self, root): self.root = root self.files = {} self.trees = {} self.last_path = None def resolve_path(self, path): if path != '-': path = os.path.normpath(path) self.last_path = path return path elif self.last_path is None: raise InvalidCheck('Tried to use the previous path in the first command') else: return self.last_path def get_file(self, path): path = self.resolve_path(path) if path in self.files: return self.files[path] abspath = os.path.join(self.root, path) if not(os.path.exists(abspath) and os.path.isfile(abspath)): raise FailedCheck('File does not exist {!r}'.format(path)) with io.open(abspath, encoding='utf-8') as f: data = f.read() self.files[path] = data return data def get_tree(self, path): path = self.resolve_path(path) if path in self.trees: return self.trees[path] abspath = os.path.join(self.root, path) if not(os.path.exists(abspath) and os.path.isfile(abspath)): raise FailedCheck('File does not exist {!r}'.format(path)) with io.open(abspath, encoding='utf-8') as f: try: tree = ET.fromstringlist(f.readlines(), CustomHTMLParser()) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError('Cannot parse an HTML file {!r}: {}'.format(path, e)) self.trees[path] = tree return self.trees[path] def get_dir(self, path): path = self.resolve_path(path) abspath = os.path.join(self.root, path) if not(os.path.exists(abspath) and os.path.isdir(abspath)): raise FailedCheck('Directory does not exist {!r}'.format(path)) def check_string(data, pat, regexp): pat = pat.replace("{{channel}}", channel) if not pat: return True # special case a presence testing elif regexp: return re.search(pat, data, flags=re.UNICODE) is not None else: data = ' '.join(data.split()) pat = ' '.join(pat.split()) return pat in data def check_tree_attr(tree, path, attr, pat, regexp): path = normalize_xpath(path) ret = False for e in tree.findall(path): if attr in e.attrib: value = e.attrib[attr] else: continue ret = check_string(value, pat, regexp) if ret: break return ret def check_tree_text(tree, path, pat, regexp): path = normalize_xpath(path) ret = False try: for e in tree.findall(path): try: value = flatten(e) except KeyError: continue else: ret = check_string(value, pat, regexp) if ret: break except Exception: print('Failed to get path "{}"'.format(path)) raise return ret def get_tree_count(tree, path): path = normalize_xpath(path) return len(tree.findall(path)) def check_snapshot(snapshot_name, actual_tree, normalize_to_text): assert rust_test_path.endswith('.rs') snapshot_path = '{}.{}.{}'.format(rust_test_path[:-3], snapshot_name, 'html') try: with open(snapshot_path, 'r') as snapshot_file: expected_str = snapshot_file.read() except FileNotFoundError: if bless: expected_str = None else: raise FailedCheck('No saved snapshot value') if not normalize_to_text: actual_str = ET.tostring(actual_tree).decode('utf-8') else: actual_str = flatten(actual_tree) if not expected_str \ or (not normalize_to_text and not compare_tree(make_xml(actual_str), make_xml(expected_str), stderr)) \ or (normalize_to_text and actual_str != expected_str): if bless: with open(snapshot_path, 'w') as snapshot_file: snapshot_file.write(actual_str) else: print('--- expected ---\n') print(expected_str) print('\n\n--- actual ---\n') print(actual_str) print() raise FailedCheck('Actual snapshot value is different than expected') # Adapted from https://github.com/formencode/formencode/blob/3a1ba9de2fdd494dd945510a4568a3afeddb0b2e/formencode/doctest_xml_compare.py#L72-L120 def compare_tree(x1, x2, reporter=None): if x1.tag != x2.tag: if reporter: reporter('Tags do not match: %s and %s' % (x1.tag, x2.tag)) return False for name, value in x1.attrib.items(): if x2.attrib.get(name) != value: if reporter: reporter('Attributes do not match: %s=%r, %s=%r' % (name, value, name, x2.attrib.get(name))) return False for name in x2.attrib: if name not in x1.attrib: if reporter: reporter('x2 has an attribute x1 is missing: %s' % name) return False if not text_compare(x1.text, x2.text): if reporter: reporter('text: %r != %r' % (x1.text, x2.text)) return False if not text_compare(x1.tail, x2.tail): if reporter: reporter('tail: %r != %r' % (x1.tail, x2.tail)) return False cl1 = list(x1) cl2 = list(x2) if len(cl1) != len(cl2): if reporter: reporter('children length differs, %i != %i' % (len(cl1), len(cl2))) return False i = 0 for c1, c2 in zip(cl1, cl2): i += 1 if not compare_tree(c1, c2, reporter=reporter): if reporter: reporter('children %i do not match: %s' % (i, c1.tag)) return False return True def text_compare(t1, t2): if not t1 and not t2: return True if t1 == '*' or t2 == '*': return True return (t1 or '').strip() == (t2 or '').strip() def stderr(*args): if sys.version_info.major < 3: file = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stderr) else: file = sys.stderr print(*args, file=file) def print_err(lineno, context, err, message=None): global ERR_COUNT ERR_COUNT += 1 stderr("{}: {}".format(lineno, message or err)) if message and err: stderr("\t{}".format(err)) if context: stderr("\t{}".format(context)) ERR_COUNT = 0 def check_command(c, cache): try: cerr = "" if c.cmd == 'has' or c.cmd == 'matches': # string test regexp = (c.cmd == 'matches') if len(c.args) == 1 and not regexp: # @has = file existence try: cache.get_file(c.args[0]) ret = True except FailedCheck as err: cerr = str(err) ret = False elif len(c.args) == 2: # @has/matches = string test cerr = "`PATTERN` did not match" ret = check_string(cache.get_file(c.args[0]), c.args[1], regexp) elif len(c.args) == 3: # @has/matches = XML tree test cerr = "`XPATH PATTERN` did not match" tree = cache.get_tree(c.args[0]) pat, sep, attr = c.args[1].partition('/@') if sep: # attribute tree = cache.get_tree(c.args[0]) ret = check_tree_attr(tree, pat, attr, c.args[2], regexp) else: # normalized text pat = c.args[1] if pat.endswith('/text()'): pat = pat[:-7] ret = check_tree_text(cache.get_tree(c.args[0]), pat, c.args[2], regexp) else: raise InvalidCheck('Invalid number of @{} arguments'.format(c.cmd)) elif c.cmd == 'count': # count test if len(c.args) == 3: # @count = count test expected = int(c.args[2]) found = get_tree_count(cache.get_tree(c.args[0]), c.args[1]) cerr = "Expected {} occurrences but found {}".format(expected, found) ret = expected == found else: raise InvalidCheck('Invalid number of @{} arguments'.format(c.cmd)) elif c.cmd == 'snapshot': # snapshot test if len(c.args) == 3: # @snapshot [snapshot_name, html_path, pattern] = c.args tree = cache.get_tree(html_path) xpath = normalize_xpath(pattern) normalize_to_text = False if xpath.endswith('/text()'): xpath = xpath[:-7] normalize_to_text = True subtrees = tree.findall(xpath) if len(subtrees) == 1: [subtree] = subtrees try: check_snapshot(snapshot_name, subtree, normalize_to_text) ret = True except FailedCheck as err: cerr = str(err) ret = False elif len(subtrees) == 0: raise FailedCheck('XPATH did not match') else: raise FailedCheck('Expected 1 match, but found {}'.format(len(subtrees))) else: raise InvalidCheck('Invalid number of @{} arguments'.format(c.cmd)) elif c.cmd == 'has-dir': # has-dir test if len(c.args) == 1: # @has-dir = has-dir test try: cache.get_dir(c.args[0]) ret = True except FailedCheck as err: cerr = str(err) ret = False else: raise InvalidCheck('Invalid number of @{} arguments'.format(c.cmd)) elif c.cmd == 'valid-html': raise InvalidCheck('Unimplemented @valid-html') elif c.cmd == 'valid-links': raise InvalidCheck('Unimplemented @valid-links') else: raise InvalidCheck('Unrecognized @{}'.format(c.cmd)) if ret == c.negated: raise FailedCheck(cerr) except FailedCheck as err: message = '@{}{} check failed'.format('!' if c.negated else '', c.cmd) print_err(c.lineno, c.context, str(err), message) except InvalidCheck as err: print_err(c.lineno, c.context, str(err)) def check(target, commands): cache = CachedFiles(target) for c in commands: check_command(c, cache) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) not in [3, 4]: stderr('Usage: {}