### What it does Checks for usage of `.repeat(1)` and suggest the following method for each types. - `.to_string()` for `str` - `.clone()` for `String` - `.to_vec()` for `slice` The lint will evaluate constant expressions and values as arguments of `.repeat(..)` and emit a message if they are equivalent to `1`. (Related discussion in [rust-clippy#7306](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/7306)) ### Why is this bad? For example, `String.repeat(1)` is equivalent to `.clone()`. If cloning the string is the intention behind this, `clone()` should be used. ### Example ``` fn main() { let x = String::from("hello world").repeat(1); } ``` Use instead: ``` fn main() { let x = String::from("hello world").clone(); } ```