/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola OpenAL support based on work by: Copyright (C) 2011 Sebastian 'Bahamada' Rühl Copyright (C) 2011 Cyriaque 'Cisoun' Skrapits Copyright (C) 2011 Giuseppe Bilotta This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; ifnot, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "sound_openal.h" #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include //#include #elif defined(__APPLE__) #define OPENAL_DEPRECATED #include #include //#include #else #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "util/numeric.h" // myrand() #include "porting.h" #include #include #include #include #define BUFFER_SIZE 30000 std::shared_ptr g_sound_manager_singleton; typedef std::unique_ptr unique_ptr_alcdevice; typedef std::unique_ptr unique_ptr_alccontext; static void delete_alcdevice(ALCdevice *p) { if (p) alcCloseDevice(p); } static void delete_alccontext(ALCcontext *p) { if (p) { alcMakeContextCurrent(nullptr); alcDestroyContext(p); } } static const char *alErrorString(ALenum err) { switch (err) { case AL_NO_ERROR: return "no error"; case AL_INVALID_NAME: return "invalid name"; case AL_INVALID_ENUM: return "invalid enum"; case AL_INVALID_VALUE: return "invalid value"; case AL_INVALID_OPERATION: return "invalid operation"; case AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "out of memory"; default: return ""; } } static ALenum warn_if_error(ALenum err, const char *desc) { if(err == AL_NO_ERROR) return err; warningstream< buffer; }; SoundBuffer *load_opened_ogg_file(OggVorbis_File *oggFile, const std::string &filename_for_logging) { int endian = 0; // 0 for Little-Endian, 1 for Big-Endian int bitStream; long bytes; char array[BUFFER_SIZE]; // Local fixed size array vorbis_info *pInfo; SoundBuffer *snd = new SoundBuffer; // Get some information about the OGG file pInfo = ov_info(oggFile, -1); // Check the number of channels... always use 16-bit samples if(pInfo->channels == 1) snd->format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; else snd->format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; // The frequency of the sampling rate snd->freq = pInfo->rate; // Keep reading until all is read do { // Read up to a buffer's worth of decoded sound data bytes = ov_read(oggFile, array, BUFFER_SIZE, endian, 2, 1, &bitStream); if(bytes < 0) { ov_clear(oggFile); infostream << "Audio: Error decoding " << filename_for_logging << std::endl; delete snd; return nullptr; } // Append to end of buffer snd->buffer.insert(snd->buffer.end(), array, array + bytes); } while (bytes > 0); alGenBuffers(1, &snd->buffer_id); alBufferData(snd->buffer_id, snd->format, &(snd->buffer[0]), snd->buffer.size(), snd->freq); ALenum error = alGetError(); if(error != AL_NO_ERROR){ infostream << "Audio: OpenAL error: " << alErrorString(error) << "preparing sound buffer" << std::endl; } //infostream << "Audio file " // << filename_for_logging << " loaded" << std::endl; // Clean up! ov_clear(oggFile); return snd; } SoundBuffer *load_ogg_from_file(const std::string &path) { OggVorbis_File oggFile; // Try opening the given file. // This requires libvorbis >= 1.3.2, as // previous versions expect a non-const char * if (ov_fopen(path.c_str(), &oggFile) != 0) { infostream << "Audio: Error opening " << path << " for decoding" << std::endl; return nullptr; } return load_opened_ogg_file(&oggFile, path); } struct BufferSource { const char *buf; size_t cur_offset; size_t len; }; size_t buffer_sound_read_func(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *datasource) { BufferSource *s = (BufferSource *)datasource; size_t copied_size = MYMIN(s->len - s->cur_offset, size); memcpy(ptr, s->buf + s->cur_offset, copied_size); s->cur_offset += copied_size; return copied_size; } int buffer_sound_seek_func(void *datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence) { BufferSource *s = (BufferSource *)datasource; if (whence == SEEK_SET) { if (offset < 0 || (size_t)MYMAX(offset, 0) >= s->len) { // offset out of bounds return -1; } s->cur_offset = offset; return 0; } else if (whence == SEEK_CUR) { if ((size_t)MYMIN(-offset, 0) > s->cur_offset || s->cur_offset + offset > s->len) { // offset out of bounds return -1; } s->cur_offset += offset; return 0; } // invalid whence param (SEEK_END doesn't have to be supported) return -1; } long BufferSourceell_func(void *datasource) { BufferSource *s = (BufferSource *)datasource; return s->cur_offset; } static ov_callbacks g_buffer_ov_callbacks = { &buffer_sound_read_func, &buffer_sound_seek_func, nullptr, &BufferSourceell_func }; SoundBuffer *load_ogg_from_buffer(const std::string &buf, const std::string &id_for_log) { OggVorbis_File oggFile; BufferSource s; s.buf = buf.c_str(); s.cur_offset = 0; s.len = buf.size(); if (ov_open_callbacks(&s, &oggFile, nullptr, 0, g_buffer_ov_callbacks) != 0) { infostream << "Audio: Error opening " << id_for_log << " for decoding" << std::endl; return nullptr; } return load_opened_ogg_file(&oggFile, id_for_log); } struct PlayingSound { ALuint source_id; bool loop; }; class SoundManagerSingleton { public: unique_ptr_alcdevice m_device; unique_ptr_alccontext m_context; public: SoundManagerSingleton() : m_device(nullptr, delete_alcdevice), m_context(nullptr, delete_alccontext) { } bool init() { if (!(m_device = unique_ptr_alcdevice(alcOpenDevice(nullptr), delete_alcdevice))) { errorstream << "Audio: Global Initialization: Failed to open device" << std::endl; return false; } if (!(m_context = unique_ptr_alccontext( alcCreateContext(m_device.get(), nullptr), delete_alccontext))) { errorstream << "Audio: Global Initialization: Failed to create context" << std::endl; return false; } if (!alcMakeContextCurrent(m_context.get())) { errorstream << "Audio: Global Initialization: Failed to make current context" << std::endl; return false; } alDistanceModel(AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED); if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { errorstream << "Audio: Global Initialization: OpenAL Error " << alGetError() << std::endl; return false; } infostream << "Audio: Global Initialized: OpenAL " << alGetString(AL_VERSION) << ", using " << alcGetString(m_device.get(), ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER) << std::endl; return true; } ~SoundManagerSingleton() { infostream << "Audio: Global Deinitialized." << std::endl; } }; class OpenALSoundManager: public ISoundManager { private: OnDemandSoundFetcher *m_fetcher; ALCdevice *m_device; ALCcontext *m_context; u16 m_last_used_id = 0; // only access within getFreeId() ! std::unordered_map> m_buffers; std::unordered_map m_sounds_playing; struct FadeState { FadeState() = default; FadeState(float step, float current_gain, float target_gain): step(step), current_gain(current_gain), target_gain(target_gain) {} float step; float current_gain; float target_gain; }; std::unordered_map m_sounds_fading; public: OpenALSoundManager(SoundManagerSingleton *smg, OnDemandSoundFetcher *fetcher): m_fetcher(fetcher), m_device(smg->m_device.get()), m_context(smg->m_context.get()) { infostream << "Audio: Initialized: OpenAL " << std::endl; } ~OpenALSoundManager() { infostream << "Audio: Deinitializing..." << std::endl; std::unordered_set source_del_list; for (const auto &sp : m_sounds_playing) source_del_list.insert(sp.first); for (const auto &id : source_del_list) deleteSound(id); for (auto &buffer : m_buffers) { for (SoundBuffer *sb : buffer.second) { alDeleteBuffers(1, &sb->buffer_id); ALenum error = alGetError(); if (error != AL_NO_ERROR) { warningstream << "Audio: Failed to free stream for " << buffer.first << ": " << alErrorString(error) << std::endl; } delete sb; } buffer.second.clear(); } m_buffers.clear(); infostream << "Audio: Deinitialized." << std::endl; } u16 getFreeId() { u16 startid = m_last_used_id; while (!isFreeId(++m_last_used_id)) { if (m_last_used_id == startid) return 0; } return m_last_used_id; } inline bool isFreeId(int id) const { return id > 0 && m_sounds_playing.find(id) == m_sounds_playing.end(); } void step(float dtime) { doFades(dtime); } void addBuffer(const std::string &name, SoundBuffer *buf) { std::unordered_map>::iterator i = m_buffers.find(name); if(i != m_buffers.end()){ i->second.push_back(buf); return; } std::vector bufs; bufs.push_back(buf); m_buffers[name] = bufs; } SoundBuffer* getBuffer(const std::string &name) { std::unordered_map>::iterator i = m_buffers.find(name); if(i == m_buffers.end()) return nullptr; std::vector &bufs = i->second; int j = myrand() % bufs.size(); return bufs[j]; } PlayingSound* createPlayingSound(SoundBuffer *buf, bool loop, float volume, float pitch) { infostream << "OpenALSoundManager: Creating playing sound" << std::endl; assert(buf); PlayingSound *sound = new PlayingSound; assert(sound); warn_if_error(alGetError(), "before createPlayingSound"); alGenSources(1, &sound->source_id); alSourcei(sound->source_id, AL_BUFFER, buf->buffer_id); alSourcei(sound->source_id, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, true); alSource3f(sound->source_id, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0); alSource3f(sound->source_id, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0); alSourcei(sound->source_id, AL_LOOPING, loop ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); volume = std::fmax(0.0f, volume); alSourcef(sound->source_id, AL_GAIN, volume); alSourcef(sound->source_id, AL_PITCH, pitch); alSourcePlay(sound->source_id); warn_if_error(alGetError(), "createPlayingSound"); return sound; } PlayingSound* createPlayingSoundAt(SoundBuffer *buf, bool loop, float volume, v3f pos, float pitch) { infostream << "OpenALSoundManager: Creating positional playing sound" << std::endl; assert(buf); PlayingSound *sound = new PlayingSound; warn_if_error(alGetError(), "before createPlayingSoundAt"); alGenSources(1, &sound->source_id); alSourcei(sound->source_id, AL_BUFFER, buf->buffer_id); alSourcei(sound->source_id, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, false); alSource3f(sound->source_id, AL_POSITION, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z); alSource3f(sound->source_id, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0); // Use alDistanceModel(AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED) and set reference // distance to clamp gain at <1 node distance, to avoid excessive // volume when closer alSourcef(sound->source_id, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 10.0f); alSourcei(sound->source_id, AL_LOOPING, loop ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); // Multiply by 3 to compensate for reducing AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE from // the previous value of 30 to the new value of 10 volume = std::fmax(0.0f, volume * 3.0f); alSourcef(sound->source_id, AL_GAIN, volume); alSourcef(sound->source_id, AL_PITCH, pitch); alSourcePlay(sound->source_id); warn_if_error(alGetError(), "createPlayingSoundAt"); return sound; } int playSoundRaw(SoundBuffer *buf, bool loop, float volume, float pitch) { assert(buf); PlayingSound *sound = createPlayingSound(buf, loop, volume, pitch); if (!sound) return -1; int handle = getFreeId(); m_sounds_playing[handle] = sound; return handle; } void deleteSound(int id) { auto i = m_sounds_playing.find(id); if(i == m_sounds_playing.end()) return; PlayingSound *sound = i->second; alDeleteSources(1, &sound->source_id); delete sound; m_sounds_playing.erase(id); } /* If buffer does not exist, consult the fetcher */ SoundBuffer* getFetchBuffer(const std::string &name) { SoundBuffer *buf = getBuffer(name); if(buf) return buf; if(!m_fetcher) return nullptr; std::set paths; std::set datas; m_fetcher->fetchSounds(name, paths, datas); for (const std::string &path : paths) { loadSoundFile(name, path); } for (const std::string &data : datas) { loadSoundData(name, data); } return getBuffer(name); } // Remove stopped sounds void maintain() { if (!m_sounds_playing.empty()) { verbosestream << "OpenALSoundManager::maintain(): " << m_sounds_playing.size() <<" playing sounds, " << m_buffers.size() <<" sound names loaded"< del_list; for (const auto &sp : m_sounds_playing) { int id = sp.first; PlayingSound *sound = sp.second; // If not playing, remove it { ALint state; alGetSourcei(sound->source_id, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(state != AL_PLAYING){ del_list.insert(id); } } } if(!del_list.empty()) verbosestream<<"OpenALSoundManager::maintain(): deleting " < 0) { handle = playSoundRaw(buf, spec.loop, 0.0f, spec.pitch); fadeSound(handle, spec.fade, spec.gain); } else { handle = playSoundRaw(buf, spec.loop, spec.gain, spec.pitch); } return handle; } int playSoundAt(const SimpleSoundSpec &spec, const v3f &pos) { maintain(); if (spec.name.empty()) return 0; SoundBuffer *buf = getFetchBuffer(spec.name); if (!buf) { infostream << "OpenALSoundManager: \"" << spec.name << "\" not found." << std::endl; return -1; } PlayingSound *sound = createPlayingSoundAt(buf, spec.loop, spec.gain, pos, spec.pitch); if (!sound) return -1; int handle = getFreeId(); m_sounds_playing[handle] = sound; return handle; } void stopSound(int sound) { maintain(); deleteSound(sound); } void fadeSound(int soundid, float step, float gain) { // Ignore the command if step isn't valid. if (step == 0 || soundid < 0) return; float current_gain = getSoundGain(soundid); step = gain - current_gain > 0 ? abs(step) : -abs(step); if (m_sounds_fading.find(soundid) != m_sounds_fading.end()) { auto current_fade = m_sounds_fading[soundid]; // Do not replace the fade if it's equivalent. if (current_fade.target_gain == gain && current_fade.step == step) return; m_sounds_fading.erase(soundid); } gain = rangelim(gain, 0, 1); m_sounds_fading[soundid] = FadeState(step, current_gain, gain); } void doFades(float dtime) { for (auto i = m_sounds_fading.begin(); i != m_sounds_fading.end();) { FadeState& fade = i->second; assert(fade.step != 0); fade.current_gain += (fade.step * dtime); if (fade.step < 0.f) fade.current_gain = std::max(fade.current_gain, fade.target_gain); else fade.current_gain = std::min(fade.current_gain, fade.target_gain); if (fade.current_gain <= 0.f) stopSound(i->first); else updateSoundGain(i->first, fade.current_gain); // The increment must happen during the erase call, or else it'll segfault. if (fade.current_gain == fade.target_gain) m_sounds_fading.erase(i++); else i++; } } bool soundExists(int sound) { maintain(); return (m_sounds_playing.count(sound) != 0); } void updateSoundPosition(int id, v3f pos) { auto i = m_sounds_playing.find(id); if (i == m_sounds_playing.end()) return; PlayingSound *sound = i->second; alSourcei(sound->source_id, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, false); alSource3f(sound->source_id, AL_POSITION, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z); alSource3f(sound->source_id, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); alSourcef(sound->source_id, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 10.0f); } bool updateSoundGain(int id, float gain) { auto i = m_sounds_playing.find(id); if (i == m_sounds_playing.end()) return false; PlayingSound *sound = i->second; alSourcef(sound->source_id, AL_GAIN, gain); return true; } float getSoundGain(int id) { auto i = m_sounds_playing.find(id); if (i == m_sounds_playing.end()) return 0; PlayingSound *sound = i->second; ALfloat gain; alGetSourcef(sound->source_id, AL_GAIN, &gain); return gain; } }; std::shared_ptr createSoundManagerSingleton() { auto smg = std::make_shared(); if (!smg->init()) { smg.reset(); } return smg; } ISoundManager *createOpenALSoundManager(SoundManagerSingleton *smg, OnDemandSoundFetcher *fetcher) { return new OpenALSoundManager(smg, fetcher); };