#include #include "environment.h" #include "client/camera.h" #include "client/client.h" #include "client/client_map.h" #include "client/client_player.h" #include "client/cube.h" #include "client/texture.h" struct ClientPlayer client_player; // to be called whenever the player position changes // rwlock has to be read or write locked static void update_pos() { camera_set_position((v3f32) {client_player.pos.x, client_player.pos.y + client_player.eye_height, client_player.pos.z}); client_send_position(client_player.pos); client_player.obj->pos = (v3f32) {client_player.pos.x, client_player.pos.y, client_player.pos.z}; object_transform(client_player.obj); client_player_update_info(); } // get absolute player bounding box // rwlock has to be read- or write locked static aabb3f64 get_box() { return (aabb3f64) { {client_player.box.min.x + client_player.pos.x, client_player.box.min.y + client_player.pos.y, client_player.box.min.z + client_player.pos.z}, {client_player.box.max.x + client_player.pos.x, client_player.box.max.y + client_player.pos.y, client_player.box.max.z + client_player.pos.z}, }; } // get absolute integer box that contains all nodes a float bounding box touches static aabb3s32 round_box(aabb3f64 box) { return (aabb3s32) { {floor(box.min.x + 0.5), floor(box.min.y + 0.5), floor(box.min.z + 0.5)}, {ceil(box.max.x - 0.5), ceil(box.max.y - 0.5), ceil(box.max.z - 0.5)}, }; } // return true if node at x, y, z is solid (or unloaded) static bool is_solid(s32 x, s32 y, s32 z) { Node node = map_get_node(client_map.map, (v3s32) {x, y, z}).type; return node == NODE_UNLOADED || node_definitions[node].solid; } // determine if player can jump currently (must be standing on a solid block) // rwlock has to be read- or write locked static bool can_jump() { if (client_player.velocity.y != 0.0) return false; aabb3f64 fbox = get_box(); fbox.min.y -= 0.5; aabb3s32 box = round_box(fbox); if (fbox.min.y - (f64) box.min.y > 0.01) return false; for (s32 x = box.min.x; x <= box.max.x; x++) for (s32 z = box.min.z; z <= box.max.z; z++) if (is_solid(x, box.min.y, z)) return true; return false; } // ClientPlayer singleton constructor void client_player_init() { client_player.pos = (v3f64) {-2500.0, 48.0, -2000.0}; client_player.velocity = (v3f64) {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; client_player.box = (aabb3f64) {{-0.3, 0.0, -0.3}, {0.3, 1.75, 0.3}}; client_player.yaw = client_player.pitch = 0.0f; client_player.eye_height = 1.5; client_player.fly = false; client_player.collision = true; pthread_rwlock_init(&client_player.rwlock, NULL); } // ClientPlayer singleton destructor void client_player_deinit() { pthread_rwlock_destroy(&client_player.rwlock); } // create mesh object and info hud void client_player_add_to_scene() { client_player.obj = object_create(); client_player.obj->scale = (v3f32) {0.6, 1.75, 0.6}; client_player.obj->visible = false; object_set_texture(client_player.obj, texture_get(RESSOURCEPATH "textures/player.png")); for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++) { for (int v = 0; v < 6; v++) { Vertex3D vertex = cube_vertices[f][v]; vertex.position.y += 0.5; object_add_vertex(client_player.obj, &vertex); } } client_player.info_hud = hud_add((HUDElementDefinition) { .type = HUD_TEXT, .pos = {-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f}, .offset = {2, 2 + 16 + 2 + 16 + 2}, .type_def = { .text = { .text = "", .color = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, }, }, }); pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&client_player.rwlock); update_pos(); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&client_player.rwlock); } // jump if possible void client_player_jump() { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&client_player.rwlock); if (can_jump()) client_player.velocity.y += 10.0; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&client_player.rwlock); } // get position (thread-safe) v3f64 client_player_get_position() { v3f64 pos; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&client_player.rwlock); pos = client_player.pos; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&client_player.rwlock); return pos; } // to be called every frame void client_player_tick(f64 dtime) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&client_player.rwlock); v3f64 old_pos = client_player.pos; v3f64 old_velocity = client_player.velocity; if (! client_player.fly) client_player.velocity.y -= 32.0 * dtime; #define GETS(vec, comp) *(s32 *) ((char *) &vec + offsetof(v3s32, comp)) #define GETF(vec, comp) *(f64 *) ((char *) &vec + offsetof(v3f64, comp)) #define PHYSICS(a, b, c) { \ f64 v = (GETF(client_player.velocity, a) + GETF(old_velocity, a)) / 2.0f; \ if (v == 0.0) \ goto a ## _physics_done; \ aabb3s32 box = round_box(get_box()); \ v3f64 old_pos = client_player.pos; \ GETF(client_player.pos, a) += v * dtime; \ if (! client_player.collision) \ goto a ## _physics_done; \ s32 dir; \ f64 offset; \ if (v > 0.0) { \ dir = +1; \ offset = GETF(client_player.box.max, a); \ GETS(box.min, a) = ceil(GETF(old_pos, a) + offset + 0.5); \ GETS(box.max, a) = floor(GETF(client_player.pos, a) + offset + 0.5); \ } else { \ dir = -1; \ offset = GETF(client_player.box.min, a); \ GETS(box.min, a) = floor(GETF(old_pos, a) + offset - 0.5); \ GETS(box.max, a) = ceil(GETF(client_player.pos, a) + offset - 0.5); \ } \ GETS(box.max, a) += dir; \ for (s32 a = GETS(box.min, a); a != GETS(box.max, a); a += dir) { \ for (s32 b = GETS(box.min, b); b <= GETS(box.max, b); b++) { \ for (s32 c = GETS(box.min, c); c <= GETS(box.max, c); c++) { \ if (is_solid(x, y, z)) { \ GETF(client_player.pos, a) = (f64) a - offset - 0.5 * (f64) dir; \ GETF(client_player.velocity, a) = 0.0; \ goto a ## _physics_done; \ } \ } \ } \ } \ a ## _physics_done: (void) 0;\ } PHYSICS(x, y, z) PHYSICS(y, x, z) PHYSICS(z, x, y) #undef GETS #undef GETF #undef PHYSICS if (! v3f64_equals(old_pos, client_player.pos)) update_pos(); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&client_player.rwlock); } // update HUD info text void client_player_update_info() { v3s32 node_pos = {client_player.pos.x, client_player.pos.y, client_player.pos.z}; char info_text[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(info_text, "(%.1f %.1f %.1f) humidity: %.2f temperature: %.2f flight: %s collision: %s", client_player.pos.x, client_player.pos.y, client_player.pos.z, get_humidity(node_pos), get_temperature(node_pos), client_player.fly ? "enabled" : "disabled", client_player.collision ? "enabled" : "disabled"); hud_change_text(client_player.info_hud, info_text); }