FROM centos:5 WORKDIR /build # Centos 5 is EOL and is no longer available from the usual mirrors, so switch # to RUN sed -i 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/' /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf RUN sed -i 's/mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/' /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo RUN sed -i 's|#\(baseurl.*\)$releasever|\|' /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo RUN yum upgrade -y && yum install -y \ curl \ bzip2 \ gcc \ gcc-c++ \ make \ glibc-devel \ perl \ zlib-devel \ file \ xz \ which \ pkgconfig \ wget \ autoconf \ gettext ENV PATH=/rustroot/bin:$PATH ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/rustroot/lib64:/rustroot/lib ENV PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/rustroot/lib/pkgconfig WORKDIR /tmp COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ /tmp/ # We need a build of openssl which supports SNI to download artifacts from # This'll be used to link into libcurl below (and used # later as well), so build a copy of OpenSSL with dynamic libraries into our # generic root. COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ /tmp/ RUN ./ # The `curl` binary on CentOS doesn't support SNI which is needed for fetching # some https urls we have, so install a new version of libcurl + curl which is # using the openssl we just built previously. # # Note that we also disable a bunch of optional features of curl that we don't # really need. COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ /tmp/ RUN ./ # binutils < 2.22 has a bug where the 32-bit executables it generates # immediately segfault in Rust, so we need to install our own binutils. # # See for more info COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ /tmp/ RUN ./ # libssh2 (a dependency of Cargo) requires cmake 2.8.11 or higher but CentOS # only has 2.6.4, so build our own COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ /tmp/ RUN ./ # Build a version of gcc capable of building LLVM 6 COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ /tmp/ RUN ./ # CentOS 5.5 has Python 2.4 by default, but LLVM needs 2.7+ COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ /tmp/ RUN ./ # Now build LLVM+Clang 7, afterwards configuring further compilations to use the # clang/clang++ compilers. COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ dist-x86_64-linux/llvm-project-centos.patch /tmp/ RUN ./ ENV CC=clang CXX=clang++ # Apparently CentOS 5.5 desn't have `git` in yum, but we're gonna need it for # cloning, so download and build it here. COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ /tmp/ RUN ./ # for sanitizers, we need kernel headers files newer than the ones CentOS ships # with so we install newer ones here COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ /tmp/ RUN ./ # OpenSSL requires a more recent version of perl # with so we install newer ones here COPY dist-x86_64-linux/ /tmp/ RUN ./ COPY scripts/ /scripts/ RUN sh /scripts/ ENV HOSTS=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu ENV RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS \ --enable-full-tools \ --enable-sanitizers \ --enable-profiler \ --enable-compiler-docs \ --set target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.linker=clang \ --set \ --set target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.ranlib=/rustroot/bin/llvm-ranlib \ --set llvm.thin-lto=true \ --set rust.jemalloc ENV SCRIPT python2.7 ../ dist --host $HOSTS --target $HOSTS ENV CARGO_TARGET_X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_LINKER=clang # This is the only builder which will create source tarballs ENV DIST_SRC 1 # When we build cargo in this container, we don't want it to use the system # libcurl, instead it should compile its own. ENV LIBCURL_NO_PKG_CONFIG 1 ENV DIST_REQUIRE_ALL_TOOLS 1