#!/bin/sh if [ "$1" = '-h' ] ; then echo 'Updates rustc & clippy' echo 'It first checks if clippy would compile at currentl nightly and if so, it updates.' echo 'Options:' echo '-h: This help message' echo '-f: Skips the check and just updates' exit fi set -ex renice -n 10 -p $$ export CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 export RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' try_out() { export RUSTUP_HOME=$HOME/.rustup-attempt test -d $RUSTUP_HOME || (rustup toolchain add nightly && rustup default nightly) rustup update cargo +nightly install --force clippy unset RUSTUP_HOME export RUSTUP_HOME } [ "$1" = '-f' ] || try_out rustup update cargo +nightly install --force clippy