filename: jsonnet detect: filename: "\\.jsonnet$" # Spec: rules: # built-in objects # FIXME: $ won't match - constant: "\\b(self|\\$|super)\\b" # boolean constants - constant.bool: "\\b(null|true|false)\\b" # the standard library - identifier: "\\bstd\\.(extVar|thisFile|type|length|objectHas|objectFields|objectHasAll|objectFieldsAll|prune|mapWithKey|abs|sign|max|min|pow|exp|log|exponent|mantissa|floor|ceil|sqrt|sin|cos|tan|asin|acos|atan|mod|assertEqual|toString|codepoint|char|substr|findSubstr|startsWith|endsWith|split|splitLimit|strReplace|asciiUpper|asciiLower|stringChars|format|escapeStringDollars|escapeStringPython|parseInt|parseOctal|parseHex|parseJson|encodeUTF8|decodeUTF8|manifestIni|manifestPython|manifestPythonVars|manifestJsonEx|manifestYamlDoc|manifestYamlStream|manifestXmlJsonml|makeArray|count|find|map|mapWithIndex|filterMap|filter|foldl|foldr|range|join|lines|flattenArrays|sort|uniq|set|setInter|setUnion|setDiff|setMember|base64|base64DecodeBytes|base64Decode|md5|mergePatch|trace)\\b" # unquoted object keys - type: "[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\\s*:" # object key separator - statement: ":" # keywords - statement: "\\b(assert|else|error|for|function|if|import|importstr|in|local|tailstrict|then)\\b" # operators - symbol.operator: "([.;,+*|=!\\%]|<|>|/|-|&)" # parentheses - symbol.brackets: "([(){}]|\\[|\\])" # numbers - constant.number: "\\b(0|([1-9][0-9]*))(\\.[0-9]+)?([eE][\\+-]?[0-9]+)?\\b" # double-quoted string - constant.string: start: "\"" end: "\"" skip: "\\\\\"" rules: - constant.specialChar: "\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\\\[bfnrt'\"/\\\\]" # single-quoted string - constant.string: start: "'" end: "'" skip: "\\\\'" rules: - constant.specialChar: "\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\\\[bfnrt'\"/\\\\]" # double-quoted verbatim string - constant.string: start: "@\"" end: "\"" skip: "\\\\\"" rules: - constant.specialChar: "\\\\\"" # single-quoted verbatim string - constant.string: start: "@'" end: "'" skip: "\\\\'" rules: - constant.specialChar: "\\\\'" # block string - constant.string: # FIXME: # This isn't quite right. # The spec says this: # beginning with |||, followed by optional whitespace and a new-line. # The next non-blank line must be prefixed with some non-zero length # whitespace W. The block ends at the first subsequent line that does # not begin with W, and it is an error if this line does not contain # some optional whitespace followed by |||. # We need to match ^(\s+) on the first non-blank line after ||| # Then we need to skip ^\1.*$ start: "\\|\\|\\| *$" end: "^ *\\|\\|\\|" rules: [] # multi-line comment - comment: start: "/\\*" end: "\\*/" rules: - todo: "(TODO|XXX|FIXME):?" # single-line comment - comment: start: "#|(//)" end: "$" rules: - todo: "(TODO|XXX|FIXME):?"