# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the new BSD License. # # Copyright (c) 2010, Sebastian Staudt # A nano configuration file to enable syntax highlighting of some Git specific # files with the GNU nano text editor (http://www.nano-editor.org) # syntax "git-commit" "COMMIT_EDITMSG|TAG_EDITMSG" # Commit message color ignore ".*" # Comments color comment "^#.*" # Files changes color keyword "#[[:space:]](deleted|modified|new file|renamed):[[:space:]].*" color keyword "#[[:space:]]deleted:" color keyword "#[[:space:]]modified:" color keyword "#[[:space:]]new file:" color keyword "#[[:space:]]renamed:" # Untracked filenames color error "^# [^/?*:;{}\\]+\.[^/?*:;{}\\]+$" color keyword "^#[[:space:]]Changes.*[:]" color keyword "^#[[:space:]]Your branch and '[^']+" color keyword "^#[[:space:]]Your branch and '" color keyword "^#[[:space:]]On branch [^ ]+" color keyword "^#[[:space:]]On branch" # Recolor hash symbols # Recolor hash symbols color special "#" # Trailing spaces (+LINT is not ok, git uses tabs) color ,error "[[:space:]]+$"