local micro = import("micro") local runtime = import("runtime") local filepath = import("path/filepath") local shell = import("micro/shell") local buffer = import("micro/buffer") local config = import("micro/config") local linters = {} -- creates a linter entry, call from within an initialization function, not -- directly at initial load time -- -- name: name of the linter -- filetype: filetype to check for to use linter -- cmd: main linter process that is executed -- args: arguments to pass to the linter process -- use %f to refer to the current file name -- use %d to refer to the current directory name -- errorformat: how to parse the linter/compiler process output -- %f: file, %l: line number, %m: error/warning message -- os: list of OSs this linter is supported or unsupported on -- optional param, default: {} -- whitelist: should the OS list be a blacklist (do not run the linter for these OSs) -- or a whitelist (only run the linter for these OSs) -- optional param, default: false (should blacklist) -- domatch: should the filetype be interpreted as a lua pattern to match with -- the actual filetype, or should the linter only activate on an exact match -- optional param, default: false (require exact match) -- loffset: line offset will be added to the line number returned by the linter -- useful if the linter returns 0-indexed lines -- optional param, default: 0 -- coffset: column offset will be added to the col number returned by the linter -- useful if the linter returns 0-indexed columns -- optional param, default: 0 function makeLinter(name, filetype, cmd, args, errorformat, os, whitelist, domatch, loffset, coffset) if linters[name] == nil then linters[name] = {} linters[name].filetype = filetype linters[name].cmd = cmd linters[name].args = args linters[name].errorformat = errorformat linters[name].os = os or {} linters[name].whitelist = whitelist or false linters[name].domatch = domatch or false linters[name].loffset = loffset or 0 linters[name].coffset = coffset or 0 end end function removeLinter(name) linters[name] = nil end function init() local devnull = "/dev/null" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" then devnull = "NUL" end makeLinter("gcc", "c", "gcc", {"-fsyntax-only", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+: %m") makeLinter("gcc", "c++", "gcc", {"-fsyntax-only","-std=c++14", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+: %m") makeLinter("dmd", "d", "dmd", {"-color=off", "-o-", "-w", "-wi", "-c", "%f"}, "%f%(%l%):.+: %m") makeLinter("gobuild", "go", "go", {"build", "-o", devnull}, "%f:%l:%c:? %m") -- makeLinter("golint", "go", "golint", {"%f"}, "%f:%l:%c: %m") makeLinter("javac", "java", "javac", {"-d", "%d", "%f"}, "%f:%l: error: %m") makeLinter("jshint", "javascript", "jshint", {"%f"}, "%f: line %l,.+, %m") makeLinter("literate", "literate", "lit", {"-c", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%m", {}, false, true) makeLinter("luacheck", "lua", "luacheck", {"--no-color", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c: %m") makeLinter("nim", "nim", "nim", {"check", "--listFullPaths", "--stdout", "--hints:off", "%f"}, "%f.%l, %c. %m") makeLinter("clang", "objective-c", "xcrun", {"clang", "-fsyntax-only", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+: %m") makeLinter("pyflakes", "python", "pyflakes", {"%f"}, "%f:%l:.-:? %m") makeLinter("mypy", "python", "mypy", {"%f"}, "%f:%l: %m") makeLinter("pylint", "python", "pylint", {"--output-format=parseable", "--reports=no", "%f"}, "%f:%l: %m") makeLinter("shfmt", "shell", "shfmt", {"%f"}, "%f:%l:%c: %m") makeLinter("swiftc", "swift", "xcrun", {"swiftc", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+: %m", {"darwin"}, true) makeLinter("swiftc", "swiftc", {"%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+: %m", {"linux"}, true) makeLinter("yaml", "yaml", "yamllint", {"--format", "parsable", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+ %m") config.MakeCommand("lint", "linter.lintCmd", config.NoComplete) end function lintCmd(bp, args) bp:Save() runLinter(bp.Buf) end function contains(list, element) for k, v in pairs(list) do if v == element then return true end end return false end function runLinter(buf) local ft = buf:FileType() local file = buf.Path local dir = filepath.Dir(file) for k, v in pairs(linters) do local ftmatch = ft == v.filetype if v.domatch then ftmatch = string.match(ft, v.filetype) end local hasOS = contains(v.os, runtime.GOOS) if not hasOS and v.whitelist then ftmatch = false end if hasOS and not v.whitelist then ftmatch = false end local args = {} for k, arg in pairs(v.args) do args[k] = arg:gsub("%%f", file):gsub("%%d", dir) end if ftmatch then lint(buf, k, v.cmd, args, v.errorformat, v.loffset, v.coffset) end end end function onSave(bp) runLinter(bp.Buf) return true end function lint(buf, linter, cmd, args, errorformat, loff, coff) buf:ClearMessages(linter) shell.JobSpawn(cmd, args, "", "", "linter.onExit", buf, linter, errorformat, loff, coff) end function onExit(output, args) local buf, linter, errorformat, loff, coff = args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] local lines = split(output, "\n") local regex = errorformat:gsub("%%f", "(..-)"):gsub("%%l", "(%d+)"):gsub("%%c", "(%d+)"):gsub("%%m", "(.+)") for _,line in ipairs(lines) do -- Trim whitespace line = line:match("^%s*(.+)%s*$") if string.find(line, regex) then local file, line, col, msg = string.match(line, regex) local hascol = true if not string.find(errorformat, "%%c") then hascol = false msg = col elseif col == nil then hascol = false end micro.Log(basename(buf.Path), basename(file)) if basename(buf.Path) == basename(file) then local bmsg = nil if hascol then local mstart = buffer.Loc(tonumber(col-1+coff), tonumber(line-1+loff)) local mend = buffer.Loc(tonumber(col+coff), tonumber(line-1+loff)) bmsg = buffer.NewMessage(linter, msg, mstart, mend, buffer.MTError) else bmsg = buffer.NewMessageAtLine(linter, msg, tonumber(line+loff), buffer.MTError) end buf:AddMessage(bmsg) end end end end function split(str, sep) local result = {} local regex = ("([^%s]+)"):format(sep) for each in str:gmatch(regex) do table.insert(result, each) end return result end function basename(file) local sep = "/" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" then sep = "\\" end local name = string.gsub(file, "(.*" .. sep .. ")(.*)", "%2") return name end