VERSION = "1.0.0" local micro = import("micro") local runtime = import("runtime") local filepath = import("path/filepath") local shell = import("micro/shell") local buffer = import("micro/buffer") local config = import("micro/config") local linters = {} -- creates a linter entry, call from within an initialization function, not -- directly at initial load time -- -- name: name of the linter -- filetype: filetype to check for to use linter -- cmd: main linter process that is executed -- args: arguments to pass to the linter process -- use %f to refer to the current file name -- use %d to refer to the current directory name -- errorformat: how to parse the linter/compiler process output -- %f: file, %l: line number, %m: error/warning message -- os: list of OSs this linter is supported or unsupported on -- optional param, default: {} -- whitelist: should the OS list be a blacklist (do not run the linter for these OSs) -- or a whitelist (only run the linter for these OSs) -- optional param, default: false (should blacklist) -- domatch: should the filetype be interpreted as a lua pattern to match with -- the actual filetype, or should the linter only activate on an exact match -- optional param, default: false (require exact match) -- loffset: line offset will be added to the line number returned by the linter -- useful if the linter returns 0-indexed lines -- optional param, default: 0 -- coffset: column offset will be added to the col number returned by the linter -- useful if the linter returns 0-indexed columns -- optional param, default: 0 -- callback: function to call before executing the linter, if it returns -- false the lint is canceled. The callback is passed the buf. -- optional param, default: nil function makeLinter(name, filetype, cmd, args, errorformat, os, whitelist, domatch, loffset, coffset, callback) if linters[name] == nil then linters[name] = {} linters[name].filetype = filetype linters[name].cmd = cmd linters[name].args = args linters[name].errorformat = errorformat linters[name].os = os or {} linters[name].whitelist = whitelist or false linters[name].domatch = domatch or false linters[name].loffset = loffset or 0 linters[name].coffset = coffset or 0 linters[name].callback = callback or nil end end function removeLinter(name) linters[name] = nil end function init() local devnull = "/dev/null" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" then devnull = "NUL" end makeLinter("gcc", "c", "gcc", {"-fsyntax-only", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+: %m") makeLinter("gcc", "c++", "gcc", {"-fsyntax-only","-std=c++14", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+: %m") makeLinter("dmd", "d", "dmd", {"-color=off", "-o-", "-w", "-wi", "-c", "%f"}, "%f%(%l%):.+: %m") makeLinter("gobuild", "go", "go", {"build", "-o", devnull}, "%f:%l:%c:? %m") -- makeLinter("golint", "go", "golint", {"%f"}, "%f:%l:%c: %m") makeLinter("javac", "java", "javac", {"-d", "%d", "%f"}, "%f:%l: error: %m") makeLinter("jshint", "javascript", "jshint", {"%f"}, "%f: line %l,.+, %m") makeLinter("literate", "literate", "lit", {"-c", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%m", {}, false, true) makeLinter("luacheck", "lua", "luacheck", {"--no-color", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c: %m") makeLinter("nim", "nim", "nim", {"check", "--listFullPaths", "--stdout", "--hints:off", "%f"}, "%f.%l, %c. %m") makeLinter("clang", "objective-c", "xcrun", {"clang", "-fsyntax-only", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+: %m") makeLinter("pyflakes", "python", "pyflakes", {"%f"}, "%f:%l:.-:? %m") makeLinter("mypy", "python", "mypy", {"%f"}, "%f:%l: %m") makeLinter("pylint", "python", "pylint", {"--output-format=parseable", "--reports=no", "%f"}, "%f:%l: %m") makeLinter("shfmt", "shell", "shfmt", {"%f"}, "%f:%l:%c: %m") makeLinter("swiftc", "swift", "xcrun", {"swiftc", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+: %m", {"darwin"}, true) makeLinter("swiftc", "swiftc", {"%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+: %m", {"linux"}, true) makeLinter("yaml", "yaml", "yamllint", {"--format", "parsable", "%f"}, "%f:%l:%c:.+ %m") config.MakeCommand("lint", "linter.lintCmd", config.NoComplete) config.AddRuntimeFile("linter", config.RTHelp, "help/") end function lintCmd(bp, args) bp:Save() runLinter(bp.Buf) end function contains(list, element) for k, v in pairs(list) do if v == element then return true end end return false end function runLinter(buf) local ft = buf:FileType() local file = buf.Path local dir = filepath.Dir(file) for k, v in pairs(linters) do local ftmatch = ft == v.filetype if v.domatch then ftmatch = string.match(ft, v.filetype) end local hasOS = contains(v.os, runtime.GOOS) if not hasOS and v.whitelist then ftmatch = false end if hasOS and not v.whitelist then ftmatch = false end local args = {} for k, arg in pairs(v.args) do args[k] = arg:gsub("%%f", file):gsub("%%d", dir) end if ftmatch then lint(buf, k, v.cmd, args, v.errorformat, v.loffset, v.coffset, v.callback) end end end function onSave(bp) runLinter(bp.Buf) return true end function lint(buf, linter, cmd, args, errorformat, loff, coff, callback) buf:ClearMessages(linter) if callback ~= nil then if not callback(buf) then return end end shell.JobSpawn(cmd, args, "", "", "linter.onExit", buf, linter, errorformat, loff, coff) end function onExit(output, args) local buf, linter, errorformat, loff, coff = args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] local lines = split(output, "\n") local regex = errorformat:gsub("%%f", "(..-)"):gsub("%%l", "(%d+)"):gsub("%%c", "(%d+)"):gsub("%%m", "(.+)") for _,line in ipairs(lines) do -- Trim whitespace line = line:match("^%s*(.+)%s*$") if string.find(line, regex) then local file, line, col, msg = string.match(line, regex) local hascol = true if not string.find(errorformat, "%%c") then hascol = false msg = col elseif col == nil then hascol = false end micro.Log(basename(buf.Path), basename(file)) if basename(buf.Path) == basename(file) then local bmsg = nil if hascol then local mstart = buffer.Loc(tonumber(col-1+coff), tonumber(line-1+loff)) local mend = buffer.Loc(tonumber(col+coff), tonumber(line-1+loff)) bmsg = buffer.NewMessage(linter, msg, mstart, mend, buffer.MTError) else bmsg = buffer.NewMessageAtLine(linter, msg, tonumber(line+loff), buffer.MTError) end buf:AddMessage(bmsg) end end end end function split(str, sep) local result = {} local regex = ("([^%s]+)"):format(sep) for each in str:gmatch(regex) do table.insert(result, each) end return result end function basename(file) local sep = "/" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" then sep = "\\" end local name = string.gsub(file, "(.*" .. sep .. ")(.*)", "%2") return name end