local uutil = import("micro/util") local utf8 = import("utf8") local autoclosePairs = {"\"\"", "''", "``", "()", "{}", "[]"} local autoNewlinePairs = {"()", "{}", "[]"} function charAt(str, i) -- lua indexing is one off from go return uutil.RuneAt(str, i-1) end function onRune(bp, r) for i = 1, #autoclosePairs do if r == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 2) then local curLine = bp.Buf:Line(bp.Cursor.Y) if charAt(curLine, bp.Cursor.X+1) == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 2) then bp:Backspace() bp:CursorRight() break end if bp.Cursor.X > 1 and (uutil.IsWordChar(charAt(curLine, bp.Cursor.X-1)) or charAt(curLine, bp.Cursor.X-1) == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 1)) then break end end if r == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 1) then local curLine = bp.Buf:Line(bp.Cursor.Y) if bp.Cursor.X == utf8.RuneCountInString(curLine) or not uutil.IsWordChar(charAt(curLine, bp.Cursor.X+1)) then -- the '-' here is to derefence the pointer to bp.Cursor.Loc which is automatically made -- when converting go structs to lua -- It needs to be dereferenced because the function expects a non pointer struct bp.Buf:Insert(-bp.Cursor.Loc, charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 2)) bp:CursorLeft() break end end end return true end function preInsertNewline(bp) local curLine = bp.Buf:Line(bp.Cursor.Y) local curRune = charAt(curLine, bp.Cursor.X) local nextRune = charAt(curLine, bp.Cursor.X+1) local ws = uutil.GetLeadingWhitespace(curLine) for i = 1, #autoNewlinePairs do if curRune == charAt(autoNewlinePairs[i], 1) then if nextRune == charAt(autoNewlinePairs[i], 2) then bp:InsertNewline() bp:InsertTab() bp.Buf:Insert(-bp.Cursor.Loc, "\n" .. ws) bp:StartOfLine() bp:CursorLeft() return false end end end return true end function preBackspace(bp) for i = 1, #autoclosePairs do local curLine = bp.Buf:Line(bp.Cursor.Y) if charAt(curLine, bp.Cursor.X+1) == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 2) and charAt(curLine, bp.Cursor.X) == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 1) then bp:Delete() end end return true end