local http, env, storage local C = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence function furrybot.commands.rolldice(name) furrybot.ping_message(name, "rolled a dice and got a " .. furrybot.random(1, 6, furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) end function furrybot.commands.coinflip(name) furrybot.ping_message(name, "flipped a coin and got " .. furrybot.choose({"Heads", "Tails"}, furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) end function furrybot.commands.choose(name, ...) local options = {...} if #options > 1 then furrybot.ping_message(name, "I choose " .. furrybot.choose(options, "", furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) else furrybot.error_message(name, "Not enough options") end end function furrybot.commands.uwu() local msg = "" local m = math.random(10) for i = 1, m do local u_list = {"u", "ü", "o", "ö"} local u = u_list[math.random(#u_list)] local w = "w" if math.random() < 0.5 then u = u:upper() end if math.random() < 0.5 then w = w:upper() end msg = msg .. u .. w .. u if i ~= m then msg = msg .. " " end end furrybot.send(msg, furrybot.colors.system) end function furrybot.commands.extinct(name, species) if species then furrybot.ping_message(name, species:sub(1, 1):upper() .. species:sub(2, #species) .. (species:sub(#species, #species):lower() == "s" and "" or "s") .. " are " .. (furrybot.strrandom(species, 420, 0, 1) == 0 and "not " or "") .. "extinct." , furrybot.colors.system) else furrybot.error_message(name, "You need to specify a species") end end function furrybot.commands.german(name) local messages = { "Schnauze!", "Sprich Deutsch, du Hurensohn!", "NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN", "Deine Mutter", "Das war ein BEFEHL!", "Das bleibt hier alles so wie das hier ist!", "Scheißße", "Digga was falsch bei dir", "Lass mich deine Arschfalten sehen", "Krieg mal deinen Ödipuskomplex unter Kontrolle", "Meine Nudel ist 30cm lang und al dente", "Wie die Nase eines Mannes, so auch sein Johannes.", } local msg = messages[math.random(#messages)] local stripe = math.floor(#msg / 3) furrybot.ping_message(name, msg:sub(1, stripe) .. C("red") .. msg:sub(stripe + 1, stripe * 2) .. C("yellow") .. msg:sub(stripe * 2 + 1, #msg), C("black")) end return function(_http, _env, _storage) http, env, storage = _http, _env, _storage end