local http, env, storage local C = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence function furrybot.commands.rolldice(name) furrybot.ping_message(name, "rolled a dice and got a " .. furrybot.random(1, 6, furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) end function furrybot.commands.coinflip(name) furrybot.ping_message(name, "flipped a coin and got " .. furrybot.choose({"Heads", "Tails"}, furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) end function furrybot.commands.choose(name, ...) local options = {...} if #options > 1 then furrybot.ping_message(name, "I choose " .. furrybot.choose(options, "", furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) else furrybot.error_message(name, "Not enough options") end end function furrybot.commands.uwu() local msg = "" local m = math.random(10) for i = 1, m do local u_list = {"u", "ü", "o", "ö"} local u = u_list[math.random(#u_list)] local w = "w" if math.random() < 0.5 then u = u:upper() end if math.random() < 0.5 then w = w:upper() end msg = msg .. u .. w .. u if i ~= m then msg = msg .. " " end end furrybot.send(msg, furrybot.colors.system) end function furrybot.commands.extinct(name, species) if species then furrybot.ping_message(name, species:sub(1, 1):upper() .. species:sub(2, #species) .. (species:sub(#species, #species):lower() == "s" and "" or "s") .. " are " .. (furrybot.strrandom(species, 420, 0, 1) == 0 and "not " or "") .. "extinct." , furrybot.colors.system) else furrybot.error_message(name, "You need to specify a species") end end return function(_http, _env, _storage) http, env, storage = _http, _env, _storage end