/* Copyright (c) 2012, Bastien Dejean * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include "bspwm.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "history.h" #include "parse.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "tree.h" #include "query.h" void query_tree(FILE *rsp) { fprintf(rsp, "{"); fprintf(rsp, "\"focusedMonitorName\":\"%s\",", mon->name); fprintf(rsp, "\"clientsCount\":%i,", clients_count); fprintf(rsp, "\"monitors\":"); fprintf(rsp, "["); for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { query_monitor(m, rsp); if (m->next != NULL) { fprintf(rsp, ","); } } fprintf(rsp, "]"); fprintf(rsp,","); fprintf(rsp, "\"focusHistory\":"); query_history(rsp); fprintf(rsp,","); fprintf(rsp, "\"stackingList\":"); query_stack(rsp); fprintf(rsp, "}"); } void query_monitor(monitor_t *m, FILE *rsp) { fprintf(rsp, "{"); fprintf(rsp, "\"name\":\"%s\",", m->name); fprintf(rsp, "\"id\":%u,", m->id); fprintf(rsp, "\"wired\":%s,", BOOL_STR(m->wired)); fprintf(rsp, "\"topPadding\":%i,", m->top_padding); fprintf(rsp, "\"rightPadding\":%i,", m->right_padding); fprintf(rsp, "\"bottomPadding\":%i,", m->bottom_padding); fprintf(rsp, "\"leftPadding\":%i,", m->left_padding); fprintf(rsp, "\"stickyCount\":%i,", m->sticky_count); fprintf(rsp, "\"rectangle\":"); query_rectangle(m->rectangle, rsp); fprintf(rsp,","); fprintf(rsp, "\"focusedDesktopName\":\"%s\",", m->desk->name); fprintf(rsp, "\"desktops\":"); fprintf(rsp, "["); for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { query_desktop(d, rsp); if (d->next != NULL) { fprintf(rsp,","); } } fprintf(rsp, "]"); fprintf(rsp, "}"); } void query_desktop(desktop_t *d, FILE *rsp) { fprintf(rsp, "{"); fprintf(rsp, "\"name\":\"%s\",", d->name); fprintf(rsp, "\"layout\":\"%s\",", LAYOUT_STR(d->layout)); fprintf(rsp, "\"topPadding\":%i,", d->top_padding); fprintf(rsp, "\"rightPadding\":%i,", d->right_padding); fprintf(rsp, "\"bottomPadding\":%i,", d->bottom_padding); fprintf(rsp, "\"leftPadding\":%i,", d->left_padding); fprintf(rsp, "\"windowGap\":%i,", d->window_gap); fprintf(rsp, "\"borderWidth\":%u,", d->border_width); fprintf(rsp, "\"focusedNodeId\":%u,", d->focus != NULL ? d->focus->id : 0); fprintf(rsp, "\"root\":"); query_node(d->root, rsp); fprintf(rsp, "}"); } void query_node(node_t *n, FILE *rsp) { if (n == NULL) { fprintf(rsp, "null"); } else { fprintf(rsp, "{"); fprintf(rsp, "\"id\":%u,", n->id); fprintf(rsp, "\"splitType\":\"%s\",", SPLIT_TYPE_STR(n->split_type)); fprintf(rsp, "\"splitRatio\":%lf,", n->split_ratio); fprintf(rsp, "\"birthRotation\":%i,", n->birth_rotation); fprintf(rsp, "\"vacant\":%s,", BOOL_STR(n->vacant)); fprintf(rsp, "\"sticky\":%s,", BOOL_STR(n->sticky)); fprintf(rsp, "\"private\":%s,", BOOL_STR(n->private)); fprintf(rsp, "\"locked\":%s,", BOOL_STR(n->locked)); fprintf(rsp, "\"presel\":"); query_presel(n->presel, rsp); fprintf(rsp,","); fprintf(rsp, "\"rectangle\":"); query_rectangle(n->rectangle, rsp); fprintf(rsp,","); fprintf(rsp, "\"firstChild\":"); query_node(n->first_child, rsp); fprintf(rsp,","); fprintf(rsp, "\"secondChild\":"); query_node(n->second_child, rsp); fprintf(rsp,","); fprintf(rsp, "\"client\":"); query_client(n->client, rsp); fprintf(rsp, "}"); } } void query_presel(presel_t *p, FILE *rsp) { if (p == NULL) { fprintf(rsp, "null"); } else { fprintf(rsp, "{\"splitDir\":\"%s\",\"splitRatio\":%lf}", SPLIT_DIR_STR(p->split_dir), p->split_ratio); } } void query_client(client_t *c, FILE *rsp) { if (c == NULL) { fprintf(rsp, "null"); } else { fprintf(rsp, "{"); fprintf(rsp, "\"className\":\"%s\",", c->class_name); fprintf(rsp, "\"instanceName\":\"%s\",", c->instance_name); fprintf(rsp, "\"borderWidth\":%u,", c->border_width); fprintf(rsp, "\"state\":\"%s\",", STATE_STR(c->state)); fprintf(rsp, "\"lastState\":\"%s\",", STATE_STR(c->last_state)); fprintf(rsp, "\"layer\":\"%s\",", LAYER_STR(c->layer)); fprintf(rsp, "\"lastLayer\":\"%s\",", LAYER_STR(c->last_layer)); fprintf(rsp, "\"urgent\":%s,", BOOL_STR(c->urgent)); fprintf(rsp, "\"icccmFocus\":%s,", BOOL_STR(c->icccm_focus)); fprintf(rsp, "\"icccmInput\":%s,", BOOL_STR(c->icccm_input)); fprintf(rsp, "\"minWidth\":%u,", c->min_width); fprintf(rsp, "\"maxWidth\":%u,", c->max_width); fprintf(rsp, "\"minHeight\":%u,", c->min_height); fprintf(rsp, "\"maxHeight\":%u,", c->max_height); fprintf(rsp, "\"wmStatesCount\":%i,", c->wm_states_count); fprintf(rsp, "\"wmState\":"); query_wm_state(c->wm_state, c->wm_states_count, rsp); fprintf(rsp,","); fprintf(rsp, "\"tiledRectangle\":"); query_rectangle(c->tiled_rectangle, rsp); fprintf(rsp,","); fprintf(rsp, "\"floatingRectangle\":"); query_rectangle(c->floating_rectangle, rsp); fprintf(rsp, "}"); } } void query_rectangle(xcb_rectangle_t r, FILE *rsp) { fprintf(rsp, "{\"x\":%i,\"y\":%i,\"width\":%u,\"height\":%u}", r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } void query_wm_state(xcb_atom_t *wm_state, int wm_states_count, FILE *rsp) { fprintf(rsp, "["); for (int i = 0; i < wm_states_count; i++) { fprintf(rsp, "%u", wm_state[i]); if (i < wm_states_count - 1) { fprintf(rsp, ","); } } fprintf(rsp, "]"); } void query_history(FILE *rsp) { fprintf(rsp, "["); for (history_t *h = history_head; h != NULL; h = h->next) { query_coordinates(&h->loc, rsp); if (h->next != NULL) { fprintf(rsp, ","); } } fprintf(rsp, "]"); } void query_coordinates(coordinates_t *loc, FILE *rsp) { fprintf(rsp, "{\"monitorName\":\"%s\",\"desktopName\":\"%s\",\"nodeId\":%u}", loc->monitor->name, loc->desktop->name, loc->node!=NULL?loc->node->id:0); } void query_stack(FILE *rsp) { fprintf(rsp, "["); for (stacking_list_t *s = stack_head; s != NULL; s = s->next) { fprintf(rsp, "%u", s->node->id); if (s->next != NULL) { fprintf(rsp, ","); } } fprintf(rsp, "]"); } void query_node_ids(coordinates_t loc, node_select_t *sel, FILE *rsp) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if (loc.monitor != NULL && m != loc.monitor) { continue; } for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { if (loc.desktop != NULL && d != loc.desktop) { continue; } query_node_ids_in(d->root, d, m, loc, sel, rsp); } } } void query_node_ids_in(node_t *n, desktop_t *d, monitor_t *m, coordinates_t loc, node_select_t *sel, FILE *rsp) { if (n == NULL) { return; } else { coordinates_t ref = {mon, mon->desk, mon->desk->focus}; coordinates_t trg = {m, d, n}; if ((loc.node == NULL || n == loc.node) && (sel == NULL || node_matches(&trg, &ref, *sel))) { fprintf(rsp, "0x%07X\n", n->id); } query_node_ids_in(n->first_child, d, m, loc, sel, rsp); query_node_ids_in(n->second_child, d, m, loc, sel, rsp); } } void query_desktop_names(coordinates_t loc, desktop_select_t *sel, FILE *rsp) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if (loc.monitor != NULL && m != loc.monitor) { continue; } for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { coordinates_t ref = {mon, mon->desk, NULL}; coordinates_t trg = {m, d, NULL}; if ((loc.desktop != NULL && d != loc.desktop) || (sel != NULL && !desktop_matches(&trg, &ref, *sel))) { continue; } fprintf(rsp, "%s\n", d->name); } } } void query_monitor_names(coordinates_t loc, monitor_select_t *sel, FILE *rsp) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { coordinates_t ref = {mon, NULL, NULL}; coordinates_t trg = {m, NULL, NULL}; if ((loc.monitor != NULL && m != loc.monitor) || (sel != NULL && !monitor_matches(&trg, &ref, *sel))) { continue; } fprintf(rsp, "%s\n", m->name); } } node_select_t make_node_select(void) { node_select_t sel = { .automatic = OPTION_NONE, .focused = OPTION_NONE, .local = OPTION_NONE, .leaf = OPTION_NONE, .tiled = OPTION_NONE, .pseudo_tiled = OPTION_NONE, .floating = OPTION_NONE, .fullscreen = OPTION_NONE, .locked = OPTION_NONE, .sticky = OPTION_NONE, .private = OPTION_NONE, .urgent = OPTION_NONE, .same_class = OPTION_NONE, .below = OPTION_NONE, .normal = OPTION_NONE, .above = OPTION_NONE }; return sel; } desktop_select_t make_desktop_select(void) { desktop_select_t sel = { .occupied = OPTION_NONE, .focused = OPTION_NONE, .urgent = OPTION_NONE, .local = OPTION_NONE }; return sel; } monitor_select_t make_monitor_select(void) { monitor_select_t sel = { .occupied = OPTION_NONE, .focused = OPTION_NONE }; return sel; } bool node_from_desc(char *desc, coordinates_t *ref, coordinates_t *dst) { node_select_t sel = make_node_select(); if (!parse_node_modifiers(desc, &sel)) { return false; } dst->monitor = ref->monitor; dst->desktop = ref->desktop; dst->node = NULL; direction_t dir; cycle_dir_t cyc; history_dir_t hdi; if (parse_direction(desc, &dir)) { dst->node = nearest_neighbor(ref->monitor, ref->desktop, ref->node, dir, sel); if (dst->node == NULL && mon_head != mon_tail) { monitor_t *m = nearest_monitor(ref->monitor, dir, make_monitor_select()); if (m != NULL) { coordinates_t loc = {m, m->desk, m->desk->focus}; if (node_matches(&loc, ref, sel)) { dst->monitor = m; dst->desktop = m->desk; dst->node = m->desk->focus; } } } } else if (parse_cycle_direction(desc, &cyc)) { dst->node = closest_node(ref->monitor, ref->desktop, ref->node, cyc, sel); } else if (parse_history_direction(desc, &hdi)) { history_find_node(hdi, ref, dst, sel); } else if (streq("last", desc)) { history_find_node(HISTORY_OLDER, ref, dst, sel); } else if (streq("biggest", desc)) { dst->node = find_biggest(ref->monitor, ref->desktop, ref->node, sel); } else if (streq("focused", desc)) { coordinates_t loc = {mon, mon->desk, mon->desk->focus}; if (node_matches(&loc, ref, sel)) { dst->monitor = mon; dst->desktop = mon->desk; dst->node = mon->desk->focus; } } else if (*desc == '@') { desc++; char *colon; if ((colon = strrchr(desc, ':')) != NULL) { *colon = '\0'; if (desktop_from_desc(desc, ref, dst)) { desc = colon + 1; } else { return false; } } dst->node = (*desc == '/' ? dst->desktop->root : dst->desktop->focus); char *move = strtok(desc, PTH_TOK); while (move != NULL && dst->node != NULL) { if (streq("first", move) || streq("1", move)) { dst->node = dst->node->first_child; } else if (streq("second", move) || streq("2", move)) { dst->node = dst->node->second_child; } else if (streq("parent", move)) { dst->node = dst->node->parent; } else if (streq("brother", move)) { dst->node = brother_tree(dst->node); } else { direction_t dir; if (parse_direction(move, &dir)) { dst->node = find_fence(dst->node, dir); } else { return false; } } move = strtok(NULL, PTH_TOK); } if (dst->node != NULL) { return node_matches(dst, ref, sel); } } else { uint32_t id; if (parse_id(desc, &id) && find_by_id(id, dst)) { return node_matches(dst, ref, sel); } } return (dst->node != NULL); } bool desktop_from_desc(char *desc, coordinates_t *ref, coordinates_t *dst) { desktop_select_t sel = make_desktop_select(); if (!parse_desktop_modifiers(desc, &sel)) { return false; } dst->desktop = NULL; cycle_dir_t cyc; history_dir_t hdi; char *colon; int idx; if (parse_cycle_direction(desc, &cyc)) { dst->monitor = ref->monitor; dst->desktop = closest_desktop(ref->monitor, ref->desktop, cyc, sel); } else if (parse_history_direction(desc, &hdi)) { history_find_desktop(hdi, ref, dst, sel); } else if (streq("last", desc)) { history_find_desktop(HISTORY_OLDER, ref, dst, sel); } else if (streq("focused", desc)) { coordinates_t loc = {mon, mon->desk, NULL}; if (desktop_matches(&loc, ref, sel)) { dst->monitor = mon; dst->desktop = mon->desk; } } else if ((colon = strchr(desc, ':')) != NULL) { *colon = '\0'; if (monitor_from_desc(desc, ref, dst)) { if (streq("focused", colon + 1)) { coordinates_t loc = {dst->monitor, dst->monitor->desk, NULL}; if (desktop_matches(&loc, ref, sel)) { dst->desktop = dst->monitor->desk; } } else if (parse_index(colon + 1, &idx)) { if (desktop_from_index(idx, dst, dst->monitor)) { return desktop_matches(dst, ref, sel); } } } } else if (parse_index(desc, &idx)) { if (desktop_from_index(idx, dst, NULL)) { return desktop_matches(dst, ref, sel); } } else { if (locate_desktop(desc, dst)) { return desktop_matches(dst, ref, sel); } } return (dst->desktop != NULL); } bool monitor_from_desc(char *desc, coordinates_t *ref, coordinates_t *dst) { monitor_select_t sel = make_monitor_select(); if (!parse_monitor_modifiers(desc, &sel)) { return false; } dst->monitor = NULL; direction_t dir; cycle_dir_t cyc; history_dir_t hdi; int idx; if (parse_direction(desc, &dir)) { dst->monitor = nearest_monitor(ref->monitor, dir, sel); } else if (parse_cycle_direction(desc, &cyc)) { dst->monitor = closest_monitor(ref->monitor, cyc, sel); } else if (parse_history_direction(desc, &hdi)) { history_find_monitor(hdi, ref, dst, sel); } else if (streq("last", desc)) { history_find_monitor(HISTORY_OLDER, ref, dst, sel); } else if (streq("primary", desc)) { if (pri_mon != NULL) { coordinates_t loc = {pri_mon, NULL, NULL}; if (monitor_matches(&loc, ref, sel)) { dst->monitor = pri_mon; } } } else if (streq("focused", desc)) { coordinates_t loc = {mon, NULL, NULL}; if (monitor_matches(&loc, ref, sel)) { dst->monitor = mon; } } else if (parse_index(desc, &idx)) { if (monitor_from_index(idx, dst)) { monitor_matches(dst, ref, sel); } } else { if (locate_monitor(desc, dst)) { return monitor_matches(dst, ref, sel); } } return (dst->monitor != NULL); } bool locate_window(xcb_window_t win, coordinates_t *loc) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { for (node_t *n = first_extrema(d->root); n != NULL; n = next_leaf(n, d->root)) { if (n->id == win) { loc->monitor = m; loc->desktop = d; loc->node = n; return true; } } } } return false; } bool locate_desktop(char *name, coordinates_t *loc) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { if (streq(d->name, name)) { loc->monitor = m; loc->desktop = d; return true; } } } return false; } bool locate_monitor(char *name, coordinates_t *loc) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if (streq(m->name, name)) { loc->monitor = m; return true; } } return false; } bool desktop_from_index(int i, coordinates_t *loc, monitor_t *mm) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if (mm != NULL && m != mm) { continue; } for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next, i--) { if (i == 1) { loc->monitor = m; loc->desktop = d; loc->node = NULL; return true; } } } return false; } bool monitor_from_index(int i, coordinates_t *loc) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next, i--) { if (i == 1) { loc->monitor = m; loc->desktop = NULL; loc->node = NULL; return true; } } return false; } bool node_matches(coordinates_t *loc, coordinates_t *ref, node_select_t sel) { if (loc->node == NULL) { return false; } if (sel.focused != OPTION_NONE && loc->node != mon->desk->focus ? sel.focused == OPTION_TRUE : sel.focused == OPTION_FALSE) { return false; } if (sel.automatic != OPTION_NONE && loc->node->presel != NULL ? sel.automatic == OPTION_TRUE : sel.automatic == OPTION_FALSE) { return false; } if (sel.local != OPTION_NONE && loc->desktop != ref->desktop ? sel.local == OPTION_TRUE : sel.local == OPTION_FALSE) { return false; } if (sel.leaf != OPTION_NONE && loc->node->client == NULL ? sel.leaf == OPTION_TRUE : sel.leaf == OPTION_FALSE) { return false; } #define NFLAG(p) \ if (sel.p != OPTION_NONE && \ !loc->node->p \ ? sel.p == OPTION_TRUE \ : sel.p == OPTION_FALSE) { \ return false; \ } NFLAG(sticky) NFLAG(private) NFLAG(locked) #undef WFLAG if (loc->node->client == NULL && (sel.same_class != OPTION_NONE || sel.tiled != OPTION_NONE || sel.pseudo_tiled != OPTION_NONE || sel.floating != OPTION_NONE || sel.fullscreen != OPTION_NONE || sel.below != OPTION_NONE || sel.normal != OPTION_NONE || sel.above != OPTION_NONE || sel.urgent != OPTION_NONE)) { return false; } if (ref->node != NULL && ref->node->client != NULL && sel.same_class != OPTION_NONE && streq(loc->node->client->class_name, ref->node->client->class_name) ? sel.same_class == OPTION_FALSE : sel.same_class == OPTION_TRUE) { return false; } #define WSTATE(p, e) \ if (sel.p != OPTION_NONE && \ loc->node->client->state != e \ ? sel.p == OPTION_TRUE \ : sel.p == OPTION_FALSE) { \ return false; \ } WSTATE(tiled, STATE_TILED) WSTATE(pseudo_tiled, STATE_PSEUDO_TILED) WSTATE(floating, STATE_FLOATING) WSTATE(fullscreen, STATE_FULLSCREEN) #undef WSTATE #define WLAYER(p, e) \ if (sel.p != OPTION_NONE && \ loc->node->client->layer != e \ ? sel.p == OPTION_TRUE \ : sel.p == OPTION_FALSE) { \ return false; \ } WLAYER(below, LAYER_BELOW) WLAYER(normal, LAYER_NORMAL) WLAYER(above, LAYER_ABOVE) #undef WLAYER #define WFLAG(p) \ if (sel.p != OPTION_NONE && \ !loc->node->client->p \ ? sel.p == OPTION_TRUE \ : sel.p == OPTION_FALSE) { \ return false; \ } WFLAG(urgent) #undef WFLAG return true; } bool desktop_matches(coordinates_t *loc, coordinates_t *ref, desktop_select_t sel) { if (sel.occupied != OPTION_NONE && loc->desktop->root == NULL ? sel.occupied == OPTION_TRUE : sel.occupied == OPTION_FALSE) { return false; } if (sel.focused != OPTION_NONE && mon->desk != loc->desktop ? sel.focused == OPTION_TRUE : sel.focused == OPTION_FALSE) { return false; } if (sel.urgent != OPTION_NONE && !is_urgent(loc->desktop) ? sel.urgent == OPTION_TRUE : sel.urgent == OPTION_FALSE) { return false; } if (sel.local != OPTION_NONE && ref->monitor != loc->monitor ? sel.local == OPTION_TRUE : sel.local == OPTION_FALSE) { return false; } return true; } bool monitor_matches(coordinates_t *loc, __attribute__((unused)) coordinates_t *ref, monitor_select_t sel) { if (sel.occupied != OPTION_NONE && loc->monitor->desk->root == NULL ? sel.occupied == OPTION_TRUE : sel.occupied == OPTION_FALSE) { return false; } if (sel.focused != OPTION_NONE && mon != loc->monitor ? sel.focused == OPTION_TRUE : sel.focused == OPTION_FALSE) { return false; } return true; }