--double tap running --set up our initial values local state = 0 local old_state = 0 local running = false local run_discharge_timer = 0 local old_up = false local sneak = false local old_sneak = false local bunny_hop = false local old_bunny_hop = false --attempt to tell the server to allow us to run local send_server_movement_state = function(state) player_movement_state:send_all(state) --print(state) end --receive the server states --minetest.register_on_modchannel_message(function(channel_name, sender, message) -- if channel_name == name..":receive_player_movement_state" then -- running = message -- end --end) --check player's input on the "up" key minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) if not minetest.localplayer then return end local input = minetest.localplayer:get_control() local vel = minetest.localplayer:get_velocity() local oldvel = minetest.localplayer:get_last_velocity() --cancel running if the player bumps into something if running == true and ((vel.x == 0 and oldvel.x ~= 0) or (vel.z == 0 and oldvel.z ~= 0)) then running = false bunny_hop = false run_discharge_timer = 0 state = 0 end --reset the run flag if running == true and (input.up == false or input.sneak == true or input.down == true) then running = false bunny_hop = false state = 0 end --check if need to tell server to bunnyhop if running == true and vel.y > 0 and input.jump == true and bunny_hop == false then state = 2 bunny_hop = true end --stop bunny hopping if bunny_hop == true and input.jump == false and running == true and vel.y == 0 then bunny_hop = false state = 1 end --half second window to double tap running if run_discharge_timer > 0 then run_discharge_timer = run_discharge_timer - dtime if run_discharge_timer <= 0 then run_discharge_timer = 0 end --initialize double tap run if old_up == false and input.up == true and vel.x ~= 0 and vel.z ~= 0 then run_discharge_timer = 0 running = true state = 1 end end --check if new input of walking forwards if input.up and input.down == false and input.sneak == false and old_up == false and running == false and run_discharge_timer <= 0 then run_discharge_timer = 0.2 end --add this here so the player can sneak if input.sneak == true then run_discharge_timer = 0 sneak = true bunny_hop = false run = false end --set the sneak state if sneak == true and old_sneak == false then state = 3 elseif input.sneak == false and old_sneak == true then sneak = false state = 0 end --only send if state has changed if state ~= old_state then send_server_movement_state(tostring(state)) end --save old value old_up = input.up old_sneak = input.sneak old_bunny_hop = bunny_hop old_state = state end)