# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import print_function import sys from optparse import OptionParser try: from itertools import ifilter as filter except ImportError: pass import nhentai.constant as constant from nhentai.utils import urlparse, generate_html from nhentai.logger import logger try: reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding(sys.stdin.encoding) except NameError: # python3 pass def banner(): logger.info(u'''nHentai: あなたも変態。 いいね? _ _ _ _ _ __ | | | | ___ _ __ | |_ __ _(_) | '_ \| |_| |/ _ \ '_ \| __/ _` | | | | | | _ | __/ | | | || (_| | | |_| |_|_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__\__,_|_| ''') def cmd_parser(): parser = OptionParser('\n nhentai --search [keyword] --download' '\n NHENTAI=http://h.loli.club nhentai --id [ID ...]' '\n\nEnvironment Variable:\n' ' NHENTAI nhentai mirror url') parser.add_option('--download', dest='is_download', action='store_true', help='download doujinshi (for search result)') parser.add_option('--show-info', dest='is_show', action='store_true', help='just show the doujinshi information') parser.add_option('--id', type='string', dest='id', action='store', help='doujinshi ids set, e.g. 1,2,3') parser.add_option('--search', type='string', dest='keyword', action='store', help='search doujinshi by keyword') parser.add_option('--page', type='int', dest='page', action='store', default=1, help='page number of search result') parser.add_option('--tags', type='string', dest='tags', action='store', help='download doujinshi by tags') parser.add_option('--output', type='string', dest='output_dir', action='store', default='', help='output dir') parser.add_option('--threads', '-t', type='int', dest='threads', action='store', default=5, help='thread count of download doujinshi') parser.add_option('--timeout', type='int', dest='timeout', action='store', default=30, help='timeout of download doujinshi') parser.add_option('--proxy', type='string', dest='proxy', action='store', default='', help='use proxy, example:') parser.add_option('--html', dest='html_viewer', action='store_true', help='generate a html viewer at current directory') try: sys.argv = list(map(lambda x: unicode(x.decode(sys.stdin.encoding)), sys.argv)) except (NameError, TypeError): pass except UnicodeDecodeError: exit(0) args, _ = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if args.html_viewer: generate_html() exit(0) if args.tags: logger.warning('`--tags` is under construction') exit(0) if args.id: _ = map(lambda id: id.strip(), args.id.split(',')) args.id = set(map(int, filter(lambda id: id.isdigit(), _))) if (args.is_download or args.is_show) and not args.id and not args.keyword: logger.critical('Doujinshi id(s) are required for downloading') parser.print_help() exit(0) if not args.keyword and not args.id: parser.print_help() exit(0) if args.threads <= 0: args.threads = 1 elif args.threads > 15: logger.critical('Maximum number of used threads is 15') exit(0) if args.proxy: proxy_url = urlparse(args.proxy) if proxy_url.scheme not in ('http', 'https'): logger.error('Invalid protocol \'{0}\' of proxy, ignored'.format(proxy_url.scheme)) else: constant.PROXY = {proxy_url.scheme: args.proxy} return args