--nether teleporters are animation based --the animation must finish before the teleport is initialized local hud_bg_id = nil --aether portal bg local aether_cool_off_timer = 0 --use this to stop players teleporting back and forth local init_sound = nil local teleport_sound = nil local opacity = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) if not minetest.localplayer or not minetest.camera then return end --use this for player cooloff timer also to not overload server if aether_cool_off_timer > 0 then aether_cool_off_timer = aether_cool_off_timer - dtime if aether_cool_off_timer <= 0 then aether_cool_off_timer = 0 end end local pos = minetest.localplayer:get_pos() pos.y = pos.y + 0.1 local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node and node.name == "nether:portal" and aether_cool_off_timer == 0 then if init_sound == nil then init_sound = minetest.sound_play("portal_initialize",{gain=0}) minetest.sound_fade(init_sound, 0.34, 1) end if hud_bg_id == nil then hud_bg_id = minetest.localplayer:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", -- see HUD element types, default "text" position = {x=0.5, y=0.5}, name = "", -- default "" scale = {x=-100, y=-100}, -- default {x=0,y=0} text = "nether_portal_gui.png^[opacity:"..opacity, -- default "" }) elseif opacity < 255 then --make the hud fade in opacity = opacity + (dtime*100) minetest.localplayer:hud_change(hud_bg_id, "text", "nether_portal_gui.png^[opacity:"..opacity) end elseif hud_bg_id then --play heavenly sounds if init_sound and node and node.name == "nether:portal" then minetest.sound_fade(init_sound, -0.4, 0) init_sound = nil teleport_sound = minetest.sound_play("portal_teleported",{gain=1}) minetest.sound_fade(teleport_sound, -0.1, 0) teleport_sound = nil end --player left portal before teleporting if aether_cool_off_timer == 0 then opacity = opacity - (dtime*100) minetest.localplayer:hud_change(hud_bg_id, "text", "nether_portal_gui.png^[opacity:"..opacity) if init_sound then minetest.sound_fade(init_sound, -0.4, 0) init_sound = nil end if opacity <= 0 then minetest.localplayer:hud_remove(hud_bg_id) hud_bg_id = nil opacity = 0 end --teleport complete animation elseif aether_cool_off_timer > 0 then opacity = opacity - (dtime*100) minetest.localplayer:hud_change(hud_bg_id, "text", "nether_portal_gui.png^[opacity:"..opacity) if opacity <= 0 then minetest.localplayer:hud_remove(hud_bg_id) hud_bg_id = nil opacity = 0 end else init_sound = nil end elseif hud_bg_id then minetest.localplayer:hud_remove(hud_bg_id) hud_bg_id = nil opacity = 0 end --initialize teleport command to server if hud_bg_id and aether_cool_off_timer == 0 then if opacity >= 255 then nether:send_all("teleport me") --can't use any portal for 7 seconds aether_cool_off_timer = 6 --if you read this, you'll notice the nether cool off timer is 6 and this is 7 ;) end end end)