local minetest,math = minetest,math local pool = {} -- player physical data constant local player_constant = { visual = "mesh" , mesh = "player.b3d" , animation_speed = 24 , visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}, textures = { "player.png" , "blank_skin.png", }, current_animation = "stand", swimming = false, collisionbox = {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.7, 0.3}, old_controls = {}, stepheight = 0.6 , eye_height = 1.47 , attached = false, wield_item = nil , } -- set player wield item local name local temp_pool local item local object local entity local object_string local update_wield_item = function(player) name = player:get_player_name() temp_pool = pool[name] object = temp_pool.wield_item item = player:get_wielded_item():get_name() if not object or (object and not object:get_luaentity()) then object = minetest.add_entity(player:get_pos(),"player_api:item") entity = object:get_luaentity() if entity then entity.set_item(entity,item) entity.wielder = name object:set_attach(player, "Right_Hand", vector.new(0,0,0), vector.new(0,0,0)) temp_pool.wield_item = object end return -- catch it end entity = object:get_luaentity() object_string = entity.itemstring if object_string ~= item then entity.itemstring = item entity.set_item(entity,item) end end -- easy way to allocate new players local data local name local temp_pool local set_all_properties = function(player) name = player:get_player_name() pool[name] = {} temp_pool = pool[name] data = {} temp_pool.visual = player_constant.visual temp_pool.mesh = player_constant.mesh temp_pool.textures = player_constant.textures temp_pool.collisionbox = player_constant.collisionbox temp_pool.eye_height = player_constant.eye_height temp_pool.stepheight = player_constant.stepheight temp_pool.visual_size = player_constant.visual_size temp_pool.attached = false temp_pool.sleeping = false player:set_properties(temp_pool) end -- easy way to set textures local set_textures = function(player, textures) player:set_properties({textures = textures}) end local animation_list = { stand = { x = 5 , y = 5 }, lay = { x = 162, y = 162 }, walk = { x = 168, y = 187 }, mine = { x = 189, y = 198 }, walk_mine = { x = 200, y = 219 }, sit = { x = 81 , y = 160 }, sneak = { x = 60 , y = 60 }, sneak_mine_stand = { x = 20 , y = 30 }, sneak_walk = { x = 60 , y = 80 }, sneak_mine_walk = { x = 40 , y = 59 }, swim = { x = 221, y = 241 }, swim_still = { x = 226, y = 226 }, die = { x = 242, y = 253 }, } -- easy way to set animation local name local temp_pool local current_animation local set_animation = function(player, animation_name, speed, loop) name = player:get_player_name() temp_pool = pool[name] current_animation = temp_pool.animation if current_animation == animation_name then return end temp_pool.animation = animation_name player:set_animation(animation_list[animation_name], speed, 0, loop) end -- allows mods to force update animation local name force_update_animation = function(player) name = player:get_player_name() pool[name].force_update = true end -- force updates the player local name local create_force_update = function(player) name = player:get_player_name() pool[name].force_update = true end -- allows other mods to set animations per player set_player_animation = function(player,animation,speed,loop) set_animation(player, animation, speed, loop) end local name player_is_attached = function(player,truth) name = player:get_player_name() pool[name].attached = truth end local name player_is_sleeping = function(player,truth) name = player:get_player_name() pool[name].sleeping = truth end local name get_if_player_sleeping = function(player) name = player:get_player_name() return(pool[name].sleeping) end -- toggles nametag visibility local opacity local show_nametag = function(player,boolean) if boolean then opacity = 255 else opacity = 0 end player:set_nametag_attributes({ color = { r = 255, b = 255, a = opacity, g = 255 } }) end -- remove all player data local name minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) name = player:get_player_name() pool[name] = nil end) -- converts yaw to degrees local degrees = function(yaw) return(yaw*180.0/math.pi) end -- controls head bone local state local swimming local pitch local pitch_look = function(player,sneak) state = get_player_state(player) swimming = is_player_swimming(player) pitch = degrees(player:get_look_vertical()) * -1 if swimming then pitch = pitch + 90 elseif sneak then pitch = pitch + 15 end player:set_bone_position("Head", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(pitch,0,0)) end -- checks if the player has done anything with their keyboard/mouse local name local temp_pool local old_control local control_check = function(player,control_table) name = player:get_player_name() temp_pool = pool[name] if not temp_pool.old_controls then temp_pool.old_controls = control_table return(true) end if temp_pool.force_update then temp_pool.old_controls = control_table return(true) end for i,k in pairs(temp_pool.old_controls) do if control_table[i] ~= k then temp_pool.old_controls = control_table return(true) end end temp_pool.old_controls = control_table return(false) end -- movement to animation translations local translation_table = { ["walk"] = { ["keys"] = { -- required keys up = true, down = true, left = true, right = true, }, ["states" ] = { -- states [false] = { -- mouse input [0] = {animation = "walk", speed = 24}, [1] = {animation = "walk", speed = 36}, [2] = {animation = "walk", speed = 42}, }, [true ] = { [0] = {animation = "walk_mine", speed = 24}, [1] = {animation = "walk_mine", speed = 36}, [2] = {animation = "walk_mine", speed = 42}, } } }, ["sneak"] = { ["keys"] = { up = true, down = true, left = true, right = true, }, ["states" ] = { [true ] = { -- moving --mouse input [false] = {animation = "sneak_walk" , speed = 24}, [true ] = {animation = "sneak_mine_walk", speed = 24}, }, [false] = { -- moving --mouse input [false] = {animation = "sneak" , speed = 0 }, [true ] = {animation = "sneak_mine_stand", speed = 24}, } } }, ["stand"] = { [true ] = {animation = "mine" , speed = 24}, [false] = {animation = "stand", speed = 0 }, }, ["swim"] = { ["keys"] = { -- required keys up = true, down = true, left = true, right = true, }, ["states"] = { [true ] = {animation = "swim" , speed = 24}, [false] = {animation = "swim_still", speed = 0 }, } } } -- translate input and combine with state local name local temp_pool local state --local swimming local mouse local translated local control_translation = function(player,control) name = player:get_player_name() temp_pool = pool[name] state = get_player_state(player) swimming = is_player_swimming(player) mouse = (control.LMB or control.RMB) if swimming then for k,i in pairs(control) do if i and translation_table.swim.keys[k] then translated = translation_table.swim.states[true] set_animation(player, translated.animation, translated.speed) return end end translated = translation_table.swim.states[false] set_animation(player, translated.animation, translated.speed) return else if control.sneak then for k,i in pairs(control) do if i and translation_table.sneak.keys[k] then translated = translation_table.sneak.states[true][mouse] set_animation(player, translated.animation, translated.speed) return end end translated = translation_table.sneak.states[false][mouse] set_animation(player, translated.animation, translated.speed) return else for k,i in pairs(control) do if i and translation_table.walk.keys[k] then translated = translation_table.walk.states[mouse][state] if translated then set_animation(player, translated.animation, translated.speed) return end end end end translated = translation_table.stand[mouse] set_animation(player, translated.animation, translated.speed) end end -- translates player movement to animation local control_table local update local name local temp_pool local do_animations = function(player) name = player:get_player_name() temp_pool = pool[name] control_table = player:get_player_control() pitch_look(player,control_table.sneak) if player:get_hp() <= 0 then set_animation(player,"die",40,false) elseif not temp_pool.sleeping and (not temp_pool.attached or not player:get_attach()) then temp_pool.attached = false update = control_check(player,control_table) update_wield_item(player) if update and player:get_hp() > 0 then control_translation(player,control_table) end end end -- Update appearance when the player joins minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) set_all_properties(player) end) minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) create_force_update(player) end) -- inject into global loop minetest.register_globalstep(function() for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do do_animations(player) end end) local stack local itemname local def local set_item = function(self, item) stack = ItemStack(item or self.itemstring) self.itemstring = stack:to_string() itemname = stack:is_known() and stack:get_name() or "unknown" def = minetest.registered_nodes[itemname] self.object:set_properties({ textures = {itemname}, wield_item = self.itemstring, glow = def and def.light_source, }) end minetest.register_entity("player_api:item", { initial_properties = { hp_max = 1, visual = "wielditem", physical = false, textures = {""}, automatic_rotate = 1.5, is_visible = true, pointable = false, collide_with_objects = false, collisionbox = {-0.21, -0.21, -0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21}, selectionbox = {-0.21, -0.21, -0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21}, visual_size = {x = 0.21, y = 0.21}, }, itemstring = "", set_item = set_item, on_step = function(self, dtime) if not self.wielder or (self.wielder and not minetest.get_player_by_name(self.wielder)) then self.object:remove() end end, })