--this controls how the mob saves and loads it's internal data --save (happens when the mob despawns/server/singleplayer game shuts down) exploder.get_staticdata = function(self) return minetest.serialize({ --range = self.range, hp = self.hp, hunger = self.hunger, hostile = self.hostile, hostile_timer = self.hostile_timer, death_animation_timer = self.death_animation_timer, dead = self.dead }) end --load the mob's data when brough back into the world exploder.on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s) self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal = 1}) --self.object:set_velocity({x = math.random(-5,5), y = 5, z = math.random(-5,5)}) self.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -9.81, z = 0}) if string.sub(staticdata, 1, string.len("return")) == "return" then local data = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) if data and type(data) == "table" then --self.range = data.range self.hp = data.hp self.hunger = data.hunger self.hostile = data.hostile self.hostile_timer = data.hostile_timer self.death_animation_timer = data.death_animation_timer self.dead = data.dead end end --set up mob self.object:set_animation({x=0,y=5}, 30, 0, true) self.object:set_hp(self.hp) self.direction = vector.new(math.random()*math.random(-1,1),0,math.random()*math.random(-1,1)) --[[ --set the head up local head = minetest.add_entity(self.object:get_pos(), "mob:head") if head then self.child = head self.child:get_luaentity().parent = self.object self.child:set_attach(self.object, "", self.head_mount, vector.new(0,0,0)) self.head_rotation = vector.new(0,0,0) self.child:set_animation({x=90,y=90}, 15, 0, true) end ]]-- self.is_mob = true self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal = 1}) --self.object:set_yaw(math.pi*math.random(-1,1)*math.random()) end --this is the info on the mob exploder.debug_nametag = function(self,dtime) --we're doing this to the child because the nametage breaks the --animation on the mob's body if self.child then --we add in items we want to see in this list local debug_items = {"hostile_timer","hostile"} local text = "" for _,item in pairs(debug_items) do if self[item] ~= nil then text = text..item..": "..tostring(self[item]).."\n" end end self.child:set_nametag_attributes({ color = "white", text = text }) end end