mobs.create_timer_functions = function(def,mob_register) --this controls how fast the mob punches mob_register.manage_punch_timer = function(self,dtime) if self.punch_timer > 0 then self.punch_timer = self.punch_timer - dtime end --this controls how fast you can punch the mob (punched timer reset) if self.punched_timer > 0 then --print(self.punched_timer) self.punched_timer = self.punched_timer - dtime end end --this controls the hostile state if def.hostile == false then mob_register.manage_hostile_timer = function(self,dtime) if self.hostile_timer > 0 then self.hostile_timer = self.hostile_timer - dtime end if self.hostile_timer <= 0 then self.hostile = false end end end mob_register.manage_explode_timer = function(self,dtime) self.tnt_timer = self.tnt_timer - dtime if self.tnt_timer <= 0 and not self.dead then self.object:set_texture_mod("^[colorize:red:130") if self.child then self.child:set_texture_mod("^[colorize:red:130") end local pos = self.object:get_pos() --direction.y = direction.y + 1 tnt(pos,7) self.death_animation_timer = 1 self.dead = true self.tnt_timer = 100 end end mob_register.manage_projectile_timer = function(self,dtime) self.projectile_timer = self.projectile_timer - dtime end --this stops the pig from flying into the air mob_register.manage_jump_timer = function(self,dtime) if self.jump_timer > 0 then self.jump_timer = self.jump_timer - dtime end end return(mob_register) end